1 | import { Dictionary, JsonMap, Nullable, Optional } from '@salesforce/ts-types';
2 | import { PackageDir, ProjectJson as ProjectJsonSchema, PackagePackageDir } from '@salesforce/schemas';
3 | import { ConfigFile } from './config/configFile';
4 | import { ConfigContents } from './config/configStackTypes';
5 | type NameAndFullPath = {
6 | /**
7 | * The [normalized](https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_normalize_path) path used as the package name.
8 | */
9 | name: string;
10 | /**
11 | * The absolute path of the package.
12 | */
13 | fullPath: string;
14 | };
15 | export type NamedPackagingDir = PackagePackageDir & NameAndFullPath;
16 | export type NamedPackageDir = PackageDir & NameAndFullPath;
17 | export type ProjectJson = ConfigContents & ProjectJsonSchema;
18 | /**
19 | * The sfdx-project.json config object. This file determines if a folder is a valid sfdx project.
20 | *
21 | * *Note:* Any non-standard (not owned by Salesforce) properties stored in sfdx-project.json should
22 | * be in a top level property that represents your project.
23 | * Plugins should store their configuration @see SfProject.getPluginConfiguration and @see SfProject.setPluginConfiguration
24 | *
25 | * @example reading a standard property
26 | * ```
27 | * const project = await SfProject.resolve();
28 | * const projectJson = await project.resolveProjectConfig();
29 | * const namespace = projectJson.get('namespace');
30 | * ```
31 | *
32 | * ```
33 | * @example writing
34 | * const project = await SfProject.resolve();
35 | * const projectJson = await project.resolveProjectConfig();
36 | * projectJson.set('namespace', 'new');
37 | * await projectJson.write();
38 | * ```
39 | *
40 | * **See** [force:project:create](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_dev.meta/sfdx_dev/sfdx_dev_ws_create_new.htm)
41 | */
42 | export declare class SfProjectJson extends ConfigFile<ConfigFile.Options, ProjectJson> {
43 | /** json properties that are uppercase, or allow uppercase keys inside them */
44 | static BLOCKLIST: string[];
45 | static getFileName(): string;
46 | static getDefaultOptions(isGlobal?: boolean): ConfigFile.Options;
47 | read(): Promise<ProjectJson>;
48 | /** force a reread of the project contents if you know they may have been modified */
49 | refreshSync(): SfProjectJson;
50 | readSync(): ProjectJson;
51 | write(): Promise<ProjectJson>;
52 | writeSync(): ProjectJson;
53 | getDefaultOptions(options?: ConfigFile.Options): ConfigFile.Options;
54 | /**
55 | * Validates sfdx-project.json against the schema.
56 | *
57 | * Set the `SFDX_PROJECT_JSON_VALIDATION` environment variable to `true` to throw an error when schema validation fails.
58 | * A warning is logged by default when the file is invalid.
59 | *
60 | * ***See*** [sfdx-project.schema.json] ((https://github.com/forcedotcom/schemas/blob/main/sfdx-project.schema.json)
61 | */
62 | schemaValidate(): Promise<void>;
63 | /**
64 | * Returns the `packageDirectories` within sfdx-project.json, first reading
65 | * and validating the file if necessary.
66 | */
67 | getPackageDirectories(): Promise<PackageDir[]>;
68 | /**
69 | * Validates sfdx-project.json against the schema.
70 | *
71 | * Set the `SFDX_PROJECT_JSON_VALIDATION` environment variable to `true` to throw an error when schema validation fails.
72 | * A warning is logged by default when the file is invalid.
73 | *
74 | * ***See*** [sfdx-project.schema.json] ((https://github.com/forcedotcom/schemas/blob/main/sfdx-project.schema.json)
75 | */
76 | schemaValidateSync(): void;
77 | /**
78 | * Returns a read-only list of `packageDirectories` within sfdx-project.json, first reading
79 | * and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the
80 | * sfdx-project.json file.
