252 kBJSONView Raw
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5 "version": "2.4.0",
6 "typescriptVersion": "4.1.3"
7 },
8 "components": [
9 {
10 "filePath": "./src/components/alert/alert.tsx",
11 "encapsulation": "shadow",
12 "tag": "sl-alert",
13 "readme": "# sl-alert\n\n\n",
14 "docs": "",
15 "docsTags": [
16 {
17 "text": "2.0",
18 "name": "since"
19 },
20 {
21 "text": "stable",
22 "name": "status"
23 },
24 {
25 "text": "- The alert's content.",
26 "name": "slot"
27 },
28 {
29 "text": "icon - An icon to show in the alert.",
30 "name": "slot"
31 },
32 {
33 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
34 "name": "part"
35 },
36 {
37 "text": "icon - The container that wraps the alert icon.",
38 "name": "part"
39 },
40 {
41 "text": "message - The alert message.",
42 "name": "part"
43 },
44 {
45 "text": "close-button - The close button.",
46 "name": "part"
47 }
48 ],
49 "usage": {},
50 "props": [
51 {
52 "name": "closable",
53 "type": "boolean",
54 "mutable": false,
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56 "reflectToAttr": true,
57 "docs": "Set to true to make the alert closable.",
58 "docsTags": [],
59 "default": "false",
60 "values": [
61 {
62 "type": "boolean"
63 }
64 ],
65 "optional": false,
66 "required": false
67 },
68 {
69 "name": "duration",
70 "type": "number",
71 "mutable": false,
72 "attr": "duration",
73 "reflectToAttr": false,
74 "docs": "The length of time, in milliseconds, the alert will show before closing itself. If the user interacts with the\nalert before it closes (e.g. moves the mouse over it), the timer will restart.",
75 "docsTags": [],
76 "default": "Infinity",
77 "values": [
78 {
79 "type": "number"
80 }
81 ],
82 "optional": false,
83 "required": false
84 },
85 {
86 "name": "open",
87 "type": "boolean",
88 "mutable": true,
89 "attr": "open",
90 "reflectToAttr": true,
91 "docs": "Indicates whether or not the alert is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.",
92 "docsTags": [],
93 "default": "false",
94 "values": [
95 {
96 "type": "boolean"
97 }
98 ],
99 "optional": false,
100 "required": false
101 },
102 {
103 "name": "type",
104 "type": "\"danger\" | \"info\" | \"primary\" | \"success\" | \"warning\"",
105 "mutable": false,
106 "attr": "type",
107 "reflectToAttr": true,
108 "docs": "The type of alert.",
109 "docsTags": [],
110 "default": "'primary'",
111 "values": [
112 {
113 "value": "danger",
114 "type": "string"
115 },
116 {
117 "value": "info",
118 "type": "string"
119 },
120 {
121 "value": "primary",
122 "type": "string"
123 },
124 {
125 "value": "success",
126 "type": "string"
127 },
128 {
129 "value": "warning",
130 "type": "string"
131 }
132 ],
133 "optional": false,
134 "required": false
135 }
136 ],
137 "methods": [
138 {
139 "name": "hide",
140 "returns": {
141 "type": "Promise<void>",
142 "docs": ""
143 },
144 "signature": "hide() => Promise<void>",
145 "parameters": [],
146 "docs": "Hides the alert",
147 "docsTags": []
148 },
149 {
150 "name": "show",
151 "returns": {
152 "type": "Promise<void>",
153 "docs": ""
154 },
155 "signature": "show() => Promise<void>",
156 "parameters": [],
157 "docs": "Shows the alert.",
158 "docsTags": []
159 },
160 {
161 "name": "toast",
162 "returns": {
163 "type": "Promise<void>",
164 "docs": ""
165 },
166 "signature": "toast() => Promise<void>",
167 "parameters": [],
168 "docs": "Displays the alert as a toast notification. This will move the alert out of its position in the DOM and, when\ndismissed, it will be removed from the DOM completely. By storing a reference to the alert, you can reuse it by\ncalling this method again. The returned promise will resolve after the alert is hidden.",
169 "docsTags": []
170 }
171 ],
172 "events": [
173 {
174 "event": "sl-after-hide",
175 "detail": "any",
176 "bubbles": true,
177 "cancelable": true,
178 "composed": true,
179 "docs": "Emitted after the alert closes and all transitions are complete.",
180 "docsTags": []
181 },
182 {
183 "event": "sl-after-show",
184 "detail": "any",
185 "bubbles": true,
186 "cancelable": true,
187 "composed": true,
188 "docs": "Emitted after the alert opens and all transitions are complete.",
189 "docsTags": []
190 },
191 {
192 "event": "sl-hide",
193 "detail": "any",
194 "bubbles": true,
195 "cancelable": true,
196 "composed": true,
197 "docs": "Emitted when the alert closes. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being closed.",
198 "docsTags": []
199 },
200 {
201 "event": "sl-show",
202 "detail": "any",
203 "bubbles": true,
204 "cancelable": true,
205 "composed": true,
206 "docs": "Emitted when the alert opens. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being opened.",
207 "docsTags": []
208 }
209 ],
210 "listeners": [],
211 "styles": [
212 {
213 "name": "--box-shadow",
214 "annotation": "prop",
215 "docs": "The alert's box shadow."
