1.17 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"flags.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/flags.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;;;;;;;;;;;GAYG;AAIH,2DAA2D;AAC3D,MAAM,CAAC,IAAM,cAAc,GAAG,OAAO,gBAAgB,KAAK,WAAW,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,gBAAgB,CAAC","sourcesContent":["/*\n * This file defines flags and constants that can be modified during compile time in order to facilitate tree shaking\n * for users.\n *\n * Debug flags need to be declared in each package individually and must not be imported across package boundaries,\n * because some build tools have trouble tree-shaking imported guards.\n *\n * As a convention, we define debug flags in a `flags.ts` file in the root of a package's `src` folder.\n *\n * Debug flag files will contain \"magic strings\" like `__SENTRY_DEBUG__` that may get replaced with actual values during\n * our, or the user's build process. Take care when introducing new flags - they must not throw if they are not\n * replaced.\n */\n\ndeclare const __SENTRY_DEBUG__: boolean;\n\n/** Flag that is true for debug builds, false otherwise. */\nexport const IS_DEBUG_BUILD = typeof __SENTRY_DEBUG__ === 'undefined' ? true : __SENTRY_DEBUG__;\n"]}
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