8.34 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { AnyJson, JsonMap, Optional } from '@salesforce/ts-types';
3import * as fsLib from 'graceful-fs';
4import * as mkdirpLib from 'mkdirp';
5declare type PerformFunction = (filePath: string, file?: string, dir?: string) => Promise<void>;
6declare type PerformFunctionSync = (filePath: string, file?: string, dir?: string) => void;
7export declare type WriteJsonOptions = {
8 /**
9 * The number of indent spaces
10 */
11 space?: number;
14 * @deprecated Use fs/promises instead
15 */
16export declare const fs: typeof fsLib & {
17 /**
18 * The default file system mode to use when creating directories.
19 */
21 /**
22 * The default file system mode to use when creating files.
23 */
25 /**
26 * A convenience reference to {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_constants}
27 * to reduce the need to import multiple `fs` modules.
28 */
29 constants: typeof fsLib.constants;
30 /**
31 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_readfile_path_options_callback|fsLib.readFile}.
32 */
33 readFile: typeof fsLib.readFile.__promisify__;
34 /**
35 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_readdir_path_options_callback|fsLib.readdir}.
36 */
37 readdir: typeof fsLib.readdir.__promisify__;
38 /**
39 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_writefile_file_data_options_callback|fsLib.writeFile}.
40 */
41 writeFile: typeof fsLib.writeFile.__promisify__;
42 /**
43 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_access_path_mode_callback|fsLib.access}.
44 */
45 access: typeof fsLib.access.__promisify__;
46 /**
47 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_open_path_flags_mode_callback|fsLib.open}.
48 */
49 open: typeof fsLib.open.__promisify__;
50 /**
51 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_unlink_path_callback|fsLib.unlink}.
52 */
53 unlink: typeof fsLib.unlink.__promisify__;
54 /**
55 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_readdir_path_options_callback|fsLib.rmdir}.
56 */
57 rmdir: typeof fsLib.rmdir.__promisify__;
58 /**
59 * Promisified version of {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fsLib.html#fs_fs_fstat_fd_callback|fsLib.stat}.
60 */
61 stat: typeof fsLib.stat.__promisify__;
62 /**
63 * Promisified version of {@link https://npmjs.com/package/mkdirp|mkdirp}.
64 */
65 mkdirp: (folderPath: string, mode?: string | object | undefined) => Promise<string | undefined>;
66 mkdirpSync: typeof mkdirpLib.sync;
67 /**
68 * Deletes a folder recursively, removing all descending files and folders.
69 *
70 * **Throws** *PathIsNullOrUndefined* The path is not defined.
71 * **Throws** *DirMissingOrNoAccess* The folder or any sub-folder is missing or has no access.
72 *
73 * @param {string} dirPath The path to remove.
74 */
75 remove: (dirPath: string) => Promise<void>;
76 /**
77 * Deletes a folder recursively, removing all descending files and folders.
78 *
79 * NOTE: It is recommended to call the asynchronous `remove` when possible as it will remove all files in parallel rather than serially.
80 *
81 * **Throws** *PathIsNullOrUndefined* The path is not defined.
82 * **Throws** *DirMissingOrNoAccess* The folder or any sub-folder is missing or has no access.
83 *
84 * @param {string} dirPath The path to remove.
85 */
86 removeSync: (dirPath: string) => void;
87 /**
88 * Searches a file path in an ascending manner (until reaching the filesystem root) for the first occurrence a
89 * specific file name. Resolves with the directory path containing the located file, or `null` if the file was
90 * not found.
91 *
92 * @param dir The directory path in which to start the upward search.
93 * @param file The file name to look for.
94 */
95 traverseForFile: (dir: string, file: string) => Promise<Optional<string>>;
96 /**
97 * Searches a file path synchronously in an ascending manner (until reaching the filesystem root) for the first occurrence a
98 * specific file name. Resolves with the directory path containing the located file, or `null` if the file was
99 * not found.
100 *
101 * @param dir The directory path in which to start the upward search.
