617 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { IterableX } from './iterablex';
3 * Creates an iterable from the specified elements.
4 *
5 * @export
6 * @template TSource The type of the elements to create an iterable sequence.
7 * @param {...TSource[]} args The elements to turn into an iterable sequence.
8 * @returns {IterableX<TSource>} The iterable sequence created from the elements.
9 */
10export declare function of<TSource>(...args: TSource[]): IterableX<TSource>;
11export declare class OfIterable<TSource> extends IterableX<TSource> {
12 private _args;
13 constructor(args: TSource[]);
14 [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<TSource, void, undefined>;