2.04 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Scope } from './scope';
2import type { Span, SpanAttributes, SpanTimeInput } from './span';
3export interface StartSpanOptions {
4 /** A manually specified start time for the created `Span` object. */
5 startTime?: SpanTimeInput;
6 /** If defined, start this span off this scope instead off the current scope. */
7 scope?: Scope;
8 /** The name of the span. */
9 name: string;
10 /** If set to true, only start a span if a parent span exists. */
11 onlyIfParent?: boolean;
12 /** An op for the span. This is a categorization for spans. */
13 op?: string;
14 /**
15 * If provided, make the new span a child of this span.
16 * If this is not provided, the new span will be a child of the currently active span.
17 * If this is set to `null`, the new span will have no parent span.
18 */
19 parentSpan?: Span | null;
20 /**
21 * If set to true, this span will be forced to be treated as a transaction in the Sentry UI, if possible and applicable.
22 * Note that it is up to the SDK to decide how exactly the span will be sent, which may change in future SDK versions.
23 * It is not guaranteed that a span started with this flag set to `true` will be sent as a transaction.
24 */
25 forceTransaction?: boolean;
26 /** Attributes for the span. */
27 attributes?: SpanAttributes;
28 /**
29 * Experimental options without any stability guarantees. Use with caution!
30 */
31 experimental?: {
32 /**
33 * If set to true, always start a standalone span which will be sent as a
34 * standalone segment span envelope instead of a transaction envelope.
35 *
36 * @internal this option is currently experimental and should only be
37 * used within SDK code. It might be removed or changed in the future.
38 * The payload ("envelope") of the resulting request sending the span to
39 * Sentry might change at any time.
40 *
41 * @hidden
42 */
43 standalone?: boolean;
44 };
46//# sourceMappingURL=startSpanOptions.d.ts.map
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