81 | */
82 | getPackageDirectoriesSync(): NamedPackageDir[];
83 | /**
84 | * Returns a read-only list of `packageDirectories` within sfdx-project.json, first reading
85 | * and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the
86 | * sfdx-project.json file.
87 | *
88 | * There can be multiple packages in packageDirectories that point to the same directory.
89 | * This method only returns one packageDirectory entry per unique directory path. This is
90 | * useful when doing source operations based on directories but probably not as useful
91 | * for packaging operations that want to do something for each package entry.
92 | */
93 | getUniquePackageDirectories(): NamedPackageDir[];
94 | /**
95 | * Get a list of the unique package names from within sfdx-project.json. Use {@link SfProject.getUniquePackageDirectories}
96 | * for data other than the names.
97 | */
98 | getUniquePackageNames(): string[];
99 | /**
100 | * Has package directories defined in the project.
101 | */
102 | hasPackages(): boolean;
103 | /**
104 | * Has multiple package directories (MPD) defined in the project.
105 | */
106 | hasMultiplePackages(): boolean;
107 | /**
108 | * Has at least one package alias defined in the project.
109 | */
110 | hasPackageAliases(): Promise<boolean>;
111 | /**
112 | * Get package aliases defined in the project.
113 | */
114 | getPackageAliases(): Nullable<Dictionary<string>>;
115 | /**
116 | * Add a package alias to the project.
117 | * If the alias already exists, it will be overwritten.
118 | *
119 | * @param alias
120 | * @param id
121 | */
122 | addPackageAlias(alias: string, id: string): void;
123 | /**
124 | * Add a package directory to the project.
125 | * If the package directory already exists, the new directory
126 | * properties will be merged with the existing properties.
127 | *
128 | * @param packageDir
129 | */
130 | addPackageDirectory(packageDir: PackageDir): void;
131 | private doesPackageExist;
132 | private validateKeys;
133 | }
134 | /**
135 | * Represents an SFDX project directory. This directory contains a {@link SfProjectJson} config file as well as
136 | * a hidden .sfdx folder that contains all the other local project config files.
137 | *
138 | * ```
139 | * const project = await SfProject.resolve();
140 | * const projectJson = await project.resolveProjectConfig();
141 | * console.log(projectJson.sfdcLoginUrl);
142 | * ```
143 | */
144 | export declare class SfProject {
145 | private path;
146 | private static instances;
147 | private projectConfig;
148 | private sfProjectJson;
149 | private sfProjectJsonGlobal;
150 | private packageDirectories?;
151 | private activePackage;
152 | private packageAliases;
153 | /**
154 | * Do not directly construct instances of this class -- use {@link SfProject.resolve} instead.
155 | *
156 | * @ignore
157 | */
158 | protected constructor(path: string);
159 | /**
160 | * Clear the cache to force reading from disk.
161 | *
162 | * *NOTE: Only call this method if you must and you know what you are doing.*
163 | */
164 | static clearInstances(): void;
165 | /**
166 | * Get a Project from a given path or from the working directory.
167 | *
168 | * @param path The path of the project.
169 | *
170 | * **Throws** *{'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
SfError}{ name: |
171 | */
172 | static resolve(path?: string): Promise<SfProject>;
173 | /**
174 | * Get a Project from a given path or from the working directory.
175 | *
176 | * @param path The path of the project.
177 | *
178 | * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
179 | */
180 | static getInstance(path?: string): SfProject;
181 | /**
182 | * Performs an upward directory search for an sfdx project file. Returns the absolute path to the project.
183 | *
184 | * @param dir The directory path to start traversing from.
185 | *
186 | * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
187 | *
188 | * **See** {@link traverseForFile}
189 | *
190 | * **See** [process.cwd()](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd)
191 | */
192 | static resolveProjectPath(dir?: string): Promise<string>;
193 | /**
194 | * Performs a synchronous upward directory search for an sfdx project file. Returns the absolute path to the project.
