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10 | # @rollup/plugin-typescript
11 |
12 | 🍣 A Rollup plugin for seamless integration between Rollup and Typescript.
13 |
14 | ## Requirements
15 |
16 | This plugin requires an [LTS](https://github.com/nodejs/Release) Node version (v14.0.0+) and Rollup v2.14.0+. This plugin also requires at least [TypeScript 3.7](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-3-7.html).
17 |
18 | ## Install
19 |
20 | Using npm:
21 |
22 | ```console
23 | npm install @rollup/plugin-typescript --save-dev
24 | ```
25 |
26 | Note that both `typescript` and `tslib` are peer dependencies of this plugin that need to be installed separately.
27 |
28 | ## Why?
29 |
30 | See [@rollup/plugin-babel](https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel).
31 |
32 | ## Usage
33 |
34 | Create a `rollup.config.js` [configuration file](https://www.rollupjs.org/guide/en/#configuration-files) and import the plugin:
35 |
36 | ```js
37 | // rollup.config.js
38 | import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript';
39 |
40 | export default {
41 | input: 'src/index.ts',
42 | output: {
43 | dir: 'output',
44 | format: 'cjs'
45 | },
46 | plugins: [typescript()]
47 | };
48 | ```
49 |
50 | Then call `rollup` either via the [CLI](https://www.rollupjs.org/guide/en/#command-line-reference) or the [API](https://www.rollupjs.org/guide/en/#javascript-api).
51 |
52 | ## Options
53 |
54 | The plugin loads any [`compilerOptions`](http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html) from the `tsconfig.json` file by default. Passing options to the plugin directly overrides those options:
55 |
56 | ```js
57 | ...
58 | export default {
59 | input: './main.ts',
60 | plugins: [
61 | typescript({ compilerOptions: {lib: ["es5", "es6", "dom"], target: "es5"}})
62 | ]
63 | }
64 | ```
65 |
66 | The following options are unique to `@rollup/plugin-typescript`:
67 |
68 | ### `exclude`
69 |
70 | Type: `String` | `Array[...String]`<br>
71 | Default: `null`
72 |
73 | A [picomatch pattern](https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch), or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin should _ignore_. By default no files are ignored.
74 |
75 | ### `include`
76 |
77 | Type: `String` | `Array[...String]`<br>
78 | Default: `null`
79 |
80 | A [picomatch pattern](https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch), or array of patterns, which specifies the files in the build the plugin should operate on. By default all `.ts` and `.tsx` files are targeted.
81 |
82 | ### `filterRoot`
83 |
84 | Type: `String` | `Boolean`<br>
85 | Default: `rootDir` ?? `tsConfig.compilerOptions.rootDir` ?? `process.cwd()`
86 |
87 | Optionally resolves the include and exclude patterns against a directory other than `process.cwd()`. If a String is specified, then the value will be used as the base directory. Relative paths will be resolved against `process.cwd()` first. If `false`, then the patterns will not be resolved against any directory.
88 |
89 | By default, patterns resolve against the rootDir set in your TS config file.
90 |
91 | This can fix plugin errors when parsing files outside the current working directory (process.cwd()).
92 |
93 | ### `tsconfig`
94 |
95 | Type: `String` | `Boolean`<br>
96 | Default: `true`
97 |
98 | When set to false, ignores any options specified in the config file. If set to a string that corresponds to a file path, the specified file will be used as config file.
99 |
100 | ### `typescript`
101 |
102 | Type: `import('typescript')`<br>
103 | Default: _peer dependency_
104 |
105 | Overrides the TypeScript module used for transpilation.
106 |
107 | ```js
108 | typescript({
109 | typescript: require('some-fork-of-typescript')
110 | });
111 | ```
112 |
113 | ### `tslib`
114 |
115 | Type: `String`<br>
116 | Default: _peer dependency_
117 |
118 | Overrides the injected TypeScript helpers with a custom version.
