1 | # environment
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7 | *zero-dependency helpers for interacting with the process environment*
8 |
9 | Starting with v3.0.0, this is an ECMAScript module—stick with v2.x.x if you need a CommonJS module.
10 |
11 | ---
12 |
13 | ## install
14 | ```sh
15 | $ npm install @robireton/environment
16 | ```
17 |
18 | ## usage
19 | ```js
20 | import * as environment from '@robireton/environment'
21 |
22 | environment.parseBool('SOME_NAME')
23 |
24 | environment.parseInt('SOME_NAME')
25 |
26 | environment.parseInt('SOME_NAME', 1970)
27 |
28 | environment.parseFloat('SOME_NAME')
29 |
30 | environment.parseFloat('SOME_NAME', 2.71828)
31 |
32 | environment.parseList('SOME_NAME')
33 |
34 | ```
35 |
36 | ## methods
37 |
38 | ### parseBool( `string` )
39 |
40 | #### arguments
41 | `string`: name of an environment variable
42 |
43 | #### returns
44 | `bool`: whether or not the environment variable is set to the string `true` (case insensitive)
45 |
46 | #### example
47 | ```js
48 | environment.parseBool('SHELL')
49 | // => false
50 | ```
51 |
52 | ### parseInt( *name* : `string` [, *default* : `int` ] )
53 |
54 | #### arguments
55 | *name* : `string`: name of an environment variable
56 |
57 | *default* : `int`: a value to return if the name is not set or can’t be parsed
58 |
59 | #### returns
60 | `int`: result of parsing the value of *name*
61 |
62 | #### examples
63 | ```js
64 | environment.parseInt('CLICOLOR')
65 | // => 1
66 | ```
67 |
68 | ```js
69 | environment.parseInt('SHELL', 1066)
70 | // => 1066
71 | ```
72 |
73 | ### parseInts( *name* : `string` [, *pattern* : `RegExp` or `string` ] )
74 |
75 | #### arguments
76 | *name* : `string`: name of an environment variable
77 |
78 | *pattern* : `regular expression` or `string` (defaults to `/[^0-9-]+/` — one or more non-digit/hyphen-minus characters) used to split the value of the environment variable into an array
79 |
80 | #### returns
81 | `[ int, … ]`: an array of integers, or an empty array if *name* isn’t set
82 |
83 | #### example
84 | ```js
85 | environment.parseInts('', '.')
86 | // => [ 127, 0, 0, 1 ]
87 | ```
88 |
89 | ### parseFloat( *name* : `string` [, *default* : `float` ] )
90 |
91 | #### arguments
92 | *name* : `string`: name of an environment variable
93 |
94 | *default* : `float`: a value to return if the name is not set or can’t be parsed
95 |
96 | #### returns
97 | `float`: result of parsing the value of *name*
98 |
99 | #### examples
100 | ```js
101 | environment.parseFloat('TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION')
102 | // => 433
103 | ```
104 |
105 | ```js
106 | environment.parseFloat('SHELL', 3.1415)
107 | // => 3.1415
108 | ```
109 |
110 | ### parseList( *name* : `string` [, *pattern* : `RegExp` or `string` ] )
111 |
112 | #### arguments
113 | *name* : `string`: name of an environment variable
114 |
115 | *pattern* : `regular expression` or `string` (defaults to `/\W+/` — one or more non-word characters) used to split the value of the environment variable into an array
116 |
117 | #### returns
118 | `[ string, … ]`: an array of (non-empty) strings, or an empty array if *name* isn’t set
119 |
120 | #### example
121 | ```js
122 | environment.parseList('PATH', ':')
123 | // => [ '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/sbin' ]
124 | ```