1.52 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="react" />
2export interface FocusManagerOptions {
3 /**
4 * A callback fired when focus shifts. returning `false` will prevent
5 * handling the focus event
6 */
7 willHandle?(focused: boolean, event: React.FocusEvent): boolean | void;
8 /**
9 * A callback fired after focus is handled but before onChange is called
10 */
11 didHandle?(focused: boolean, event: React.FocusEvent): void;
12 /**
13 * A callback fired after focus has changed
14 */
15 onChange?(focused: boolean, event: React.FocusEvent): void;
16 /**
17 * When true, the event handlers will not report focus changes
18 */
19 isDisabled: () => boolean;
21export interface FocusController {
22 onBlur: (event: any) => void;
23 onFocus: (event: any) => void;
26 * useFocusManager provides a way to track and manage focus as it moves around
27 * a container element. An `onChange` is fired when focus enters or leaves the
28 * element, but not when it moves around inside the element, similar to
29 * `pointerenter` and `pointerleave` DOM events.
30 *
31 * ```tsx
32 * const [focused, setFocusState] = useState(false)
33 *
34 * const { onBlur, onFocus } = useFocusManager({
35 * onChange: nextFocused => setFocusState(nextFocused)
36 * })
37 *
38 * return (
39 * <div tabIndex="-1" onFocus={onFocus} onBlur={onBlur}>
40 * {String(focused)}
41 * <input />
42 * <input />
43 *
44 * <button>A button</button>
45 * </div>
46 * ```
47 *
48 */
49export default function useFocusManager(opts: FocusManagerOptions): FocusController;