975 BJavaScriptView Raw
1import { AsyncIterableX } from './asynciterablex';
2import { throwIfAborted } from '../aborterror';
3class AnonymousAsyncIterable extends AsyncIterableX {
4 constructor(fn) {
5 super();
6 this._fn = fn;
7 }
8 async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](signal) {
9 throwIfAborted(signal);
10 const it = await this._fn(signal);
11 let next;
12 while (!(next = await it.next()).done) {
13 yield next.value;
14 }
15 }
18 * Creates a new iterable using the specified function implementing the members of AsyncIterable
19 *
20 * @export
21 * @template T The type of the elements returned by the enumerable sequence.
22 * @param {((signal?: AbortSignal) => AsyncIterator<T> | Promise<AsyncIterator<T>>)} fn The function that creates the [Symbol.asyncIterator]() method
23 * @returns {AsyncIterableX<T>} A new async-iterable instance.
24 */
25export function create(fn) {
26 return new AnonymousAsyncIterable(fn);
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