7.88 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Stats as fsStats } from 'node:fs';
2import { Logger } from '../logger/logger';
3import { BaseConfigStore } from './configStore';
4import { ConfigContents } from './configStackTypes';
6 * Represents a json config file used to manage settings and state. Global config
7 * files are stored in the home directory hidden state folder (.sfdx) and local config
8 * files are stored in the project path, either in the hidden state folder or wherever
9 * specified.
10 *
11 * ```
12 * class MyConfig extends ConfigFile {
13 * public static getFileName(): string {
14 * return 'myConfigFilename.json';
15 * }
16 * }
17 * const myConfig = await MyConfig.create({
18 * isGlobal: true
19 * });
20 * myConfig.set('mykey', 'myvalue');
21 * await myConfig.write();
22 * ```
23 */
24export declare class ConfigFile<T extends ConfigFile.Options = ConfigFile.Options, P extends ConfigContents = ConfigContents> extends BaseConfigStore<T, P> {
25 protected hasRead: boolean;
26 protected logger: Logger;
27 private path;
28 /**
29 * Create an instance of a config file without reading the file. Call `read` or `readSync`
30 * after creating the ConfigFile OR instantiate with {@link ConfigFile.create} instead.
31 *
32 * @param options The options for the class instance
33 * @ignore
34 */
35 constructor(options?: T);
36 /**
37 * Returns the config's filename.
38 */
39 static getFileName(): string;
40 /**
41 * Returns the default options for the config file.
42 *
43 * @param isGlobal If the file should be stored globally or locally.
44 * @param filename The name of the config file.
45 */
46 static getDefaultOptions(isGlobal?: boolean, filename?: string): ConfigFile.Options;
47 /**
48 * Helper used to determine what the local and global folder point to. Returns the file path of the root folder.
49 *
50 * @param isGlobal True if the config should be global. False for local.
51 */
52 static resolveRootFolder(isGlobal: boolean): Promise<string>;
53 /**
54 * Helper used to determine what the local and global folder point to. Returns the file path of the root folder.
55 *
56 * @param isGlobal True if the config should be global. False for local.
57 */
58 static resolveRootFolderSync(isGlobal: boolean): string;
59 /**
60 * Determines if the config file is read/write accessible. Returns `true` if the user has capabilities specified
61 * by perm.
62 *
63 * @param {number} perm The permission.
64 *
65 * **See** {@link https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/fs.html#fs_fs_access_path_mode_callback}
66 */
67 access(perm?: number): Promise<boolean>;
68 /**
69 * Determines if the config file is read/write accessible. Returns `true` if the user has capabilities specified
70 * by perm.
71 *
72 * @param {number} perm The permission.
73 *
74 * **See** {@link https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/fs.html#fs_fs_access_path_mode_callback}
75 */
76 accessSync(perm?: number): boolean;
77 /**
78 * Read the config file and set the config contents. Returns the config contents of the config file. As an
79 * optimization, files are only read once per process and updated in memory and via `write()`. To force
80 * a read from the filesystem pass `force=true`.
81 * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'UnexpectedJsonFileFormat' }* There was a problem reading or parsing the file.
82 *
83 * @param [throwOnNotFound = false] Optionally indicate if a throw should occur on file read.
84 * @param [force = false] Optionally force the file to be read from disk even when already read within the process.
85 */
86 read(throwOnNotFound?: boolean, force?: boolean): Promise<P>;
87 /**
88 * Read the config file and set the config contents. Returns the config contents of the config file. As an
89 * optimization, files are only read once per process and updated in memory and via `write()`. To force
90 * a read from the filesystem pass `force=true`.
91 * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'UnexpectedJsonFileFormat' }* There was a problem reading or parsing the file.
92 *
93 * @param [throwOnNotFound = false] Optionally indicate if a throw should occur on file read.
94 * @param [force = false] Optionally force the file to be read from disk even when already read within the process.
95 */
96 readSync(throwOnNotFound?: boolean, force?: boolean): P;
97 /**
98 * Write the config file with new contents. If no new contents are provided it will write the existing config
99 * contents that were set from {@link ConfigFile.read}, or an empty file if {@link ConfigFile.read} was not called.
100 *
101 * @param newContents The new contents of the file.
102 */
103 write(): Promise<P>;
104 /**
105 * Write the config file with new contents. If no new contents are provided it will write the existing config
106 * contents that were set from {@link ConfigFile.read}, or an empty file if {@link ConfigFile.read} was not called.
107 *
108 * @param newContents The new contents of the file.
109 */
110 writeSync(): P;
111 /**
112 * Check to see if the config file exists. Returns `true` if the config file exists and has access, false otherwise.
113 */
114 exists(): Promise<boolean>;
115 /**
116 * Check to see if the config file exists. Returns `true` if the config file exists and has access, false otherwise.
117 */
118 existsSync(): boolean;
119 /**
120 * Get the stats of the file. Returns the stats of the file.
121 *
122 * {@link fs.stat}
123 */
124 stat(): Promise<fsStats>;
125 /**
126 * Get the stats of the file. Returns the stats of the file.
127 *
128 * {@link fs.stat}
129 */
130 statSync(): fsStats;
131 /**
132 * Delete the config file if it exists.
133 *
134 * **Throws** *`Error`{ name: 'TargetFileNotFound' }* If the {@link ConfigFile.getFilename} file is not found.
135 * {@link fs.unlink}
136 */
137 unlink(): Promise<void>;
138 /**
139 * Delete the config file if it exists.
140 *
141 * **Throws** *`Error`{ name: 'TargetFileNotFound' }* If the {@link ConfigFile.getFilename} file is not found.
142 * {@link fs.unlink}
143 */
144 unlinkSync(): void;
145 /**
146 * Returns the absolute path to the config file.
147 *
148 * The first time getPath is called, the path is resolved and becomes immutable. This allows implementers to
149 * override options properties, like filePath, on the init method for async creation. If that is required for
150 * creation, the config files can not be synchronously created.
151 */
152 getPath(): string;
153 /**
154 * Returns `true` if this config is using the global path, `false` otherwise.
155 */
156 isGlobal(): boolean;
157 /**
158 * Used to initialize asynchronous components.
159 *
160 * **Throws** *`Error`{ code: 'ENOENT' }* If the {@link ConfigFile.getFilename} file is not found when
161 * options.throwOnNotFound is true.
162 */
163 protected init(): Promise<void>;
164 private logAndMergeContents;
165 private handleWriteError;
167export declare namespace ConfigFile {
168 /**
169 * The interface for Config options.
170 */
171 type Options = {
172 /**
173 * The root folder where the config file is stored.
174 */
175 rootFolder?: string;
176 /**
177 * The state folder where the config file is stored.
178 */
179 stateFolder?: string;
180 /**
181 * The file name.
182 */
183 filename?: string;
184 /**
185 * If the file is in the global or project directory.
186 */
187 isGlobal?: boolean;
188 /**
189 * If the file is in the state folder or no (.sfdx).
190 */
191 isState?: boolean;
192 /**
193 * The full file path where the config file is stored.
194 */
195 filePath?: string;
196 /**
197 * Indicates if init should throw if the corresponding config file is not found.
198 */
199 throwOnNotFound?: boolean;
200 } & BaseConfigStore.Options;