1.24 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Client, Event, EventHint, Integration, IntegrationClass } from '@sentry/types';
2/** Options for the InboundFilters integration */
3export interface InboundFiltersOptions {
4 allowUrls: Array<string | RegExp>;
5 denyUrls: Array<string | RegExp>;
6 ignoreErrors: Array<string | RegExp>;
7 ignoreTransactions: Array<string | RegExp>;
8 ignoreInternal: boolean;
9 disableErrorDefaults: boolean;
10 disableTransactionDefaults: boolean;
12export declare const inboundFiltersIntegration: (options?: Partial<InboundFiltersOptions> | undefined) => import("@sentry/types").IntegrationFnResult;
14 * Inbound filters configurable by the user.
15 * @deprecated Use `inboundFiltersIntegration()` instead.
16 */
17export declare const InboundFilters: IntegrationClass<Integration & {
18 preprocessEvent: (event: Event, hint: EventHint, client: Client) => void;
19}> & (new (options?: Partial<{
20 allowUrls: Array<string | RegExp>;
21 denyUrls: Array<string | RegExp>;
22 ignoreErrors: Array<string | RegExp>;
23 ignoreTransactions: Array<string | RegExp>;
24 ignoreInternal: boolean;
25 disableErrorDefaults: boolean;
26 disableTransactionDefaults: boolean;
27}>) => Integration);
28//# sourceMappingURL=inboundfilters.d.ts.map
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