3.21 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"client.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../src/client.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":["import { Dsn } from './dsn';\nimport { Event, EventHint } from './event';\nimport { Integration, IntegrationClass } from './integration';\nimport { Options } from './options';\nimport { Scope } from './scope';\nimport { Session } from './session';\nimport { Severity } from './severity';\n\n/**\n * User-Facing Sentry SDK Client.\n *\n * This interface contains all methods to interface with the SDK once it has\n * been installed. It allows to send events to Sentry, record breadcrumbs and\n * set a context included in every event. Since the SDK mutates its environment,\n * there will only be one instance during runtime.\n *\n */\nexport interface Client<O extends Options = Options> {\n /**\n * Captures an exception event and sends it to Sentry.\n *\n * @param exception An exception-like object.\n * @param hint May contain additional information about the original exception.\n * @param scope An optional scope containing event metadata.\n * @returns The event id\n */\n captureException(exception: any, hint?: EventHint, scope?: Scope): string | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Captures a message event and sends it to Sentry.\n *\n * @param message The message to send to Sentry.\n * @param level Define the level of the message.\n * @param hint May contain additional information about the original exception.\n * @param scope An optional scope containing event metadata.\n * @returns The event id\n */\n captureMessage(message: string, level?: Severity, hint?: EventHint, scope?: Scope): string | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Captures a manually created event and sends it to Sentry.\n *\n * @param event The event to send to Sentry.\n * @param hint May contain additional information about the original exception.\n * @param scope An optional scope containing event metadata.\n * @returns The event id\n */\n captureEvent(event: Event, hint?: EventHint, scope?: Scope): string | undefined;\n\n /** Captures a session\n *\n * @param session Session to be delivered\n */\n captureSession?(session: Session): void;\n\n /** Returns the current Dsn. */\n getDsn(): Dsn | undefined;\n\n /** Returns the current options. */\n getOptions(): O;\n\n /**\n * A promise that resolves when all current events have been sent.\n * If you provide a timeout and the queue takes longer to drain the promise returns false.\n *\n * @param timeout Maximum time in ms the client should wait.\n */\n close(timeout?: number): PromiseLike<boolean>;\n\n /**\n * A promise that resolves when all current events have been sent.\n * If you provide a timeout and the queue takes longer to drain the promise returns false.\n *\n * @param timeout Maximum time in ms the client should wait.\n */\n flush(timeout?: number): PromiseLike<boolean>;\n\n /** Returns an array of installed integrations on the client. */\n getIntegration<T extends Integration>(integration: IntegrationClass<T>): T | null;\n\n /** This is an internal function to setup all integrations that should run on the client */\n setupIntegrations(): void;\n}\n"]}
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