1 | # analytics.js-core
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3 | [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/segmentio/analytics.js-core.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/segmentio/analytics.js-core)
4 | [![Codecov](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/segmentio/analytics.js-core/master.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/segmentio/analytics.js-core)
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6 | This is the core of [Analytics.js](https://segment.com/docs/connections/sources/catalog/libraries/website/javascript/), the open-source library that powers data collection at [Segment](https://segment.com).
7 |
8 | To build this into a full, usable library, see the [Analytics.js](https://github.com/segmentio/analytics.js) repository.
9 |
10 | ## Using Types (v.4.0.0-beta.0 and later)
11 |
12 | We recently introduced Typescript support and types to Analytics.js Core. While the exposed types still need some work (pull requests are welcome!), they're ready to be used.
13 |
14 | ### Importing as an npm module
15 |
16 | If you use analytics.js-core as an npm module, you can use its types out of the box:
17 | <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/484013/89060070-2e235f00-d317-11ea-9fd9-e1c77aaca9f9.gif" alt="Example of Types usage in Analytics JS" width="500px">
18 |
19 | ### Using types with the AJS Snippet
20 |
21 | If you create a source at https://app.segment.com, Segement automatically generates a JS snippet that you can add to your website. (for more information visit our [documentation](https://segment.com/docs/connections/sources/catalog/libraries/website/javascript/quickstart/)).
22 |
23 | To use types with the snippet, add `analytics` as part of the global module.
24 | Something like this:
25 |
26 | ```typescript
27 | import { SegmentAnalytics } from '@segment/analytics.js-core';
28 |
29 | declare global {
30 | interface Window {
31 | analytics: SegmentAnalytics.AnalyticsJS;
32 | }
33 | }
34 | ```
35 |
36 | ## Using as a standalone `npm` package
37 | We recommend using the CDN version of `analytics.js` as it offers all the project and workspace specific settings, enabled integrations, and middleware. But if you prefer to use `analytics.js-core` as a standalone npm package using your own tooling & workflow, you can do the following:
38 |
39 | 1- Install the dependencies
40 | ```
41 | yarn add @segment/analytics.js-core
42 | yarn add @segment/analytics.js-integration-segmentio
43 | // you may need this depending on the bundler
44 | yarn add uuid@^3.4
45 | ```
46 |
47 | 2- Import the dependencies
48 | ```javascript
49 | import Analytics from "@segment/analytics.js-core/build/analytics";
50 | import SegmentIntegration from "@segment/analytics.js-integration-segmentio";
51 | ```
52 |
53 | 3- Initialize Segment and add Segment's own integration
54 | ```javascript
55 | // instantiate the library
56 | const analytics = new Analytics();
57 |
58 | // add Segment's own integration ( or any other device mode integration )
59 | analytics.use(SegmentIntegration);
60 |
61 | // define the integration settings object.
62 | // Since we are using only Segment integration in this example, we only have
63 | // "Segment.io" in the integrationSettings object
64 | const integrationSettings = {
65 | "Segment.io": {
66 | apiKey: "<YOUR SEGMENT WRITE KEY>",
67 | retryQueue: true,
68 | addBundledMetadata: true
69 | }
70 | };
71 |
72 |
73 | // Initialize the library
74 | analytics.initialize(integrationSettings);
75 |
76 | // Happy tracking!
77 | analytics.track('🚀');
78 | ```
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80 | ## License
81 |
82 | Released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).
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84 | [analytics.js]: https://segment.com/docs/libraries/analytics.js/