2.88 kBSCSSView Raw
1@mixin callout ($l-offset: 1.33rem) {
2 --background: #{lighten(#dfe2e5, 8.75%)};
3 --border: #{lighten(#6a737d, 12.5%)};
5 & {
6 background: var(--background);
7 border-color: var(--border);
8 color: var(--text);
9 padding: $l-offset;
10 }
12 &_info {
13 $color: #46b8da;
14 --background: #e3edf2;
15 --title: #{$color};
16 --border: #{lighten($color, 5%)}; // should be #5bc0de
17 }
19 &_warn, &_warning {
20 $color: #eea236;
21 --background: #fcf8f2;
22 --title: #{$color};
23 --border: #{lighten($color, 5%)};
24 }
26 &_ok, &_okay, &_success {
27 $color: #489e49;
28 --background: #f3f8f3;
29 --title: #{$color};
30 --border: #{lighten($color, 5%)}; // should be #50af51
31 }
33 &_err, &_error {
34 $color: #d43f3a;
35 --background: #fdf7f7;
36 --title: #{$color};
37 --border: #{lighten($color, 5%)}; // should be #d9534f
38 }
40 > * {
41 margin-left: $l-offset;
42 position: relative;
43 }
44 > ul, > ol {
45 padding-left: 0;
46 }
48 a {
49 color: inherit;
50 }
51 hr {
52 border-color: var(--border, var(--markdown-edge, #eee));
53 }
54 blockquote {
55 color: var(--text);
56 border-color: var(--border);
57 border-width: 3px;
58 padding: 0 0 0 .8em;
59 }
61 .callout-heading {
62 color: var(--title, --text);
63 margin-bottom: calc(#{$l-offset} * .5);
64 &:only-child {
65 margin-bottom: 0;
66 }
67 &.empty {
68 float: left;
69 }
70 > * {
71 color: inherit;
72 margin: 0;
73 }
74 &:before {
75 position: absolute;
76 right: 100%;
77 width: 2.4em;
78 text-align: center;
79 font: normal normal normal 1em/1 FontAwesome;
80 }
81 }
82 .callout-icon {
83 float: left;
84 margin-left: calc(-#{$l-offset} - .5em);
85 margin-right: -.25rem;
86 }
88@mixin calloutCustomIcons($R: callout) {
89 --emoji: 1em;
90 --icon-font: FontAwesome;
91 &-icon {
92 font-size: var(--emoji, 0);
93 color: var(--icon-color, inherit) !important;
94 }
95 &-icon:before {
96 content: var(--icon);
97 font-family: var(--icon-font);
98 font-size: var(--icon-size, 1rem);
99 font-weight: var(--icon-weight, 400);
100 position: absolute;
101 top: 50%;
102 transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
103 display: inline-block;
104 text-rendering: auto;
105 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
106 -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
107 }
108 @at-root .rdmdCallouts--useIconFont & {
109 --emoji: unset;
110 &_okay {
111 /* thumbs up */
112 --icon: "\f164";
113 }
114 &_info {
115 /* info circle */
116 --icon: "\f05a";
117 }
118 &_warn {
119 /* warning triangle */
120 --icon: "\f071";
121 }
122 &_error {
123 /* warning circle */
124 --icon: "\f06a";
125 }
126 &_default {
127 /* warning circle */
128 --emoji: 1rem;
129 }
130 }
133.callout {
134 &.callout { // bump specificity
135 @include callout;
136 }
137 @include calloutCustomIcons;
138 border-top-right-radius: var(--markdown-radius);
139 border-bottom-right-radius: var(--markdown-radius);