871 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Entity as EntityBase, FieldType, Constructable } from '../../odata-common';
3 * @deprecated Since v1.21.0. Use [[ODataUri.getResourcePathForKeys]] instead.
4 * Get the resource path of an entity specified by key-value pairs.
5 * @typeparam EntityT - Type of the entity to get the resource path for
6 * @param keys - Key-value pairs where the key is the name of a key property of the given entity and the value is the respective value
7 * @param entityConstructor - Constructor type of the entity to get the resource path for
8 * @param uriConverter - OData version specific converter for strings in URIs
9 * @returns The path to the resource
10 */
11export declare function getResourcePathForKeys<EntityT extends EntityBase>(keys: Record<string, FieldType> | undefined, entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>): string;
12//# sourceMappingURL=get-resource-path.d.ts.map
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