12.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbHint, Client, CustomSamplingContext, Event, EventHint, Extra, Extras, Hub as HubInterface, Integration, IntegrationClass, Primitive, Session, SessionContext, Severity, SeverityLevel, Transaction, TransactionContext, User } from '@sentry/types';
2import { Scope } from './scope';
4 * API compatibility version of this hub.
5 *
6 * WARNING: This number should only be increased when the global interface
7 * changes and new methods are introduced.
8 *
9 * @hidden
10 */
11export declare const API_VERSION: number;
12export interface RunWithAsyncContextOptions {
13 /** Whether to reuse an existing async context if one exists. Defaults to false. */
14 reuseExisting?: boolean;
17 * @private Private API with no semver guarantees!
18 *
19 * Strategy used to track async context.
20 */
21export interface AsyncContextStrategy {
22 /**
23 * Gets the current async context. Returns undefined if there is no current async context.
24 */
25 getCurrentHub: () => Hub | undefined;
26 /**
27 * Runs the supplied callback in its own async context.
28 */
29 runWithAsyncContext<T>(callback: () => T, options: RunWithAsyncContextOptions): T;
32 * A layer in the process stack.
33 * @hidden
34 */
35export interface Layer {
36 client?: Client;
37 scope: Scope;
40 * An object that contains a hub and maintains a scope stack.
41 * @hidden
42 */
43export interface Carrier {
44 __SENTRY__?: {
45 hub?: Hub;
46 acs?: AsyncContextStrategy;
47 /**
48 * Extra Hub properties injected by various SDKs
49 */
50 integrations?: Integration[];
51 extensions?: {
52 /** Extension methods for the hub, which are bound to the current Hub instance */
53 [key: string]: Function;
54 };
55 };
58 * @deprecated The `Hub` class will be removed in version 8 of the SDK in favour of `Scope` and `Client` objects.
59 *
60 * If you previously used the `Hub` class directly, replace it with `Scope` and `Client` objects. More information:
61 * - [Multiple Sentry Instances](https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/javascript/best-practices/multiple-sentry-instances/)
62 * - [Browser Extensions](https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/javascript/best-practices/browser-extensions/)
63 *
64 * Some of our APIs are typed with the Hub class instead of the interface (e.g. `getCurrentHub`). Most of them are deprecated
65 * themselves and will also be removed in version 8. More information:
66 * - [Migration Guide](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md#deprecate-hub)
67 */
68export declare class Hub implements HubInterface {
69 private readonly _version;
70 /** Is a {@link Layer}[] containing the client and scope */
71 private readonly _stack;
72 /** Contains the last event id of a captured event. */
73 private _lastEventId?;
74 private _isolationScope;
75 /**
76 * Creates a new instance of the hub, will push one {@link Layer} into the
77 * internal stack on creation.
78 *
79 * @param client bound to the hub.
80 * @param scope bound to the hub.
81 * @param version number, higher number means higher priority.
82 *
83 * @deprecated Instantiation of Hub objects is deprecated and the constructor will be removed in version 8 of the SDK.
84 *
85 * If you are currently using the Hub for multi-client use like so:
86 *
87 * ```
88 * // OLD
89 * const hub = new Hub();
90 * hub.bindClient(client);
91 * makeMain(hub)
92 * ```
93 *
94 * instead initialize the client as follows:
95 *
96 * ```
97 * // NEW
98 * Sentry.withIsolationScope(() => {
99 * Sentry.setCurrentClient(client);
100 * client.init();
101 * });
102 * ```
103 *
104 * If you are using the Hub to capture events like so:
105 *
106 * ```
107 * // OLD
108 * const client = new Client();
109 * const hub = new Hub(client);
110 * hub.captureException()
111 * ```
112 *
113 * instead capture isolated events as follows:
114 *
115 * ```
116 * // NEW
117 * const client = new Client();
118 * const scope = new Scope();
119 * scope.setClient(client);
120 * scope.captureException();
121 * ```
122 */
123 constructor(client?: Client, scope?: Scope, isolationScope?: Scope, _version?: number);
124 /**
125 * Checks if this hub's version is older than the given version.
126 *
127 * @param version A version number to compare to.
128 * @return True if the given version is newer; otherwise false.
