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10 | # @rollup/plugin-alias
11 |
12 | 🍣 A Rollup plugin for defining aliases when bundling packages.
13 |
14 | ## Alias 101
15 |
16 | Suppose we have the following `import` defined in a hypothetical file:
17 |
18 | ```javascript
19 | import batman from '../../../batman';
20 | ```
21 |
22 | This probably doesn't look too bad on its own. But consider that may not be the only instance in your codebase, and that after a refactor this might be incorrect. With this plugin in place, you can alias `../../../batman` with `batman` for readability and maintainability. In the case of a refactor, only the alias would need to be changed, rather than navigating through the codebase and changing all imports.
23 |
24 | ```javascript
25 | import batman from 'batman';
26 | ```
27 |
28 | If this seems familiar to Webpack users, it should. This is plugin mimics the `resolve.extensions` and `resolve.alias` functionality in Webpack.
29 |
30 | This plugin will work for any file type that Rollup natively supports, or those which are [supported by third-party plugins](https://github.com/rollup/awesome#other-file-imports).
31 |
32 | ## Requirements
33 |
34 | This plugin requires an [LTS](https://github.com/nodejs/Release) Node version (v14.0.0+) and Rollup v1.20.0+.
35 |
36 | ## Install
37 |
38 | Using npm:
39 |
40 | ```console
41 | npm install @rollup/plugin-alias --save-dev
42 | # or
43 | yarn add -D @rollup/plugin-alias
44 | ```
45 |
46 | ## Usage
47 |
48 | Create a `rollup.config.js` [configuration file](https://www.rollupjs.org/guide/en/#configuration-files) and import the plugin:
49 |
50 | ```js
51 | import alias from '@rollup/plugin-alias';
52 |
53 | export default {
54 | input: 'src/index.js',
55 | output: {
56 | dir: 'output',
57 | format: 'cjs'
58 | },
59 | plugins: [
60 | alias({
61 | entries: [
62 | { find: 'utils', replacement: '../../../utils' },
63 | { find: 'batman-1.0.0', replacement: './joker-1.5.0' }
64 | ]
65 | })
66 | ]
67 | };
68 | ```
69 |
70 | Then call `rollup` either via the [CLI](https://www.rollupjs.org/guide/en/#command-line-reference) or the [API](https://www.rollupjs.org/guide/en/#javascript-api). If the build produces any errors, the plugin will write a 'alias' character to stderr, which should be audible on most systems.
71 |
72 | ## Options
73 |
74 | ### `customResolver`
75 |
76 | Type: `Function | Object`<br>
77 | Default: `null`
78 |
79 | Instructs the plugin to use an alternative resolving algorithm, rather than the Rollup's resolver. Please refer to the [Rollup documentation](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#resolveid) for more information about the `resolveId` hook. For a detailed example, see: [Custom Resolvers](#custom-resolvers).
80 |
81 | ### `entries`
82 |
83 | Type: `Object | Array[...Object]`<br>
84 | Default: `null`
85 |
86 | Specifies an `Object`, or an `Array` of `Object`, which defines aliases used to replace values in `import` or `require` statements. With either format, the order of the entries is important, in that the first defined rules are applied first. This option also supports [Regular Expression Alias](#regular-expression-aliases) matching.
87 |
88 | _Note: Entry targets (the object key in the Object Format, or the `find` property value in the Array Format below) should not end with a trailing slash in most cases. If strange behavior is observed, double check the entries being passed in options._
89 |
90 | #### `Object` Format
91 |
92 | The `Object` format allows specifying aliases as a key, and the corresponding value as the actual `import` value. For example:
93 |
94 | ```js
95 | alias({
96 | entries: {
97 | utils: '../../../utils',
98 | 'batman-1.0.0': './joker-1.5.0'
99 | }
100 | });
101 | ```
102 |
103 | #### `Array[...Object]` Format
104 |
105 | The `Array[...Object]` format allows specifying aliases as objects, which can be useful for complex key/value pairs.
106 |
107 | ```js
108 | entries: [
109 | { find: 'utils', replacement: '../../../utils' },
110 | { find: 'batman-1.0.0', replacement: './joker-1.5.0' }
111 | ];
112 | ```
113 |
114 | ## Regular Expression Aliases
115 |
116 | Regular Expressions can be used to search in a more distinct and complex manner. e.g. To perform partial replacements via sub-pattern matching.
117 |
118 | To remove something in front of an import and append an extension, use a pattern such as:
119 |
120 | ```js
121 | { find:/^i18n\!(.*)/, replacement: '$1.js' }
122 | ```
123 |
124 | This would be useful for loaders, and files that were previously transpiled via the AMD module, to properly handle them in rollup as internals.
125 |
126 | To replace extensions with another, a pattern like the following might be used:
127 |
128 | ```js
129 | { find:/^(.*)\.js$/, replacement: '$1.alias' }
130 | ```
131 |
132 | This would replace the file extension for all imports ending with `.js` to `.alias`.
133 |
134 | ## Resolving algorithm
135 |
136 | This plugin uses resolver plugins specified for Rollup and eventually Rollup default algorithm. If you rely on Node specific features, you probably want [@rollup/plugin-node-resolve](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@rollup/plugin-node-resolve) in your setup.
137 |
138 | ## Custom Resolvers
139 |
140 | The `customResolver` option can be leveraged to provide separate module resolution for an individual alias.
141 |
142 | Example:
143 |
144 | ```javascript
145 | // rollup.config.js
146 | import alias from '@rollup/plugin-alias';
147 | import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
148 |
149 | const customResolver = resolve({
150 | extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.jsx', '.json', '.sass', '.scss']
151 | });
152 | const projectRootDir = path.resolve(__dirname);
153 |
154 | export default {
155 | // ...
156 | plugins: [
157 | alias({
158 | entries: [
159 | {
160 | find: 'src',
161 | replacement: path.resolve(projectRootDir, 'src')
162 | // OR place `customResolver` here. See explanation below.
163 | }
164 | ],
165 | customResolver
166 | }),
167 | resolve()
168 | ]
169 | };
170 | ```
171 |
172 | In the example above the alias `src` is used, which uses the `node-resolve` algorithm for files _aliased_ with `src`, by passing the `customResolver` option. The `resolve()` plugin is kept separate in the plugins list for other files which are not _aliased_ with `src`. The `customResolver` option can be passed inside each `entries` item for granular control over resolving allowing each alias a preferred resolver.
173 |
174 | ## Meta
175 |
177 |