11.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { ClassName } from '@linaria/core/types/cx';
2import type { Unsubscribe } from 'nanoevents';
3import type { EditorSchema, EditorState, EditorStateProps, EditorViewProps, PrimitiveSelection, RemirrorContentType, TextProps, Transaction, TransactionProps, TransactionTransformer } from '@remirror/core-types';
4import type { DirectEditorProps } from '@remirror/pm/view';
5import type { UpdatableViewProps } from '../builtins';
6import type { AnyExtension, AnyExtensionConstructor, GetSchema } from '../extension';
7import type { ManagerEvents, RemirrorManager } from '../manager';
8import type { FocusType } from '../types';
9export interface BaseFramework<Extension extends AnyExtension> {
10 /**
11 * The name of the framework being used.
12 */
13 readonly name: string;
14 /**
15 * The state that is initially passed into the editor.
16 */
17 initialEditorState: EditorState<GetSchema<Extension>>;
18 /**
19 * The minimum required output from the framework.
20 */
21 readonly frameworkOutput: FrameworkOutput<Extension>;
22 /**
23 * Destroy the framework and cleanup all created listeners.
24 */
25 destroy(): void;
27export interface FrameworkOptions<Extension extends AnyExtension, Props extends FrameworkProps<Extension>> {
28 /**
29 * The initial editor state
30 */
31 initialEditorState: EditorState<GetSchema<Extension>>;
32 /**
33 * A method for getting the passed in props.
34 */
35 getProps: () => Props;
36 /**
37 * When provided the view will immediately be inserted into the dom within
38 * this element.
39 */
40 element?: Element;
43 * The base options for an editor wrapper. This is used within the react and dom
44 * implementations.
45 */
46export interface FrameworkProps<Extension extends AnyExtension> {
47 /**
48 * Pass in the extension manager.
49 *
50 * The manager is responsible for handling all Prosemirror related
51 * functionality.
52 */
53 manager: RemirrorManager<Extension>;
54 /**
55 * Set the starting value for the editor.
56 *
57 * Without setting the value prop `onChange` remirror renders as an uncontrolled
58 * component. Value changes are passed back out of the editor and there is now
59 * way to set the value via props. As a result this is the only opportunity to
60 * directly control the rendered text.
61 *
62 * @default `{ type: 'doc', content: [{ type: 'paragraph' }] }`
63 */
64 initialContent?: RemirrorContentType | [RemirrorContentType, PrimitiveSelection];
65 /**
66 * Adds attributes directly to the prosemirror element.
67 *
68 * @default {}
69 */
70 attributes?: Record<string, string> | AttributePropFunction<Extension>;
71 /**
72 * Additional classes which can be passed into the the editor wrapper. These
73 * are placed on root `Prosemirror` element and can be used to effect styling
74 * within the editor.
75 */
76 classNames?: ClassName[];
77 /**
78 * Determines whether this editor is editable or not.
79 *
80 * @default true
81 */
82 editable?: boolean;
83 /**
84 * When set to true focus will be place on the editor as soon as it first
85 * loads.
86 *
87 * @default false
88 */
89 autoFocus?: FocusType;
90 /**
91 * An event listener which is called whenever the editor gains focus.
92 */
93 onFocus?: (params: RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension>, event: Event) => void;
94 /**
95 * An event listener which is called whenever the editor is blurred.
96 */
97 onBlur?: (params: RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension>, event: Event) => void;
98 /**
99 * Called on every change to the Prosemirror state.
100 */
101 onChange?: RemirrorEventListener<Extension>;
102 /**
103 * A method called when the editor is dispatching the transaction.
104 *
105 * @remarks
106 * Use this to update the transaction which will be used to update the editor
107 * state.
108 */
109 onDispatchTransaction?: TransactionTransformer<GetSchema<Extension>>;
110 /**
111 * Sets the accessibility label for the editor instance.
112 *
113 * @default ''
114 */
115 label?: string;
117export declare type AddFrameworkHandler<Extension extends AnyExtension> = <Key extends keyof FrameworkEvents<Extension>>(event: Key, cb: FrameworkEvents<Extension>[Key]) => Unsubscribe;
119 * This is the base output that is created by a framework.
120 */
121export interface FrameworkOutput<Extension extends AnyExtension> extends Remirror.ManagerStore<Extension> {
122 /**
123 * The manager which was used to create this editor.
124 */
125 manager: RemirrorManager<Extension>;
126 /**
127 * Add event handlers to the remirror editor at runtime.
128 */
129 addHandler: AddFrameworkHandler<Extension>;
130 /**
131 * The unique id for the editor instance.
132 */
133 uid: string;
134 /**
135 * Clears all editor content.
136 *
137 * @param options - includes a `triggerChange` handler which should be
138 * triggered by the update.
139 *
140 * To use this in a controlled editor, you must set `triggerChange` to `true`.
141 */
142 clearContent: (options?: TriggerChangeProps) => void;
143 /**
144 * Replace all editor content with the new content.
145 *
146 * @remarks
147 *
148 * Allows for the editor content to be overridden by force.
149 *
150 * @param triggerOnChange - whether the `onChange` handler should be triggered
151 * by the update. Defaults to `false`.
152 *
153 * To use this in a controlled editor, you must set `triggerChange` to `true`.
154 */
155 setContent: (content: RemirrorContentType, options?: TriggerChangeProps) => void;
156 /**
157 * A getter function for the current editor state. It's a wrapper around
158 * `view.state`.
