2.09 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Duration } from '@salesforce/kit';
2import { Org } from './org';
3import { ScratchOrgInfo } from './scratchOrgTypes';
4import { AuthFields, AuthInfo } from './authInfo';
5export declare const DEFAULT_STREAM_TIMEOUT_MINUTES = 6;
6export type ScratchOrgCreateResult = {
7 username?: string;
8 scratchOrgInfo?: ScratchOrgInfo;
9 authInfo?: AuthInfo;
10 authFields?: AuthFields;
11 warnings: string[];
13export type ScratchOrgCreateOptions = {
14 /** the environment hub org */
15 hubOrg: Org;
16 /** The connected app consumer key. */
17 connectedAppConsumerKey?: string;
18 /** duration of the scratch org (in days) (default:1, min:1, max:30) */
19 durationDays?: number;
20 /** create the scratch org with no namespace */
21 nonamespace?: boolean;
22 /** create the scratch org with no second-generation package ancestors */
23 noancestors?: boolean;
24 /** the streaming client socket timeout (in minutes) must be an instance of the Duration utility class (default:6) */
25 wait?: Duration;
26 /** number of scratch org auth retries after scratch org is successfully signed up (default:0, min:0, max:10) */
27 retry?: number;
28 /** target server instance API version */
29 apiversion?: string;
30 /**
31 * org definition in JSON format, stringified
32 *
33 * @deprecated use orgConfig
34 */
35 definitionjson?: string;
36 /**
37 * path to an org definition file
38 *
39 * @deprecated use orgConfig
40 * */
41 definitionfile?: string;
42 /** overrides definitionjson */
43 orgConfig?: Record<string, unknown>;
44 /** OAuth client secret of personal connected app */
45 clientSecret?: string;
46 /** alias to set for the created org */
47 alias?: string;
48 /** after complete, set the org as the default */
49 setDefault?: boolean;
50 /** if false, do not use source tracking for this scratch org */
51 tracksSource?: boolean;
53export declare const scratchOrgResume: (jobId: string) => Promise<ScratchOrgCreateResult>;
54export declare const scratchOrgCreate: (options: ScratchOrgCreateOptions) => Promise<ScratchOrgCreateResult>;