933 BJavaScriptView Raw
2 * This file defines flags and constants that can be modified during compile time in order to facilitate tree shaking
3 * for users.
4 *
5 * Debug flags need to be declared in each package individually and must not be imported across package boundaries,
6 * because some build tools have trouble tree-shaking imported guards.
7 *
8 * As a convention, we define debug flags in a `flags.ts` file in the root of a package's `src` folder.
9 *
10 * Debug flag files will contain "magic strings" like `__SENTRY_DEBUG__` that may get replaced with actual values during
11 * our, or the user's build process. Take care when introducing new flags - they must not throw if they are not
12 * replaced.
13 */
14Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
15/** Flag that is true for debug builds, false otherwise. */
16exports.IS_DEBUG_BUILD = typeof __SENTRY_DEBUG__ === 'undefined' ? true : __SENTRY_DEBUG__;
17//# sourceMappingURL=flags.js.map
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