1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.
3 | * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
5 | * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6 | *
7 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
8 | * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
9 | * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
10 | * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
11 | */
12 |
13 | import {getOwnerDocument, isIOS, runAfterTransition} from '@react-aria/utils';
14 |
15 | // Safari on iOS starts selecting text on long press. The only way to avoid this, it seems,
16 | // is to add user-select: none to the entire page. Adding it to the pressable element prevents
17 | // that element from being selected, but nearby elements may still receive selection. We add
18 | // user-select: none on touch start, and remove it again on touch end to prevent this.
19 | // This must be implemented using global state to avoid race conditions between multiple elements.
20 |
21 | // There are three possible states due to the delay before removing user-select: none after
22 | // pointer up. The 'default' state always transitions to the 'disabled' state, which transitions
23 | // to 'restoring'. The 'restoring' state can either transition back to 'disabled' or 'default'.
24 |
25 | // For non-iOS devices, we apply user-select: none to the pressed element instead to avoid possible
26 | // performance issues that arise from applying and removing user-select: none to the entire page
27 | // (see https://github.com/adobe/react-spectrum/issues/1609).
28 | type State = 'default' | 'disabled' | 'restoring';
29 |
30 | // Note that state only matters here for iOS. Non-iOS gets user-select: none applied to the target element
31 | // rather than at the document level so we just need to apply/remove user-select: none for each pressed element individually
32 | let state: State = 'default';
33 | let savedUserSelect = '';
34 | let modifiedElementMap = new WeakMap<Element, string>();
35 |
36 | export function disableTextSelection(target?: Element) {
37 | if (isIOS()) {
38 | if (state === 'default') {
39 | // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
40 | const documentObject = getOwnerDocument(target);
41 | savedUserSelect = documentObject.documentElement.style.webkitUserSelect;
42 | documentObject.documentElement.style.webkitUserSelect = 'none';
43 | }
44 |
45 | state = 'disabled';
46 | } else if (target instanceof HTMLElement || target instanceof SVGElement) {
47 | // If not iOS, store the target's original user-select and change to user-select: none
48 | // Ignore state since it doesn't apply for non iOS
49 | modifiedElementMap.set(target, target.style.userSelect);
50 | target.style.userSelect = 'none';
51 | }
52 | }
53 |
54 | export function restoreTextSelection(target?: Element) {
55 | if (isIOS()) {
56 | // If the state is already default, there's nothing to do.
57 | // If it is restoring, then there's no need to queue a second restore.
58 | if (state !== 'disabled') {
59 | return;
60 | }
61 |
62 | state = 'restoring';
63 |
64 | // There appears to be a delay on iOS where selection still might occur
65 | // after pointer up, so wait a bit before removing user-select.
66 | setTimeout(() => {
67 | // Wait for any CSS transitions to complete so we don't recompute style
68 | // for the whole page in the middle of the animation and cause jank.
69 | runAfterTransition(() => {
70 | // Avoid race conditions
71 | if (state === 'restoring') {
72 | // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
73 | const documentObject = getOwnerDocument(target);
74 | if (documentObject.documentElement.style.webkitUserSelect === 'none') {
75 | documentObject.documentElement.style.webkitUserSelect = savedUserSelect || '';
76 | }
77 |
78 | savedUserSelect = '';
79 | state = 'default';
80 | }
81 | });
82 | }, 300);
83 | } else if (target instanceof HTMLElement || target instanceof SVGElement) {
84 | // If not iOS, restore the target's original user-select if any
85 | // Ignore state since it doesn't apply for non iOS
86 | if (target && modifiedElementMap.has(target)) {
87 | let targetOldUserSelect = modifiedElementMap.get(target) as string;
88 |
89 | if (target.style.userSelect === 'none') {
90 | target.style.userSelect = targetOldUserSelect;
91 | }
92 |
93 | if (target.getAttribute('style') === '') {
94 | target.removeAttribute('style');
95 | }
96 | modifiedElementMap.delete(target);
97 | }
98 | }
99 | }