6.24 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Context } from './context';
2import type { DynamicSamplingContext } from './envelope';
3import type { Instrumenter } from './instrumenter';
4import type { MeasurementUnit } from './measurement';
5import type { ExtractedNodeRequestData, Primitive, WorkerLocation } from './misc';
6import type { PolymorphicRequest } from './polymorphics';
7import type { Span, SpanContext } from './span';
9 * Interface holding Transaction-specific properties
10 */
11export interface TransactionContext extends SpanContext {
12 /**
13 * Human-readable identifier for the transaction
14 */
15 name: string;
16 /**
17 * If true, sets the end timestamp of the transaction to the highest timestamp of child spans, trimming
18 * the duration of the transaction. This is useful to discard extra time in the transaction that is not
19 * accounted for in child spans, like what happens in the idle transaction Tracing integration, where we finish the
20 * transaction after a given "idle time" and we don't want this "idle time" to be part of the transaction.
21 */
22 trimEnd?: boolean;
23 /**
24 * If this transaction has a parent, the parent's sampling decision
25 */
26 parentSampled?: boolean;
27 /**
28 * Metadata associated with the transaction, for internal SDK use.
29 */
30 metadata?: Partial<TransactionMetadata>;
33 * Data pulled from a `sentry-trace` header
34 */
35export declare type TraceparentData = Pick<TransactionContext, 'traceId' | 'parentSpanId' | 'parentSampled'>;
37 * Transaction "Class", inherits Span only has `setName`
38 */
39export interface Transaction extends TransactionContext, Span {
40 /**
41 * @inheritDoc
42 */
43 spanId: string;
44 /**
45 * @inheritDoc
46 */
47 traceId: string;
48 /**
49 * @inheritDoc
50 */
51 startTimestamp: number;
52 /**
53 * @inheritDoc
54 */
55 tags: {
56 [key: string]: Primitive;
57 };
58 /**
59 * @inheritDoc
60 */
61 data: {
62 [key: string]: any;
63 };
64 /**
65 * Metadata about the transaction
66 */
67 metadata: TransactionMetadata;
68 /**
69 * The instrumenter that created this transaction.
70 */
71 instrumenter: Instrumenter;
72 /**
73 * Set the name of the transaction
74 */
75 setName(name: string, source?: TransactionMetadata['source']): void;
76 /**
77 * Set the context of a transaction event
78 */
79 setContext(key: string, context: Context): void;
80 /**
81 * Set observed measurement for this transaction.
82 *
83 * @param name Name of the measurement
84 * @param value Value of the measurement
85 * @param unit Unit of the measurement. (Defaults to an empty string)
86 */
87 setMeasurement(name: string, value: number, unit: MeasurementUnit): void;
88 /** Returns the current transaction properties as a `TransactionContext` */
89 toContext(): TransactionContext;
90 /** Updates the current transaction with a new `TransactionContext` */
91 updateWithContext(transactionContext: TransactionContext): this;
92 /**
93 * Set metadata for this transaction.
94 * @hidden
95 */
96 setMetadata(newMetadata: Partial<TransactionMetadata>): void;
97 /** Return the current Dynamic Sampling Context of this transaction */
98 getDynamicSamplingContext(): Partial<DynamicSamplingContext>;
101 * Context data passed by the user when starting a transaction, to be used by the tracesSampler method.
102 */
103export interface CustomSamplingContext {
104 [key: string]: any;
107 * Data passed to the `tracesSampler` function, which forms the basis for whatever decisions it might make.
108 *
109 * Adds default data to data provided by the user. See {@link Hub.startTransaction}
110 */
111export interface SamplingContext extends CustomSamplingContext {
112 /**
113 * Context data with which transaction being sampled was created
114 */
115 transactionContext: TransactionContext;
116 /**
117 * Sampling decision from the parent transaction, if any.
118 */
119 parentSampled?: boolean;
120 /**
121 * Object representing the URL of the current page or worker script. Passed by default when using the `BrowserTracing`
122 * integration.
123 */
124 location?: WorkerLocation;
125 /**
126 * Object representing the incoming request to a node server. Passed by default when using the TracingHandler.
127 */
128 request?: ExtractedNodeRequestData;
130export interface TransactionMetadata {
131 /** The sample rate used when sampling this transaction */
132 sampleRate?: number;
133 /**
134 * The Dynamic Sampling Context of a transaction. If provided during transaction creation, its Dynamic Sampling
135 * Context Will be frozen
136 */
137 dynamicSamplingContext?: Partial<DynamicSamplingContext>;
138 /** For transactions tracing server-side request handling, the request being tracked. */
139 request?: PolymorphicRequest;
140 /** Compatibility shim for transitioning to the `RequestData` integration. The options passed to our Express request
141 * handler controlling what request data is added to the event.
142 * TODO (v8): This should go away
143 */
144 requestDataOptionsFromExpressHandler?: {
145 [key: string]: unknown;
146 };
147 /** For transactions tracing server-side request handling, the path of the request being tracked. */
148 /** TODO: If we rm -rf `instrumentServer`, this can go, too */
149 requestPath?: string;
150 /** Information on how a transaction name was generated. */
151 source: TransactionSource;
152 /** Metadata for the transaction's spans, keyed by spanId */
153 spanMetadata: {
154 [spanId: string]: {
155 [key: string]: unknown;
156 };
157 };
160 * Contains information about how the name of the transaction was determined. This will be used by the server to decide
161 * whether or not to scrub identifiers from the transaction name, or replace the entire name with a placeholder.
162 */
163export declare type TransactionSource =
164/** User-defined name */
166/** Raw URL, potentially containing identifiers */
167 | 'url'
168/** Parametrized URL / route */
169 | 'route'
170/** Name of the view handling the request */
171 | 'view'
172/** Named after a software component, such as a function or class name. */
173 | 'component'
174/** Name of a background task (e.g. a Celery task) */
175 | 'task';
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