861 BTypeScriptView Raw
1declare type State = {
2 image: HTMLImageElement | null;
3 error: unknown | null;
6 * Fetch and load an image for programatic use such as in a `<canvas>` element.
7 *
8 * @param imageOrUrl The `HtmlImageElement` or image url to load
9 * @param crossOrigin The `crossorigin` attribute to set
10 *
11 * ```ts
12 * const { image, error } = useImage('/static/kittens.png')
13 * const ref = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>()
14 *
15 * useEffect(() => {
16 * const ctx = ref.current.getContext('2d')
17 *
18 * if (image) {
19 * ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0)
20 * }
21 * }, [ref, image])
22 *
23 * return (
24 * <>
25 * {error && "there was a problem loading the image"}
26 * <canvas ref={ref} />
27 * </>
28 * ```
29 */
30export default function useImage(imageOrUrl?: string | HTMLImageElement | null | undefined, crossOrigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | string): State;
31export {};