3.64 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { Event, ExtractedNodeRequestData, PolymorphicRequest, TransactionSource, WebFetchHeaders, WebFetchRequest } from '@sentry/types';
2declare const DEFAULT_REQUEST_INCLUDES: string[];
3export declare const DEFAULT_USER_INCLUDES: string[];
5 * Options deciding what parts of the request to use when enhancing an event
6 */
7export type AddRequestDataToEventOptions = {
8 /** Flags controlling whether each type of data should be added to the event */
9 include?: {
10 ip?: boolean;
11 request?: boolean | Array<(typeof DEFAULT_REQUEST_INCLUDES)[number]>;
12 transaction?: boolean | TransactionNamingScheme;
13 user?: boolean | Array<(typeof DEFAULT_USER_INCLUDES)[number]>;
14 };
15 /** Injected platform-specific dependencies */
16 deps?: {
17 cookie: {
18 parse: (cookieStr: string) => Record<string, string>;
19 };
20 url: {
21 parse: (urlStr: string) => {
22 query: string | null;
23 };
24 };
25 };
27export type TransactionNamingScheme = 'path' | 'methodPath' | 'handler';
29 * Extracts a complete and parameterized path from the request object and uses it to construct transaction name.
30 * If the parameterized transaction name cannot be extracted, we fall back to the raw URL.
31 *
32 * Additionally, this function determines and returns the transaction name source
33 *
34 * eg. GET /mountpoint/user/:id
35 *
36 * @param req A request object
37 * @param options What to include in the transaction name (method, path, or a custom route name to be
38 * used instead of the request's route)
39 *
40 * @returns A tuple of the fully constructed transaction name [0] and its source [1] (can be either 'route' or 'url')
41 */
42export declare function extractPathForTransaction(req: PolymorphicRequest, options?: {
43 path?: boolean;
44 method?: boolean;
45 customRoute?: string;
46}): [string, TransactionSource];
48 * Normalize data from the request object, accounting for framework differences.
49 *
50 * @param req The request object from which to extract data
51 * @param options.include An optional array of keys to include in the normalized data. Defaults to
52 * DEFAULT_REQUEST_INCLUDES if not provided.
53 * @param options.deps Injected, platform-specific dependencies
54 * @returns An object containing normalized request data
55 */
56export declare function extractRequestData(req: PolymorphicRequest, options?: {
57 include?: string[];
58}): ExtractedNodeRequestData;
60 * Add data from the given request to the given event
61 *
62 * @param event The event to which the request data will be added
63 * @param req Request object
64 * @param options.include Flags to control what data is included
65 * @param options.deps Injected platform-specific dependencies
66 * @returns The mutated `Event` object
67 */
68export declare function addRequestDataToEvent(event: Event, req: PolymorphicRequest, options?: AddRequestDataToEventOptions): Event;
70 * Transforms a `Headers` object that implements the `Web Fetch API` (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Headers) into a simple key-value dict.
71 * The header keys will be lower case: e.g. A "Content-Type" header will be stored as "content-type".
72 */
73export declare function winterCGHeadersToDict(winterCGHeaders: WebFetchHeaders): Record<string, string>;
75 * Converts a `Request` object that implements the `Web Fetch API` (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Headers) into the format that the `RequestData` integration understands.
76 */
77export declare function winterCGRequestToRequestData(req: WebFetchRequest): PolymorphicRequest;
78export {};
79//# sourceMappingURL=requestdata.d.ts.map
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