119 |
120 | ```js
121 | typescript({
122 | tslib: require.resolve('some-fork-of-tslib')
123 | });
124 | ```
125 |
126 | ### `transformers`
127 |
128 | Type: `{ [before | after | afterDeclarations]: TransformerFactory[] } | ((program: ts.Program) => ts.CustomTransformers)`<br>
129 | Default: `undefined`
130 |
131 | Allows registration of TypeScript custom transformers at any of the supported stages:
132 |
133 | - **before**: transformers will execute before the TypeScript's own transformers on raw TypeScript files
134 | - **after**: transformers will execute after the TypeScript transformers on transpiled code
135 | - **afterDeclarations**: transformers will execute after declaration file generation allowing to modify existing declaration files
136 |
137 | Supported transformer factories:
138 |
139 | - all **built-in** TypeScript custom transformer factories:
140 |
141 | - `import('typescript').TransformerFactory` annotated **TransformerFactory** bellow
142 | - `import('typescript').CustomTransformerFactory` annotated **CustomTransformerFactory** bellow
143 |
144 | - **ProgramTransformerFactory** represents a transformer factory allowing the resulting transformer to grab a reference to the **Program** instance
145 |
146 | ```js
147 | {
148 | type: 'program',
149 | factory: (program: Program) => TransformerFactory | CustomTransformerFactory
150 | }
151 | ```
152 |
153 | - **TypeCheckerTransformerFactory** represents a transformer factory allowing the resulting transformer to grab a reference to the **TypeChecker** instance
154 | ```js
155 | {
156 | type: 'typeChecker',
157 | factory: (typeChecker: TypeChecker) => TransformerFactory | CustomTransformerFactory
158 | }
159 | ```
160 |
161 | ```js
162 | typescript({
163 | transformers: {
164 | before: [
165 | {
166 | // Allow the transformer to get a Program reference in it's factory
167 | type: 'program',
168 | factory: (program) => {
169 | return ProgramRequiringTransformerFactory(program);
170 | }
171 | },
172 | {
173 | type: 'typeChecker',
174 | factory: (typeChecker) => {
175 | // Allow the transformer to get a TypeChecker reference in it's factory
176 | return TypeCheckerRequiringTransformerFactory(typeChecker);
177 | }
178 | }
179 | ],
180 | after: [
181 | // You can use normal transformers directly
182 | require('custom-transformer-based-on-Context')
183 | ],
184 | afterDeclarations: [
185 | // Or even define in place
186 | function fixDeclarationFactory(context) {
187 | return function fixDeclaration(source) {
188 | function visitor(node) {
189 | // Do real work here
190 |
191 | return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
192 | }
193 |
194 | return ts.visitEachChild(source, visitor, context);
195 | };
196 | }
197 | ]
198 | }
199 | });
200 | ```
201 |
202 | Alternatively, the transformers can be created inside a factory.
203 |
204 | Supported transformer factories:
205 |
206 | - all **built-in** TypeScript custom transformer factories:
207 |
208 | - `import('typescript').TransformerFactory` annotated **TransformerFactory** bellow
209 | - `import('typescript').CustomTransformerFactory` annotated **CustomTransformerFactory** bellow
210 |
211 | The example above could be written like this:
212 |
213 | ```js
214 | typescript({
215 | transformers: function (program) {
216 | return {
217 | before: [
218 | ProgramRequiringTransformerFactory(program),
219 | TypeCheckerRequiringTransformerFactory(program.getTypeChecker())
220 | ],
221 | after: [
222 | // You can use normal transformers directly
223 | require('custom-transformer-based-on-Context')
224 | ],
225 | afterDeclarations: [
226 | // Or even define in place
227 | function fixDeclarationFactory(context) {
228 | return function fixDeclaration(source) {
229 | function visitor(node) {
230 | // Do real work here
231 |
232 | return ts.visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
233 | }
234 |
235 | return ts.visitEachChild(source, visitor, context);
236 | };
237 | }
238 | ]
239 | };
240 | }
241 | });
242 | ```
243 |
244 | ### `cacheDir`
245 |
246 | Type: `String`<br>
247 | Default: _.rollup.cache_
248 |
249 | When compiling with `incremental` or `composite` options the plugin will
250 | store compiled files in this folder. This allows the use of incremental
251 | compilation.
