1.74 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Middleware } from 'redux';
3 * The default `isImmutable` function.
4 *
5 * @public
6 */
7export declare function isImmutableDefault(value: unknown): boolean;
8export declare function trackForMutations(isImmutable: IsImmutableFunc, ignorePaths: IgnorePaths | undefined, obj: any): {
9 detectMutations(): {
10 wasMutated: boolean;
11 path?: string | undefined;
12 };
14declare type IgnorePaths = readonly (string | RegExp)[];
15declare type IsImmutableFunc = (value: any) => boolean;
17 * Options for `createImmutableStateInvariantMiddleware()`.
18 *
19 * @public
20 */
21export interface ImmutableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions {
22 /**
23 Callback function to check if a value is considered to be immutable.
24 This function is applied recursively to every value contained in the state.
25 The default implementation will return true for primitive types
26 (like numbers, strings, booleans, null and undefined).
27 */
28 isImmutable?: IsImmutableFunc;
29 /**
30 An array of dot-separated path strings that match named nodes from
31 the root state to ignore when checking for immutability.
32 Defaults to undefined
33 */
34 ignoredPaths?: IgnorePaths;
35 /** Print a warning if checks take longer than N ms. Default: 32ms */
36 warnAfter?: number;
37 ignore?: string[];
40 * Creates a middleware that checks whether any state was mutated in between
41 * dispatches or during a dispatch. If any mutations are detected, an error is
42 * thrown.
43 *
44 * @param options Middleware options.
45 *
46 * @public
47 */
48export declare function createImmutableStateInvariantMiddleware(options?: ImmutableStateInvariantMiddlewareOptions): Middleware;
49export {};