1 | # flags.json.description
2 |
3 | format output as json
4 |
5 | # flags.json.description.long
6 |
7 | Format output as JSON.
8 |
9 | # flags.loglevel.description
10 |
11 | logging level for this command invocation
12 |
13 | # flags.loglevel.description.long
14 |
15 | The logging level for this command invocation. Logs are stored in $HOME/.sf/sf.log.
16 |
17 | # flags.apiversion.description
18 |
19 | override the api version used for api requests made by this command
20 |
21 | # flags.apiversion.description.long
22 |
23 | Override the API version used for API requests made by this command.
24 |
25 | # flags.verbose.description
26 |
27 | emit additional command output to stdout
28 |
29 | # flags.verbose.description.long
30 |
31 | Emit additional command output to stdout.
32 |
33 | # flags.concise.description
34 |
35 | emit brief command output to stdout
36 |
37 | # flags.long.description.long
38 |
39 | Emit brief command output to stdout.
40 |
41 | # flags.quiet.description
42 |
43 | nothing emitted stdout
44 |
45 | # flags.quiet.description.long
46 |
47 | Command does not output to stdout.
48 |
49 | # flags.targetusername.description
50 |
51 | username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
52 |
53 | # flags.targetusername.description.long
54 |
55 | A username or alias for the target org. Overrides the default target org.
56 |
57 | # flags.targetdevhubusername.description
58 |
59 | username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org
60 |
61 | # flags.targetdevhubusername.description.long
62 |
63 | A username or alias for the target Dev Hub org. Overrides the default Dev Hub org.
64 |
65 | # error.InvalidApiVersion
66 |
67 | The API version '%s' is not valid. Must be in the format, 'i.0'
68 |
69 | # error.InvalidFlagType
70 |
71 | The flag value "%s" is not in the correct format for "%s."%s
72 |
73 | # error.InvalidLongDescriptionFormat
74 |
75 | The flag %s's longDescription attribute must be a string.
76 |
77 | # error.UnknownFlag
78 |
79 | Cannot enable unknown flag: %s
80 |
81 | # error.UnknownBuiltinFlagType
82 |
83 | No built-in flag named '%s'.
84 |
85 | # error.MissingOrInvalidFlagDescription
86 |
87 | The flag %s is missing the description attribute, or the description is not a string.
88 |
89 | # error.InvalidFlagChar
90 |
91 | The flag %s's char attribute must be one alphabetical character long.
92 |
93 | # error.InvalidFlagName
94 |
95 | The flag %s's name must be a lowercase string that may contain numbers and hyphens.
96 |
97 | # error.FormattingMessageArrayValue
98 |
99 | Must only contain valid values.
100 |
101 | # error.FormattingMessageArrayOption
102 |
103 | Must only contain values in [%s].
104 |
105 | # error.FormattingMessageDate
106 |
107 | Must be parsable by the Javascript Date object.
108 |
109 | # error.FormattingMessageId
110 |
111 | Must be a 15- or 18-char string in the format "00Dxxxxxxxxxxxx", where "00D" is a valid sObject prefix.
112 |
113 | # error.FormattingMessageId
114 |
115 | Must be a valid url in the format "http://salesforce.com". See https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#url_url_strings_and_url_object
116 |
117 | # error.InvalidLoggerLevel
118 |
119 | You specified an invalid log level. Try one of these: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.