11 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import moment from 'moment';
2import { Entity } from '../entity';
3import { Field } from '../selectable';
4import { StringFilterFunction } from './string-filter-function';
5import { BooleanFilterFunction } from './boolean-filter-function';
6import { NumberFilterFunction } from './number-filter-function';
8 * Build a filter function to test whether a string ends with another. Evaluates to boolean.
9 * @param str - The string to test. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
10 * @param suffix - The suffix to test for. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
11 *
12 * @returns The newly created filter function
13 */
14export declare function endsWith<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>, suffix: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
16 * Build a filter function to test whether a string starts with another. Evaluates to boolean.
17 * @param str - The string to test. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
18 * @param prefix - The prefix to test for. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
19 *
20 * @returns The newly created filter function
21 */
22export declare function startsWith<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>, prefix: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
24 * Build a filter function to get the length of a string. Evaluates to int.
25 * @param str - The string to compute the length for. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
26 * @returns The newly created filter function
27 */
28export declare function length<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
30 * Build a filter function to get the start index of a substring. Evaluates to int.
31 * @param str - The string to get the index from. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
32 * @param substr - The substring to get the index for. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
33 *
34 * @returns The newly created filter function
35 */
36export declare function indexOf<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>, substr: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
38 * Build a filter function to get a substring starting from a designated position. Evaluates to string.
39 * @param str - The string to get a substring from. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
40 * @param pos - The starting position of the substring. This can be either a number, a reference to a field or another filter function.
41 * @param len - The length of the substring. This can be either a number, a reference to a field or another filter function.
42 * @returns The newly created filter function
43 */
44export declare function substring<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>, pos: number | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>, len?: number | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>): StringFilterFunction<EntityT>;
46 * Build a filter function to transform a string to lower case. Evaluates to string.
47 * @param str - The string to transform. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
48 * @returns The newly created filter function
49 */
50export declare function toLower<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): StringFilterFunction<EntityT>;
52 * Build a filter function to transform a string to upper case. Evaluates to string.
53 * @param str - The string to transform. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
54 * @returns The newly created filter function
55 */
56export declare function toUpper<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): StringFilterFunction<EntityT>;
58 * Build a filter function to trim whitespace from a string. Evaluates to string.
59 * @param str - The string to trim whitespace from. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
60 * @returns The newly created filter function
61 */
62export declare function trim<EntityT extends Entity>(str: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): StringFilterFunction<EntityT>;
64 * Build a filter function to concatenate two strings. Evaluates to string.
65 * @param str1 - The first string to concatenate. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
66 * @param str2 - The second string to concatenate. This can either be a string, a reference to a field or another filter function.
67 * @returns The newly created filter function
68 */
69export declare function concat<EntityT extends Entity>(str1: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>, str2: string | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | StringFilterFunction<EntityT>): StringFilterFunction<EntityT>;
71 * Build a filter function to round a number. Evaluates to double or decimal, defaults to double.
72 * @param num - The number to round. This can either be a number, a reference to a field or another filter function.
73 * @param returnType - The return type to use.
74 * @returns The newly created filter function
75 */
76export declare function round<EntityT extends Entity>(num: number | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>, returnType?: 'double' | 'decimal'): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
78 * Build a filter function to floor a number. Evaluates to double or decimal, defaults to double.
79 * @param num - The number to floor. This can either be a number, a reference to a field or another filter function.
80 * @param returnType - The return type to use.
81 * @returns The newly created filter function
82 */
83export declare function floor<EntityT extends Entity>(num: number | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>, returnType?: 'double' | 'decimal'): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
85 * Build a filter function to ceil a number. Evaluates to double or decimal, defaults to double.
86 * @param num - The number to ceil. This can either be a number, a reference to a field or another filter function.
87 * @param returnType - The return type to use.
88 * @returns The newly created filter function
89 */
90export declare function ceiling<EntityT extends Entity>(num: number | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean> | NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>, returnType?: 'double' | 'decimal'): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
92 * Build a filter function to get the day of a date. Evaluates to int.
93 * @param date - The date to get the day for. This can either be a date (Moment) or a reference to a field.
94 * @returns The newly created filter function
95 */
96export declare function day<EntityT extends Entity>(date: moment.Moment | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
98 * Build a filter function to get the hour of a date. Evaluates to int.
99 * @param date - The date to get the hour for. This can either be a date (Moment) or a reference to a field.
100 * @returns The newly created filter function
101 */
102export declare function hour<EntityT extends Entity>(date: moment.Moment | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
104 * Build a filter function to get the minute of a date. Evaluates to int.
105 * @param date - The date to get the minute for. This can either be a date (Moment) or a reference to a field.
106 * @returns The newly created filter function
107 */
108export declare function minute<EntityT extends Entity>(date: moment.Moment | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
110 * Build a filter function to get the month of a date. Evaluates to int.
111 * @param date - The date to get the month for. This can either be a date (Moment) or a reference to a field.
112 * @returns The newly created filter function
113 */
114export declare function month<EntityT extends Entity>(date: moment.Moment | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
116 * Build a filter function to get the second of a date. Evaluates to int.
117 * @param date - The date to get the second for. This can either be a date (moment.Moment) or a reference to a field.
118 * @returns The newly created filter function
119 */
120export declare function second<EntityT extends Entity>(date: moment.Moment | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
122 * Build a filter function to get the year of a date. Evaluates to int.
123 * @param date - The date to get the year for. This can either be a date (Moment) or a reference to a field.
124 * @returns The newly created filter function
125 */
126export declare function year<EntityT extends Entity>(date: moment.Moment | Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>): NumberFilterFunction<EntityT>;
128 * Build a filter function to test whether a selection is of a given type. Evaluates to boolean.
129 * @param type - The type to test for, e. g. `API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.A_BusinessPartner`.
130 *
131 * @returns The newly created filter function
132 */
133export declare function isOf<EntityT extends Entity>(type: string): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
135 * Build a filter function to test whether a field is of a given type. Evaluates to boolean.
136 * @param expression - A reference to a field to test for type.
137 * @param type - The type to test for, e. g. `API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.A_BusinessPartner`.
138 *
139 * @returns The newly created filter function
140 */
141export declare function isOf<EntityT extends Entity>(expression: Field<EntityT, boolean, boolean>, type: string): BooleanFilterFunction<EntityT>;
143 * Filter functions common to both OData v2 and OData v4. See below for version specific filter functions.
144 * Filter functions are used to create more complex filtering expressions, e. g. when filtering by the first letter of a property:
145 * ```
146 * .filter(startsWith(BusinessPartner.FIRST_NAME, 'A').equals(true))
147 * ```
148 */
149export declare const filterFunctions: {
150 endsWith: typeof endsWith;
151 startsWith: typeof startsWith;
152 length: typeof length;
153 indexOf: typeof indexOf;
154 substring: typeof substring;
155 toLower: typeof toLower;
156 toUpper: typeof toUpper;
157 trim: typeof trim;
158 concat: typeof concat;
159 round: typeof round;
160 floor: typeof floor;
161 ceiling: typeof ceiling;
162 day: typeof day;
163 hour: typeof hour;
164 minute: typeof minute;
165 month: typeof month;
166 second: typeof second;
167 year: typeof year;
168 isOf: typeof isOf;
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