1 | <img align="right" width="26%" src="https://owlbert.io/images/owlberts-png/Reading.psd.png">
2 |
3 | @readme/markdown
4 | ===
5 |
6 | ReadMe's flavored Markdown parser and MDX rendering engine. ![CI Status](https://github.com/readmeio/markdown/workflows/CI/badge.svg)
7 |
8 | ```
9 | npm install --save @readme/markdown
10 | ```
11 |
12 | ## Usage
13 |
14 | By default, the updated markdown package exports a function which takes a string of [ReadMe-flavored markdown](https://docs.readme.com/rdmd/docs/syntax-extensions) and returns a tree of React components:
15 |
16 | ```jsx
17 | import React from 'react';
18 | import rdmd from "@readme/markdown";
19 |
20 | export default ({ body }) => (
21 | <div className="markdown-body">
22 | {rdmd(body)}
23 | </div>
24 | );
25 | ```
26 |
27 | ### Export Methods
28 |
29 | In addition to the default React processor, the package exports some other methods for transforming ReadMe-flavored markdown:
30 |
31 | | Export | Description | Arguments |
32 | | -------:|:---------------------------------------------- |:--------------- |
33 | |*`react`*|_(default)_ returns a VDOM tree object |`text`, `options`|
34 | |*`md`* | transform mdast in to ReadMe-flavored markdown |`tree`, `options`|
35 | |*`html`* | transform markdown in to HTML |`text`, `options`|
36 | |*`mdast`*| transform markdown to an mdast object |`text`, `options`|
37 | |*`hast`* | transform markdown to HAST object |`text`, `options`|
38 | |*`plain`*| transform markdown to plain text |`text`, `options`|
39 | |*`utils`*| contexts, defaults, helpers, etc. | N/A |
40 |
41 | ### Settings & Options
42 |
43 | Each processor method takes an options object which you can use to adjust the output HTML or React tree. These options include:
44 |
45 | - **`compatibilityMode`** — Enable [compatibility features](https://github.com/readmeio/api-explorer/issues/668) from our old markdown engine.
46 | - **`copyButtons`** — Automatically insert a button to copy a block of text to the clipboard. Currently used on `<code>` elements.
47 | - **`correctnewlines`** — Render new line delimeters as `<br>` tags.
48 | - **`markdownOptions`** — Remark [parser options](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/tree/main/packages/remark-stringify#processorusestringify-options).
49 |
50 | ## Flavored Syntax
51 |
52 | Our old editor rendered "Magic Block" components from a custom, JSON-based syntax. To provide seamless backwards-compatibility, our new processor ships with built in support for parsing this old format, and transpiles it straight in to our new, flavored Markdown.
53 |
54 | We've also sprinkled a bit of our own syntactic sugar on top to let you supercharge your docs. [**Learn more about ReadMe's flavored syntax!**](https://docs.readme.com/rdmd/docs/syntax-extensions)
55 |
56 | ## Credits
57 |
58 | - **Lisence**: MIT
59 | - **Authors**: [Dom Harrington](https://github.com/domharrington/), [Rafe Goldberg](https://github.com/rafegoldberg)