195 | *
196 | * @param dir The directory path to start traversing from.
197 | *
198 | * **Throws** *{@link SfError}{ name: 'InvalidProjectWorkspaceError' }* If the current folder is not located in a workspace.
199 | *
200 | * **See** {@link traverseForFileSync}
201 | *
202 | * **See** [process.cwd()](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd)
203 | */
204 | static resolveProjectPathSync(dir?: string): string;
205 | /** shared method for resolve and getInstance.
206 | * Cannot be a module-level function because instances is private */
207 | private static getMemoizedInstance;
208 | /**
209 | * Returns the project path.
210 | */
211 | getPath(): string;
212 | /**
213 | * Get the sfdx-project.json config. The global sfdx-project.json is used for user defaults
214 | * that are not checked in to the project specific file.
215 | *
216 | * *Note:* When reading values from {@link SfProjectJson}, it is recommended to use
217 | * {@link SfProject.resolveProjectConfig} instead.
218 | *
219 | * @param isGlobal True to get the global project file, otherwise the local project config.
220 | */
221 | retrieveSfProjectJson(isGlobal?: boolean): Promise<SfProjectJson>;
222 | /**
223 | * Get the sfdx-project.json config. The global sfdx-project.json is used for user defaults
224 | * that are not checked in to the project specific file.
225 | *
226 | * *Note:* When reading values from {@link SfProjectJson}, it is recommended to use
227 | * {@link SfProject.resolveProjectConfig} instead.
228 | *
229 | * This is the sync method of {@link SfProject.resolveSfProjectJson}
230 | *
231 | * @param isGlobal True to get the global project file, otherwise the local project config.
232 | */
233 | getSfProjectJson(isGlobal?: boolean): SfProjectJson;
234 | /**
235 | * Returns a read-only list of `packageDirectories` within sfdx-project.json, first reading
236 | * and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the
237 | * sfdx-project.json file.
238 | */
239 | getPackageDirectories(): NamedPackageDir[];
240 | /**
241 | * Returns a read-only list of `packageDirectories` within sfdx-project.json, first reading
242 | * and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the
243 | * sfdx-project.json file.
244 | *
245 | * There can be multiple packages in packageDirectories that point to the same directory.
246 | * This method only returns one packageDirectory entry per unique directory path. This is
247 | * useful when doing source operations based on directories but probably not as useful
248 | * for packaging operations that want to do something for each package entry.
249 | */
250 | getUniquePackageDirectories(): NamedPackageDir[];
251 | /**
252 | * Get a list of the unique package names from within sfdx-project.json. Use {@link SfProject.getUniquePackageDirectories}
253 | * for data other than the names.
254 | */
255 | getUniquePackageNames(): string[];
256 | /**
257 | * Returns the package from a file path.
258 | *
259 | * @param path A file path. E.g. /Users/jsmith/projects/ebikes-lwc/force-app/apex/my-cls.cls
260 | */
261 | getPackageFromPath(path: string): Optional<NamedPackageDir>;
262 | /**
263 | * Returns the package name, E.g. 'force-app', from a file path.
264 | *
265 | * @param path A file path. E.g. /Users/jsmith/projects/ebikes-lwc/force-app/apex/my-cls.cls
266 | */
267 | getPackageNameFromPath(path: string): Optional<string>;
268 | /**
269 | * Returns the package directory.
270 | *
271 | * @param packageName Name of the package directory. E.g., 'force-app'
272 | */
273 | getPackage(packageName: string): Optional<NamedPackageDir>;
274 | /**
275 | * Returns the package directory.
276 | *
277 | * @param packageName Name of the package directory. E.g., 'force-app'
278 | */
279 | findPackage(predicate: (packageDir: NamedPackageDir) => boolean): Optional<NamedPackageDir>;
280 | /**
281 | * Returns the absolute path of the package directory ending with the path separator.