216 }
217 ],
218 "slots": [
219 {
220 "name": "",
221 "docs": "The alert's content."
222 },
223 {
224 "name": "icon",
225 "docs": "An icon to show in the alert."
226 }
227 ],
228 "parts": [
229 {
230 "name": "base",
231 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
232 },
233 {
234 "name": "close-button",
235 "docs": "The close button."
236 },
237 {
238 "name": "icon",
239 "docs": "The container that wraps the alert icon."
240 },
241 {
242 "name": "message",
243 "docs": "The alert message."
244 }
245 ],
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247 "dependencies": [
248 "sl-icon-button"
249 ],
250 "dependencyGraph": {
251 "sl-alert": [
252 "sl-icon-button"
253 ],
254 "sl-icon-button": [
255 "sl-icon"
256 ]
257 }
258 },
259 {
260 "filePath": "./src/components/animation/animation.tsx",
261 "encapsulation": "shadow",
262 "tag": "sl-animation",
263 "readme": "# animatable-component\n\n\n",
264 "docs": "",
265 "docsTags": [
266 {
267 "text": "2.0",
268 "name": "since"
269 },
270 {
271 "text": "stable",
272 "name": "status"
273 },
274 {
275 "text": "- The element to animate. If multiple elements are to be animated, wrap them in a single container.",
276 "name": "slot"
277 }
278 ],
279 "usage": {},
280 "props": [
281 {
282 "name": "delay",
283 "type": "number",
284 "mutable": false,
285 "attr": "delay",
286 "reflectToAttr": false,
287 "docs": "The number of milliseconds to delay the start of the animation.",
288 "docsTags": [],
289 "default": "0",
290 "values": [
291 {
292 "type": "number"
293 }
294 ],
295 "optional": false,
296 "required": false
297 },
298 {
299 "name": "direction",
300 "type": "\"alternate\" | \"alternate-reverse\" | \"normal\" | \"reverse\"",
301 "mutable": false,
302 "attr": "direction",
303 "reflectToAttr": false,
304 "docs": "Determines the direction of playback as well as the behavior when reaching the end of an iteration.",
305 "docsTags": [],
306 "default": "'normal'",
307 "values": [
308 {
309 "value": "alternate",
310 "type": "string"
311 },
312 {
313 "value": "alternate-reverse",
314 "type": "string"
315 },
316 {
317 "value": "normal",
318 "type": "string"
319 },
320 {
321 "value": "reverse",
322 "type": "string"
323 }
324 ],
325 "optional": false,
326 "required": false
327 },
328 {
329 "name": "duration",
330 "type": "number",
331 "mutable": false,
332 "attr": "duration",
333 "reflectToAttr": false,
334 "docs": "The number of milliseconds each iteration of the animation takes to complete.",
335 "docsTags": [],
336 "default": "1000",
337 "values": [
338 {
339 "type": "number"
340 }
341 ],
342 "optional": false,
343 "required": false
344 },
345 {
346 "name": "easing",
347 "type": "string",
348 "mutable": false,
349 "attr": "easing",
350 "reflectToAttr": false,
351 "docs": "The easing function to use for the animation. This can be a Shoelace easing function or a custom easing function\nsuch as `cubic-bezier(0, 1, .76, 1.14)`.",
352 "docsTags": [],
353 "default": "'linear'",
354 "values": [
355 {
356 "type": "string"
357 }
358 ],
359 "optional": false,
360 "required": false
361 },
362 {
363 "name": "endDelay",
364 "type": "number",
365 "mutable": false,
366 "attr": "end-delay",
367 "reflectToAttr": false,
368 "docs": "The number of milliseconds to delay after the active period of an animation sequence.",
369 "docsTags": [],
370 "default": "0",
371 "values": [
372 {
373 "type": "number"
374 }
375 ],
376 "optional": false,
377 "required": false
378 },
379 {
380 "name": "fill",
381 "type": "\"auto\" | \"backwards\" | \"both\" | \"forwards\" | \"none\"",
382 "mutable": false,
383 "attr": "fill",
384 "reflectToAttr": false,
385 "docs": "Sets how the animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.",
386 "docsTags": [],
387 "default": "'auto'",
388 "values": [
389 {
390 "value": "auto",
391 "type": "string"
392 },
393 {
394 "value": "backwards",
395 "type": "string"
396 },
397 {
398 "value": "both",
399 "type": "string"
400 },
401 {
402 "value": "forwards",
403 "type": "string"
404 },
405 {
406 "value": "none",
407 "type": "string"
408 }
409 ],
410 "optional": false,
411 "required": false
412 },
413 {
414 "name": "iterationStart",
415 "type": "number",
416 "mutable": false,
417 "attr": "iteration-start",
