1 | # error.RequiresUsername
2 |
3 | This command requires a username. Specify it with the -u parameter or with the "sfdx config:set defaultusername=<username>" command.
4 |
5 | # error.RequiresDevhubUsername
6 |
7 | This command requires a dev hub username. Specify it with the -v parameter or with the "sfdx config:set defaultdevhubusername=<username>" command.
8 |
9 | # error.RequiresProject
10 |
11 | This command is required to run from within an SFDX project.
12 |
13 | # warning.ApiVersionOverride
14 |
15 | apiVersion configuration overridden at %s
16 |
17 | # error.VarargsRequired
18 |
19 | Provide required name=value pairs for the command. Enclose any values that contain spaces in double quotes.
20 |
21 | # error.InvalidVarargsFormat
22 |
23 | Setting variables must be in the format <key>=<value> or <key>="<value with spaces>" but found %s.
24 |
25 | # error.DuplicateVarargs
26 |
27 | Cannot set variable name '%s' twice for the same command.