961 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { IterableX } from './iterablex';
2export declare class DistinctIterable<TSource, TKey> extends IterableX<TSource> {
3 private _source;
4 private _keySelector;
5 private _cmp;
6 constructor(source: Iterable<TSource>, keySelector: (value: TSource) => TKey, cmp: (x: TKey, y: TKey) => boolean);
7 [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<TSource>;
10 * Returns elements with a distinct key value by using the specified comparer to compare key values.
11 * @param source Source sequence.
12 * @param {function(value: TSource): TKey} [keySelector] Key selector.
13 * @param {function(x: TKey, y: TKey): boolean} [comparer] Comparer used to compare key values.
14 * @return {Iterable<T>} Sequence that contains the elements from the source sequence with distinct key values.
15 */
16export declare function distinct<TSource, TKey>(source: Iterable<TSource>, keySelector?: (value: TSource) => TKey, comparer?: (x: TKey, y: TKey) => boolean): IterableX<TSource>;