3.01 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { SfdxCommand } from './sfdxCommand';
3 * DocOpts generator for SfdxCommands. See http://docopt.org/.
4 *
5 * flag.exclusive: groups elements when one of the mutually exclusive cases is a required flag: (--apple | --orange)
6 * flag.exclusive: groups elements when none of the mutually exclusive cases is required (optional flags): [--apple | --orange]
7 * flag.dependsOn: specifies that if one element is present, then another one is required: (--apple --orange)
8 * cmd.variableArgs: produces 'name=value'
9 *
10 * @example
11 * {
12 * name: 'classnames',
13 * required: true,
14 * exclusive: ['suitenames']
15 * ...
16 * },{
17 * name: 'suitenames',
18 * type: 'array'
19 * required: true
20 * ...
21 * }
22 *
23 * Results in:
24 * Usage: <%= command.id %> (-n <string> | -s <array>)
25 *
26 * @example
27 * {
28 * name: 'classnames',
29 * ...
30 * excludes: ['suitenames']
31 * },{
32 * name: 'suitenames',
33 * ...
34 * }
35 *
36 * Results in:
37 * Usage: <%= command.id %> [-n <string> | -s <string>]
38 *
39 * @example
40 * {
41 * name: 'classnames',
42 * ...
43 * dependsOn: ['suitenames']
44 * },{
45 * name: 'suitenames',
46 * type: 'flag'
47 * ...
48 * }
49 *
50 * Results in:
51 * Usage: <%= command.id %> (-n <string> -s)
52 *
53 * TODO:
54 * - Support nesting, eg:
55 * Usage: my_program (--either-this <and-that> | <or-this>)
56 * Usage: my_program [(<one-argument> <another-argument>)]
57 *
58 * @param cmdDef
59 */
60export declare class DocOpts<T extends typeof SfdxCommand> {
61 static generate<T extends typeof SfdxCommand>(cmdDef: T): string;
62 private cmd;
63 private flags;
64 private flagList;
65 constructor(cmd: T);
66 toString(): string;
67 /**
68 * Group flags that dependOn (and) and are exclusive (or).
69 */
70 private groupFlagElements;
71 /**
72 * Combine doc opt elements to another flag's doc opt element. This is for supporting
73 * things like "and" (dependsOn) and "or" (exclusive).
74 *
75 * This will probably break down on complex dependsOn / exclusive flag structures.
76 * For example, a flag that depends on a flag that depends on another flag.
77 *
78 * See tests to see what is supported.
79 * @param elementMap All doc opt elements.
80 * @param flagName The name of the flag to combine to.
81 * @param flagNames The other flag names to combine to flagName.
82 * @param unionString How to combine the doc opt elements.
83 */
84 private combineElementsToFlag;
85 /**
86 * Categorize flags into required, optional, builtin opt-in, and mandatory builtin
87 * flags. This is the order they should appear in the doc opts.
88 *
89 * For example, flags defined on the actual command should some before standard
90 * fields like --json.
91 */
92 private categorizeFlags;
93 /**
94 * Generate doc opt elements for all flags.
95 * @param elementMap The map to add the elements to.
96 * @param flagGroups The flags to generate elements for.
97 */
98 private generateElements;