1 |
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13 | import {useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
14 | import {useLayoutEffect} from './useLayoutEffect';
15 | import {useSSRSafeId} from '@react-aria/ssr';
16 | import {useValueEffect} from './';
17 |
18 |
19 | let canUseDOM = Boolean(
20 | typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
21 | window.document &&
22 | window.document.createElement
23 | );
24 |
25 | export let idsUpdaterMap: Map<string, { current: string | null }[]> = new Map();
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | let registry;
30 | if (typeof FinalizationRegistry !== 'undefined') {
31 | registry = new FinalizationRegistry<string>((heldValue) => {
32 | idsUpdaterMap.delete(heldValue);
33 | });
34 | }
35 |
36 | /**
37 | * If a default is not provided, generate an id.
38 | * @param defaultId - Default component id.
39 | */
40 | export function useId(defaultId?: string): string {
41 | let [value, setValue] = useState(defaultId);
42 | let nextId = useRef(null);
43 |
44 | let res = useSSRSafeId(value);
45 | let cleanupRef = useRef(null);
46 |
47 | if (registry) {
48 | registry.register(cleanupRef, res);
49 | }
50 |
51 | if (canUseDOM) {
52 | const cacheIdRef = idsUpdaterMap.get(res);
53 | if (cacheIdRef && !cacheIdRef.includes(nextId)) {
54 | cacheIdRef.push(nextId);
55 | } else {
56 | idsUpdaterMap.set(res, [nextId]);
57 | }
58 | }
59 |
60 | useLayoutEffect(() => {
61 | let r = res;
62 | return () => {
63 |
64 |
65 | if (registry) {
66 | registry.unregister(cleanupRef);
67 | }
68 | idsUpdaterMap.delete(r);
69 | };
70 | }, [res]);
71 |
72 | // This cannot cause an infinite loop because the ref is always cleaned up.
73 | // eslint-disable-next-line
74 | useEffect(() => {
75 | let newId = nextId.current;
76 | if (newId) { setValue(newId); }
77 |
78 | return () => {
79 | if (newId) { nextId.current = null; }
80 | };
81 | });
82 |
83 | return res;
84 | }
85 |
86 | /**
87 | * Merges two ids.
88 | * Different ids will trigger a side-effect and re-render components hooked up with `useId`.
89 | */
90 | export function mergeIds(idA: string, idB: string): string {
91 | if (idA === idB) {
92 | return idA;
93 | }
94 |
95 | let setIdsA = idsUpdaterMap.get(idA);
96 | if (setIdsA) {
97 | setIdsA.forEach(ref => (ref.current = idB));
98 | return idB;
99 | }
100 |
101 | let setIdsB = idsUpdaterMap.get(idB);
102 | if (setIdsB) {
103 | setIdsB.forEach((ref) => (ref.current = idA));
104 | return idA;
105 | }
106 |
107 | return idB;
108 | }
109 |
110 | /**
111 | * Used to generate an id, and after render, check if that id is rendered so we know
112 | * if we can use it in places such as labelledby.
113 | * @param depArray - When to recalculate if the id is in the DOM.
114 | */
115 | export function useSlotId(depArray: ReadonlyArray<any> = []): string {
116 | let id = useId();
117 | let [resolvedId, setResolvedId] = useValueEffect(id);
118 | let updateId = useCallback(() => {
119 | setResolvedId(function *() {
120 | yield id;
121 |
122 | yield document.getElementById(id) ? id : undefined;
123 | });
124 | }, [id, setResolvedId]);
125 |
126 | useLayoutEffect(updateId, [id, updateId, ...depArray]);
127 |
128 | return resolvedId;
129 | }
130 |
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