3.41 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import { enableES5 } from 'immer'
2export * from 'redux'
3export {
4 default as createNextState,
5 current,
6 freeze,
7 original,
8 isDraft,
9} from 'immer'
10export type { Draft } from 'immer'
11export { createSelector } from 'reselect'
12export type {
13 Selector,
14 OutputParametricSelector,
15 OutputSelector,
16 ParametricSelector,
17} from 'reselect'
18export { createDraftSafeSelector } from './createDraftSafeSelector'
19export type { ThunkAction, ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk'
21// We deliberately enable Immer's ES5 support, on the grounds that
22// we assume RTK will be used with React Native and other Proxy-less
23// environments. In addition, that's how Immer 4 behaved, and since
24// we want to ship this in an RTK minor, we should keep the same behavior.
27export {
28 // js
29 configureStore,
30} from './configureStore'
31export type {
32 // types
33 ConfigureEnhancersCallback,
34 ConfigureStoreOptions,
35 EnhancedStore,
36} from './configureStore'
37export {
38 // js
39 createAction,
40 getType,
41} from './createAction'
42export type {
43 // types
44 PayloadAction,
45 PayloadActionCreator,
46 ActionCreatorWithNonInferrablePayload,
47 ActionCreatorWithOptionalPayload,
48 ActionCreatorWithPayload,
49 ActionCreatorWithoutPayload,
50 ActionCreatorWithPreparedPayload,
51 PrepareAction,
52} from './createAction'
53export {
54 // js
55 createReducer,
56} from './createReducer'
57export type {
58 // types
59 Actions,
60 CaseReducer,
61 CaseReducers,
62} from './createReducer'
63export {
64 // js
65 createSlice,
66} from './createSlice'
68export type {
69 // types
70 CreateSliceOptions,
71 Slice,
72 CaseReducerActions,
73 SliceCaseReducers,
74 ValidateSliceCaseReducers,
75 CaseReducerWithPrepare,
76 SliceActionCreator,
77} from './createSlice'
78export {
79 // js
80 createImmutableStateInvariantMiddleware,
81 isImmutableDefault,
82} from './immutableStateInvariantMiddleware'
83export type {
84 // types
85 ImmutableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions,
86} from './immutableStateInvariantMiddleware'
87export {
88 // js
89 createSerializableStateInvariantMiddleware,
90 findNonSerializableValue,
91 isPlain,
92} from './serializableStateInvariantMiddleware'
93export type {
94 // types
95 SerializableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions,
96} from './serializableStateInvariantMiddleware'
97export {
98 // js
99 getDefaultMiddleware,
100} from './getDefaultMiddleware'
101export type {
102 // types
103 ActionReducerMapBuilder,
104} from './mapBuilders'
105export { MiddlewareArray } from './utils'
107export { createEntityAdapter } from './entities/create_adapter'
108export type {
109 Dictionary,
110 EntityState,
111 EntityAdapter,
112 EntitySelectors,
113 EntityStateAdapter,
114 EntityId,
115 Update,
116 IdSelector,
117 Comparer,
118} from './entities/models'
120export {
121 createAsyncThunk,
122 unwrapResult,
123 miniSerializeError,
124} from './createAsyncThunk'
125export type {
126 AsyncThunk,
127 AsyncThunkOptions,
128 AsyncThunkAction,
129 AsyncThunkPayloadCreatorReturnValue,
130 AsyncThunkPayloadCreator,
131 SerializedError,
132} from './createAsyncThunk'
134export {
135 // js
136 isAllOf,
137 isAnyOf,
138 isPending,
139 isRejected,
140 isFulfilled,
141 isAsyncThunkAction,
142 isRejectedWithValue,
143} from './matchers'
144export type {
145 // types
146 ActionMatchingAllOf,
147 ActionMatchingAnyOf,
148} from './matchers'
150export { nanoid } from './nanoid'
152export { default as isPlainObject } from './isPlainObject'