129 *
130 * @deprecated This will be removed in v8.
131 */
132 isOlderThan(version: number): boolean;
133 /**
134 * This binds the given client to the current scope.
135 * @param client An SDK client (client) instance.
136 *
137 * @deprecated Use `initAndBind()` directly, or `setCurrentClient()` and/or `client.init()` instead.
138 */
139 bindClient(client?: Client): void;
140 /**
141 * @inheritDoc
142 *
143 * @deprecated Use `withScope` instead.
144 */
145 pushScope(): Scope;
146 /**
147 * @inheritDoc
148 *
149 * @deprecated Use `withScope` instead.
150 */
151 popScope(): boolean;
152 /**
153 * @inheritDoc
154 *
155 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.withScope()` instead.
156 */
157 withScope<T>(callback: (scope: Scope) => T): T;
158 /**
159 * @inheritDoc
160 *
161 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.getClient()` instead.
162 */
163 getClient<C extends Client>(): C | undefined;
164 /**
165 * Returns the scope of the top stack.
166 *
167 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.getCurrentScope()` instead.
168 */
169 getScope(): Scope;
170 /**
171 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.getIsolationScope()` instead.
172 */
173 getIsolationScope(): Scope;
174 /**
175 * Returns the scope stack for domains or the process.
176 * @deprecated This will be removed in v8.
177 */
178 getStack(): Layer[];
179 /**
180 * Returns the topmost scope layer in the order domain > local > process.
181 * @deprecated This will be removed in v8.
182 */
183 getStackTop(): Layer;
184 /**
185 * @inheritDoc
186 *
187 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.captureException()` instead.
188 */
189 captureException(exception: unknown, hint?: EventHint): string;
190 /**
191 * @inheritDoc
192 *
193 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.captureMessage()` instead.
194 */
195 captureMessage(message: string, level?: Severity | SeverityLevel, hint?: EventHint): string;
196 /**
197 * @inheritDoc
198 *
199 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.captureEvent()` instead.
200 */
201 captureEvent(event: Event, hint?: EventHint): string;
202 /**
203 * @inheritDoc
204 *
205 * @deprecated This will be removed in v8.
206 */
207 lastEventId(): string | undefined;
208 /**
209 * @inheritDoc
210 *
211 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.addBreadcrumb()` instead.
212 */
213 addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb, hint?: BreadcrumbHint): void;
214 /**
215 * @inheritDoc
216 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.setUser()` instead.
217 */
218 setUser(user: User | null): void;
219 /**
220 * @inheritDoc
221 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.setTags()` instead.
222 */
223 setTags(tags: {
224 [key: string]: Primitive;
225 }): void;
226 /**
227 * @inheritDoc
228 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.setExtras()` instead.
229 */
230 setExtras(extras: Extras): void;
231 /**
232 * @inheritDoc
233 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.setTag()` instead.
234 */
235 setTag(key: string, value: Primitive): void;
236 /**
237 * @inheritDoc
238 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.setExtra()` instead.
239 */
240 setExtra(key: string, extra: Extra): void;
241 /**
242 * @inheritDoc
243 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.setContext()` instead.
244 */
245 setContext(name: string, context: {
246 [key: string]: any;
247 } | null): void;
248 /**
249 * @inheritDoc
250 *
251 * @deprecated Use `getScope()` directly.
252 */
253 configureScope(callback: (scope: Scope) => void): void;
254 /**
255 * @inheritDoc
256 */
257 run(callback: (hub: Hub) => void): void;
258 /**
259 * @inheritDoc
260 * @deprecated Use `Sentry.getClient().getIntegrationByName()` instead.
261 */
262 getIntegration<T extends Integration>(integration: IntegrationClass<T>): T | null;
263 /**
264 * Starts a new `Transaction` and returns it. This is the entry point to manual tracing instrumentation.
265 *
266 * A tree structure can be built by adding child spans to the transaction, and child spans to other spans. To start a
267 * new child span within the transaction or any span, call the respective `.startChild()` method.
268 *
269 * Every child span must be finished before the transaction is finished, otherwise the unfinished spans are discarded.
270 *
271 * The transaction must be finished with a call to its `.end()` method, at which point the transaction with all its
272 * finished child spans will be sent to Sentry.