102 * @param file The file name to look for.
103 */
104 traverseForFileSync: (dir: string, file: string) => Optional<string>;
105 /**
106 * Read a file and convert it to JSON. Returns the contents of the file as a JSON object
107 *
108 * @param jsonPath The path of the file.
109 * @param throwOnEmpty Whether to throw an error if the JSON file is empty.
110 */
111 readJson: (jsonPath: string, throwOnEmpty?: boolean | undefined) => Promise<AnyJson>;
112 /**
113 * Read a file and convert it to JSON. Returns the contents of the file as a JSON object
114 *
115 * @param jsonPath The path of the file.
116 * @param throwOnEmpty Whether to throw an error if the JSON file is empty.
117 */
118 readJsonSync: (jsonPath: string, throwOnEmpty?: boolean | undefined) => AnyJson;
119 /**
120 * Read a file and convert it to JSON, throwing an error if the parsed contents are not a `JsonMap`.
121 *
122 * @param jsonPath The path of the file.
123 * @param throwOnEmpty Whether to throw an error if the JSON file is empty.
124 */
125 readJsonMap: (jsonPath: string, throwOnEmpty?: boolean | undefined) => Promise<JsonMap>;
126 /**
127 * Read a file and convert it to JSON, throwing an error if the parsed contents are not a `JsonMap`.
128 *
129 * @param jsonPath The path of the file.
130 * @param throwOnEmpty Whether to throw an error if the JSON file is empty.
131 */
132 readJsonMapSync: (jsonPath: string, throwOnEmpty?: boolean | undefined) => JsonMap;
133 /**
134 * Convert a JSON-compatible object to a `string` and write it to a file.
135 *
136 * @param jsonPath The path of the file to write.
137 * @param data The JSON object to write.
138 */
139 writeJson: (jsonPath: string, data: AnyJson, options?: WriteJsonOptions) => Promise<void>;
140 /**
141 * Convert a JSON-compatible object to a `string` and write it to a file.
142 *
143 * @param jsonPath The path of the file to write.
144 * @param data The JSON object to write.
145 */
146 writeJsonSync: (jsonPath: string, data: AnyJson, options?: WriteJsonOptions) => void;
147 /**
148 * Checks if a file path exists
149 *
150 * @param filePath the file path to check the existence of
151 */
152 fileExists: (filePath: string) => Promise<boolean>;
153 /**
154 * Checks if a file path exists
155 *
156 * @param filePath the file path to check the existence of
157 */
158 fileExistsSync: (filePath: string) => boolean;
159 /**
160 * Recursively act on all files or directories in a directory
161 *
162 * @param dir path to directory
163 * @param perform function to be run on contents of dir
164 * @param onType optional parameter to specify type to actOn
165 * @returns void
166 */
167 actOn: (dir: string, perform: PerformFunction, onType?: 'file' | 'dir' | 'all') => Promise<void>;
168 /**
169 * Recursively act on all files or directories in a directory
170 *
171 * @param dir path to directory
172 * @param perform function to be run on contents of dir
173 * @param onType optional parameter to specify type to actOn
174 * @returns void
175 */
176 actOnSync: (dir: string, perform: PerformFunctionSync, onType?: 'file' | 'dir' | 'all') => void;
177 /**
178 * Checks if files are the same
179 *
180 * @param file1Path the first file path to check
181 * @param file2Path the second file path to check
182 * @returns boolean
183 */
184 areFilesEqual: (file1Path: string, file2Path: string) => Promise<boolean>;
185 /**
186 * Checks if files are the same
187 *
188 * @param file1Path the first file path to check
189 * @param file2Path the second file path to check
190 * @returns boolean
191 */
192 areFilesEqualSync: (file1Path: string, file2Path: string) => boolean;
193 /**
194 * Creates a hash for the string that's passed in
195 *
196 * @param contents The string passed into the function
197 * @returns string
198 */
199 getContentHash(contents: string | Buffer): string;
201export {};