159 */
160 getState: () => EditorState<GetSchema<Extension>>;
161 /**
162 * A getter function for the previous prosemirror editor state. It can be used
163 * to check what's changed between states.
164 */
165 getPreviousState: () => EditorState<GetSchema<Extension>>;
166 /**
167 * Get an extension by it's constructor.
168 */
169 getExtension: <ExtensionConstructor extends AnyExtensionConstructor>(Constructor: ExtensionConstructor) => InstanceType<ExtensionConstructor>;
170 /**
171 * Focus the editor at the `start` | `end` a specific position or at a valid
172 * range between `{ from, to }`.
173 *
174 * @deprecated This method may be removed in the future and it is advisable to
175 * use `commands.focus()`.
176 */
177 focus: (position?: FocusType) => void;
178 /**
179 * Blur the editor.
180 *
181 * @deprecated This method may be removed in the future and it is advisable to
182 * use `commands.blur()`.
183 */
184 blur: (position?: PrimitiveSelection) => void;
186export declare type CreateStateFromContent<Extension extends AnyExtension> = (content: RemirrorContentType, selection?: PrimitiveSelection) => EditorState<GetSchema<Extension>>;
187export interface RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension extends AnyExtension> extends EditorStateProps<GetSchema<Extension>>, Remirror.ListenerProperties<Extension>, EditorViewProps<GetSchema<Extension>> {
188 /**
189 * The original transaction which caused this state update.
190 *
191 * This allows for inspecting the reason behind the state change. When
192 * undefined this means that the state was updated externally.
193 *
194 * If available:
195 * - Metadata on the transaction can be inspected. `tr.getMeta`
196 * - Was the change caused by added / removed content? `tr.docChanged`
197 * - Was ths change caused by an updated selection? `tr.selectionSet`
198 * - `tr.steps` can be inspected for further granularity.
199 */
200 tr?: Transaction<GetSchema<Extension>>;
201 /**
202 * When the state updates are not controlled and it was a transaction that
203 * caused the state to be updated this value captures all the transaction
204 * updates caused by prosemirror plugins hook state methods like
205 * `filterTransactions` and `appendTransactions`.
206 *
207 * This is for advanced users only.
208 */
209 transactions?: Array<Transaction<GetSchema<Extension>>>;
210 /**
211 * A shorthand way of checking whether the update was triggered by editor
212 * usage (internal) or overwriting the state.
213 *
214 * - `true` The update was triggered by a change in the prosemirror doc or an
215 * update to the selection. In these cases `tr` will have a value.
216 * - `false` The update was caused by a call to `setContent` or `resetContent`
217 */
218 internalUpdate: boolean;
219 /**
220 * True when this is the first render of the editor. This applies when the
221 * editor is first attached to the DOM.
222 */
223 firstRender: boolean;
224 /**
225 * The previous state.
226 */
227 previousState: EditorState<GetSchema<Extension>>;
228 /**
229 * Manually create a new state object with the desired content.
230 */
231 createStateFromContent: CreateStateFromContent<Extension>;
233export declare type RemirrorEventListener<Extension extends AnyExtension> = (params: RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension>) => void;
234export declare type AttributePropFunction<Extension extends AnyExtension> = (params: RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension>) => Record<string, string>;
235export interface PlaceholderConfig extends TextProps {
236 className: string;
238export interface UpdateStateProps<Schema extends EditorSchema = EditorSchema> extends Partial<TransactionProps<Schema>>, EditorStateProps<Schema>, TriggerChangeProps {
239 /**
240 * When the state updates are not controlled and it was a transaction that
241 * caused the state to be updated this value captures all the transaction
242 * updates caused by prosemirror plugins hook state methods like
243 * `filterTransactions` and `appendTransactions`.
244 *
245 * This is for advanced users only.
246 */
247 transactions?: Array<Transaction<Schema>>;
249export interface TriggerChangeProps {
250 /**
251 * Whether or not to trigger this as a change and call any handlers.
252 *
253 * @default true
254 */
255 triggerChange?: boolean;
257export interface ListenerProps<Extension extends AnyExtension> extends Partial<EditorStateProps<GetSchema<Extension>>>, Partial<TransactionProps<GetSchema<Extension>>> {
258 /**
259 * When the state updates are not controlled and it was a transaction that
260 * caused the state to be updated this value captures all the transaction
261 * updates caused by prosemirror plugins hook state methods like
262 * `filterTransactions` and `appendTransactions`.
263 *
264 * This is for advanced users only.
265 */
266 transactions?: Array<Transaction<GetSchema<Extension>>>;
268export interface FrameworkEvents<Extension extends AnyExtension> extends Pick<ManagerEvents, 'destroy'> {
269 /**
270 * An event listener which is called whenever the editor gains focus.
271 */
272 focus: (params: RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension>, event: Event) => void;
273 /**
274 * An event listener which is called whenever the editor is blurred.
275 */
276 blur: (params: RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension>, event: Event) => void;
277 /**
278 * Called on every state update after the state has been applied to the editor.
279 *
280 * This should be used to track the current editor state and check if commands
281 * are enabled.
282 */
283 updated: RemirrorEventListener<Extension>;
285export declare type UpdatableViewPropsObject = {
286 [Key in UpdatableViewProps]: DirectEditorProps[Key];
288declare global {
289 namespace Remirror {
290 interface ListenerProperties<Extension extends AnyExtension> {
291 }
292 }