2.56 kBJSONView Raw
2 "jsonFlagDescription": "format output as json",
3 "jsonFlagLongDescription": "Format output as JSON.",
4 "loglevelFlagDescription": "logging level for this command invocation",
5 "loglevelFlagLongDescription": "The logging level for this command invocation. Logs are stored in $HOME/.sfdx/sfdx.log.",
6 "apiversionFlagDescription": "override the api version used for api requests made by this command",
7 "apiversionFlagLongDescription": "Override the API version used for API requests made by this command.",
8 "verboseFlagDescription": "emit additional command output to stdout",
9 "verboseFlagLongDescription": "Emit additional command output to stdout.",
10 "conciseFlagDescription": "emit brief command output to stdout",
11 "conciseFlagLongDescription": "Emit brief command output to stdout.",
12 "quietFlagDescription": "nothing emitted stdout",
13 "quietFlagLongDescription": "Command does not output to stdout.",
14 "targetusernameFlagDescription": "username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org",
15 "targetusernameFlagLongDescription": "A username or alias for the target org. Overrides the default target org.",
16 "targetdevhubusernameFlagDescription": "username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org",
17 "targetdevhubusernameFlagLongDescription": "A username or alias for the target Dev Hub org. Overrides the default Dev Hub org.",
18 "InvalidApiVersionError": "The API version '%s' is not valid. Must be in the format, 'i.0'",
19 "InvalidFlagTypeError": "The flag value \"%s\" is not in the correct format for \"%s.\"%s",
20 "InvalidLongDescriptionFormat": "The flag %s's longDescription attribute must be a string.",
21 "UnknownFlagError": "Cannot enable unknown flag: %s",
22 "UnknownBuiltinFlagType": "No built-in flag named '%s'.",
23 "MissingOrInvalidFlagDescription": "The flag %s is missing the description attribute, or the description is not a string.",
24 "InvalidFlagChar": "The flag %s's char attribute must be one alphabetical character long.",
25 "InvalidFlagName": "The flag %s's name must be a lowercase string that may contain numbers and hyphens.",
26 "FormattingMessageArrayOption": "Must only contain values in [%s].",
27 "FormattingMessageDate": "Must be parsable by the Javascript Date object.",
28 "FormattingMessageId": "Must be a 15- or 18-char string in the format \"00Dxxxxxxxxxxxx\", where \"00D\" is a valid sObject prefix.",
29 "FormattingMessageUrl": "Must be a valid url in the format \"http://salesforce.com\". See https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#url_url_strings_and_url_objects"