282 | * E.g., /Users/jsmith/projects/ebikes-lwc/force-app/
283 | *
284 | * @param packageName Name of the package directory. E.g., 'force-app'
285 | */
286 | getPackagePath(packageName: string): Optional<string>;
287 | /**
288 | * Has package directories defined in the project.
289 | */
290 | hasPackages(): boolean;
291 | /**
292 | * Has multiple package directories (MPD) defined in the project.
293 | */
294 | hasMultiplePackages(): boolean;
295 | /**
296 | * Get the currently activated package on the project. This has no implication on sfdx-project.json
297 | * but is useful for keeping track of package and source specific options in a process.
298 | */
299 | getActivePackage(): Nullable<NamedPackageDir>;
300 | /**
301 | * Set the currently activated package on the project. This has no implication on sfdx-project.json
302 | * but is useful for keeping track of package and source specific options in a process.
303 | *
304 | * @param packageName The package name to activate. E.g. 'force-app'
305 | */
306 | setActivePackage(packageName: Nullable<string>): void;
307 | /**
308 | * Get the project's default package directory defined in sfdx-project.json using first 'default: true'
309 | * found. The first entry is returned if no default is specified.
310 | */
311 | getDefaultPackage(): NamedPackageDir;
312 | /**
313 | * The project config is resolved from local and global {@link SfProjectJson},
314 | * {@link ConfigAggregator}, and a set of defaults. It is recommended to use
315 | * this when reading values from SfProjectJson.
316 | *
317 | * The global {@link SfProjectJson} is used to allow the user to provide default values they
318 | * may not want checked into their project's source.
319 | *
320 | * @returns A resolved config object that contains a bunch of different
321 | * properties, including some 3rd party custom properties.
322 | */
323 | resolveProjectConfig(): Promise<JsonMap>;
324 | hasPackageAliases(): Promise<boolean>;
325 | /**
326 | * Returns a read-only list of `packageDirectories` within sfdx-project.json, first reading
327 | * and validating the file if necessary. i.e. modifying this array will not affect the
328 | * sfdx-project.json file.
329 | */
330 | getPackageAliases(): Nullable<Dictionary<string>>;
331 | getPackageIdFromAlias(alias: string): Optional<string>;
332 | getAliasesFromPackageId(id: string): string[];
333 | /**
334 | * retrieve the configuration for a named plugin from sfdx-project.json.plugins.pluginName
335 | *
336 | * @example
337 | * ```
338 | * const project = await SfProject.resolve();
339 | * const pluginConfig = await project.getPluginConfiguration('myPlugin');
340 | * ```
341 | *
342 | * optionally pass a type parameter for your plugin configuration's schema
343 | * */
344 | getPluginConfiguration<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(pluginName: string): Promise<Readonly<T>>;
345 | /**
346 | * set the configuration for a named plugin from sfdx-project.json.plugins.pluginName, overwriting existing configuration
347 | *
348 | * @example
349 | * ```
350 | * const project = await SfProject.resolve();
351 | * const pluginConfig = await project.setPluginConfiguration('myPlugin', {foo: 'bar', myLimit: 25});
352 | * ```
353 | *
354 | * optionally pass a type parameter for your plugin configuration's schema
355 | * */
356 | setPluginConfiguration<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(pluginName: string, config: T): Promise<void>;
357 | }
358 | /** differentiate between the Base PackageDir (path, maybe default) and the Packaging version (package and maybe a LOT of other fields) by whether is has the `package` property */
359 | export declare const isPackagingDirectory: (packageDir: PackageDir) => packageDir is PackagePackageDir;
360 | /** differentiate between the Base PackageDir (path, maybe default) and the Packaging version (package and maybe a LOT of other fields) by whether is has the `package` property */
361 | export declare const isNamedPackagingDirectory: (packageDir: NamedPackageDir) => packageDir is NamedPackagingDir;
362 | export {};