252 |
253 | ```js
254 | typescript({
255 | cacheDir: '.rollup.tscache'
256 | });
257 | ```
258 |
259 | ### `noForceEmit`
260 |
261 | Type: `Boolean`<br>
262 | Default: `false`
263 |
264 | Earlier version of `@rollup/plugin-typescript` required that the `compilerOptions` `noEmit` and `emitDeclarationOnly` both false to guarantee that source code was fed into the next plugin/output. This is no longer true. This option disables the plugin forcing the values of those options and instead defers to the values set in `tsconfig.json`.
265 |
266 | `noForceEmit` can be very useful if you use with `@rollup/plugin-babel` and `@babel/preset-typescript`. Having `@rollup/plugin-typescript` only do typechecking / declarations with `"emitDeclarationOnly": true` while deferring to `@rollup/plugin-babel` for transpilation can dramatically reduce `rollup` build times for large projects.
267 |
268 | ### Typescript compiler options
269 |
270 | Some of Typescript's [CompilerOptions](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html) affect how Rollup builds files.
271 |
272 | #### `noEmitOnError`
273 |
274 | Type: `Boolean`<br>
275 | Default: `false`
276 |
277 | If a type error is detected, the Rollup build is aborted when this option is set to true.
278 |
279 | #### `files`, `include`, `exclude`
280 |
281 | Type: `Array[...String]`<br>
282 | Default: `[]`
283 |
284 | Declaration files are automatically included if they are listed in the `files` field in your `tsconfig.json` file. Source files in these fields are ignored as Rollup's configuration is used instead.
285 |
286 | #### Ignored options
287 |
288 | These compiler options are ignored by Rollup:
289 |
290 | - `noEmitHelpers`, `importHelpers`: The `tslib` helper module always must be used.
291 | - `noEmit`, `emitDeclarationOnly`: Typescript needs to emit code for the plugin to work with.
292 | - _Note: While this was true for early iterations of `@rollup/plugin-typescript`, it is no longer. To override this behavior, and defer to `tsconfig.json` for these options, see the [`noForceEmit`](#noForceEmit) option_
293 | - `noResolve`: Preventing Typescript from resolving code may break compilation
294 |
295 | ### Importing CommonJS
296 |
297 | Though it is not recommended, it is possible to configure this plugin to handle imports of CommonJS files from TypeScript. For this, you need to specify `CommonJS` as the module format and add [`@rollup/plugin-commonjs`](https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/commonjs) to transpile the CommonJS output generated by TypeScript to ES Modules so that rollup can process it.
298 |
299 | ```js
300 | // rollup.config.js
301 | import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript';
302 | import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs';
303 |
304 | export default {
305 | input: './main.ts',
306 | plugins: [
307 | typescript({ compilerOptions: { module: 'CommonJS' } }),
308 | commonjs({ extensions: ['.js', '.ts'] }) // the ".ts" extension is required
309 | ]
310 | };
311 | ```
312 |
313 | Note that this will often result in less optimal output.
314 |
315 | ### Preserving JSX output
316 |
317 | Whenever choosing to preserve JSX output to be further consumed by another transform step via `tsconfig` `compilerOptions` by setting `jsx: 'preserve'` or [overriding options](#options), please bear in mind that, by itself, this plugin won't be able to preserve JSX output, usually failing with:
318 |
319 | ```sh
320 | [!] Error: Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)
321 | file.tsx (1:15)
322 | 1: export default <span>Foobar</span>
323 | ^
324 | ```
325 |
326 | To prevent that, make sure to use the acorn plugin, namely `acorn-jsx`, which will make Rollup's parser acorn handle JSX tokens. (See https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#acorninjectplugins)
327 |
328 | After adding `acorn-jsx` plugin, your Rollup config would look like the following, correctly preserving your JSX output.
329 |
330 | ```js
331 | import jsx from 'acorn-jsx';
332 | import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript';
333 |
334 | export default {
335 | // … other options …
336 | acornInjectPlugins: [jsx()],
337 | plugins: [typescript({ compilerOptions: { jsx: 'preserve' } })]
338 | };
339 | ```
340 |
341 | ### Faster compiling
342 |
343 | Previous versions of this plugin used Typescript's `transpileModule` API, which is faster but does not perform typechecking and does not support cross-file features like `const enum`s and emit-less types. If you want this behaviour, you can use [@rollup/plugin-sucrase](https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/sucrase) instead.
344 |
345 | ## Meta
346 |
348 |