273 *
274 * @param context Properties of the new `Transaction`.
275 * @param customSamplingContext Information given to the transaction sampling function (along with context-dependent
276 * default values). See {@link Options.tracesSampler}.
277 *
278 * @returns The transaction which was just started
279 *
280 * @deprecated Use `startSpan()`, `startSpanManual()` or `startInactiveSpan()` instead.
281 */
282 startTransaction(context: TransactionContext, customSamplingContext?: CustomSamplingContext): Transaction;
283 /**
284 * @inheritDoc
285 * @deprecated Use `spanToTraceHeader()` instead.
286 */
287 traceHeaders(): {
288 [key: string]: string;
289 };
290 /**
291 * @inheritDoc
292 *
293 * @deprecated Use top level `captureSession` instead.
294 */
295 captureSession(endSession?: boolean): void;
296 /**
297 * @inheritDoc
298 * @deprecated Use top level `endSession` instead.
299 */
300 endSession(): void;
301 /**
302 * @inheritDoc
303 * @deprecated Use top level `startSession` instead.
304 */
305 startSession(context?: SessionContext): Session;
306 /**
307 * Returns if default PII should be sent to Sentry and propagated in ourgoing requests
308 * when Tracing is used.
309 *
310 * @deprecated Use top-level `getClient().getOptions().sendDefaultPii` instead. This function
311 * only unnecessarily increased API surface but only wrapped accessing the option.
312 */
313 shouldSendDefaultPii(): boolean;
314 /**
315 * Sends the current Session on the scope
316 */
317 private _sendSessionUpdate;
318 /**
319 * Calls global extension method and binding current instance to the function call
320 */
321 private _callExtensionMethod;
324 * Returns the global shim registry.
325 *
326 * FIXME: This function is problematic, because despite always returning a valid Carrier,
327 * it has an optional `__SENTRY__` property, which then in turn requires us to always perform an unnecessary check
328 * at the call-site. We always access the carrier through this function, so we can guarantee that `__SENTRY__` is there.
329 **/
330export declare function getMainCarrier(): Carrier;
332 * Replaces the current main hub with the passed one on the global object
333 *
334 * @returns The old replaced hub
335 *
336 * @deprecated Use `setCurrentClient()` instead.
337 */
338export declare function makeMain(hub: Hub): Hub;
340 * Returns the default hub instance.
341 *
342 * If a hub is already registered in the global carrier but this module
343 * contains a more recent version, it replaces the registered version.
344 * Otherwise, the currently registered hub will be returned.
345 *
346 * @deprecated Use the respective replacement method directly instead.
347 */
348export declare function getCurrentHub(): Hub;
350 * Get the currently active isolation scope.
351 * The isolation scope is active for the current exection context,
352 * meaning that it will remain stable for the same Hub.
353 */
354export declare function getIsolationScope(): Scope;
356 * @private Private API with no semver guarantees!
357 *
358 * If the carrier does not contain a hub, a new hub is created with the global hub client and scope.
359 */
360export declare function ensureHubOnCarrier(carrier: Carrier, parent?: Hub): void;
362 * @private Private API with no semver guarantees!
363 *
364 * Sets the global async context strategy
365 */
366export declare function setAsyncContextStrategy(strategy: AsyncContextStrategy | undefined): void;
368 * Runs the supplied callback in its own async context. Async Context strategies are defined per SDK.
369 *
370 * @param callback The callback to run in its own async context
371 * @param options Options to pass to the async context strategy
372 * @returns The result of the callback
373 */
374export declare function runWithAsyncContext<T>(callback: () => T, options?: RunWithAsyncContextOptions): T;
376 * This will create a new {@link Hub} and add to the passed object on
377 * __SENTRY__.hub.
378 * @param carrier object
379 * @hidden
380 */
381export declare function getHubFromCarrier(carrier: Carrier): Hub;
383 * This will set passed {@link Hub} on the passed object's __SENTRY__.hub attribute
384 * @param carrier object
385 * @param hub Hub
386 * @returns A boolean indicating success or failure
387 */
388export declare function setHubOnCarrier(carrier: Carrier, hub: Hub): boolean;
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