543 BTypeScriptView Raw
1interface LegacyOptions {
2 entryScript: string;
3 pollInterval: number;
4 anrThreshold: number;
5 captureStackTrace: boolean;
6 debug: boolean;
9 * @deprecated Use the `Anr` integration instead.
10 *
11 * ```ts
12 * import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node';
13 *
14 * Sentry.init({
15 * dsn: '__DSN__',
16 * integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.Anr({ captureStackTrace: true })],
17 * });
18 * ```
19 */
20export declare function enableAnrDetection(options: Partial<LegacyOptions>): Promise<void>;
21export {};
22//# sourceMappingURL=legacy.d.ts.map
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