1.87 kBJSONView Raw
2 "JsonParseError": "Parse error in file %s on line %s\n%s\n",
3 "AuthInfoCreationError": "Must pass a username and/or OAuth options when creating an AuthInfo instance.",
4 "AuthInfoOverwriteError": "Cannot create an AuthInfo instance that will overwrite existing auth data.",
5 "AuthInfoOverwriteErrorAction": "Create the AuthInfo instance using existing auth data by just passing the username. E.g., AuthInfo.create({ username: 'my@user.org' });",
6 "AuthCodeExchangeError": "Error authenticating with auth code due to: %s",
7 "AuthCodeUsernameRetrievalError": "Could not retrieve the username after successful auth code exchange in org: %s.\nDue to: %s",
8 "JWTAuthError": "Error authenticating with JWT config due to: %s",
9 "RefreshTokenAuthError": "Error authenticating with the refresh token due to: %s",
10 "OrgDataNotAvailableError": "An attempt to refresh the authentication token failed with a 'Data Not Found Error'. The org identified by username %s does not appear to exist. Likely cause is that the org was deleted by another user or has expired.",
11 "OrgDataNotAvailableErrorAction1": "Run `sfdx force:org:list --clean` to remove stale org authentications.",
12 "OrgDataNotAvailableErrorAction2": "Use `sfdx force:config:set` to update the defaultusername.",
13 "OrgDataNotAvailableErrorAction3": "Use `sfdx force:org:create` to create a new org.",
14 "OrgDataNotAvailableErrorAction4": "Use `sfdx force:auth` to authenticate an existing org.",
15 "NamedOrgNotFound": "No AuthInfo found for name %s",
16 "NoAliasesFound": "Nothing to set",
17 "InvalidFormat": "Setting aliases must be in the format <key>=<value> but found: [%s]",
18 "NoAuthInfoFound": "No authorization information can be found.",
19 "InvalidJsonCasing": "All JSON input must have heads down camelcase keys. E.g., { sfdcLoginUrl: \"https://login.salesforce.com\" }\nFound \"%s\" at %s"