418 "reflectToAttr": false,
419 "docs": "The offset at which to start the animation, usually between 0 (start) and 1 (end).",
420 "docsTags": [],
421 "default": "0",
422 "values": [
423 {
424 "type": "number"
425 }
426 ],
427 "optional": false,
428 "required": false
429 },
430 {
431 "name": "iterations",
432 "type": "number",
433 "mutable": false,
434 "attr": "iterations",
435 "reflectToAttr": false,
436 "docs": "The number of iterations to run before the animation completes. Defaults to `Infinity`, which loops.",
437 "docsTags": [],
438 "default": "Infinity",
439 "values": [
440 {
441 "type": "number"
442 }
443 ],
444 "optional": false,
445 "required": false
446 },
447 {
448 "name": "keyframes",
449 "type": "Keyframe[]",
450 "mutable": true,
451 "reflectToAttr": false,
452 "docs": "The keyframes to use for the animation. If this is set, `name` will be ignored.",
453 "docsTags": [],
454 "values": [
455 {
456 "type": "Keyframe[]"
457 }
458 ],
459 "optional": false,
460 "required": false
461 },
462 {
463 "name": "name",
464 "type": "string",
465 "mutable": false,
466 "attr": "name",
467 "reflectToAttr": false,
468 "docs": "The name of the built-in animation to use. For custom animations, use the `keyframes` prop.",
469 "docsTags": [],
470 "default": "'none'",
471 "values": [
472 {
473 "type": "string"
474 }
475 ],
476 "optional": false,
477 "required": false
478 },
479 {
480 "name": "pause",
481 "type": "boolean",
482 "mutable": false,
483 "attr": "pause",
484 "reflectToAttr": false,
485 "docs": "Pauses the animation. The animation will resume when this prop is removed.",
486 "docsTags": [],
487 "default": "false",
488 "values": [
489 {
490 "type": "boolean"
491 }
492 ],
493 "optional": false,
494 "required": false
495 },
496 {
497 "name": "playbackRate",
498 "type": "number",
499 "mutable": false,
500 "attr": "playback-rate",
501 "reflectToAttr": false,
502 "docs": "Sets the animation's playback rate. The default is `1`, which plays the animation at a normal speed. Setting this\nto `2`, for example, will double the animation's speed. A negative value can be used to reverse the animation. This\nvalue can be changed without causing the animation to restart.",
503 "docsTags": [],
504 "default": "1",
505 "values": [
506 {
507 "type": "number"
508 }
509 ],
510 "optional": false,
511 "required": false
512 }
513 ],
514 "methods": [
515 {
516 "name": "cancel",
517 "returns": {
518 "type": "Promise<void>",
519 "docs": ""
520 },
521 "signature": "cancel() => Promise<void>",
522 "parameters": [],
523 "docs": "Clears all KeyframeEffects caused by this animation and aborts its playback.",
524 "docsTags": []
525 },
526 {
527 "name": "finish",
528 "returns": {
529 "type": "Promise<void>",
530 "docs": ""
531 },
532 "signature": "finish() => Promise<void>",
533 "parameters": [],
534 "docs": "Sets the playback time to the end of the animation corresponding to the current playback direction.",
535 "docsTags": []
536 },
537 {
538 "name": "getAnimationNames",
539 "returns": {
540 "type": "Promise<string[]>",
541 "docs": ""
542 },
543 "signature": "getAnimationNames() => Promise<string[]>",
544 "parameters": [],
545 "docs": "Gets a list of all supported animation names.",
546 "docsTags": []
547 },
548 {
549 "name": "getCurrentTime",
550 "returns": {
551 "type": "Promise<number>",
552 "docs": ""
553 },
554 "signature": "getCurrentTime() => Promise<number>",
555 "parameters": [],
556 "docs": "Gets the current time of the animation in milliseconds.",
557 "docsTags": []
558 },
559 {
560 "name": "getEasingNames",
561 "returns": {
562 "type": "Promise<string[]>",
563 "docs": ""
564 },
565 "signature": "getEasingNames() => Promise<string[]>",
566 "parameters": [],
567 "docs": "Gets a list of all supported easing function names.",
568 "docsTags": []
569 },
570 {
571 "name": "setCurrentTime",
572 "returns": {
573 "type": "Promise<void>",
574 "docs": ""
575 },
576 "signature": "setCurrentTime(time: number) => Promise<void>",
577 "parameters": [],
578 "docs": "Sets the current time of the animation in milliseconds.",
579 "docsTags": []
580 }
581 ],
582 "events": [
583 {
584 "event": "sl-cancel",
585 "detail": "any",
586 "bubbles": true,
587 "cancelable": true,
588 "composed": true,
589 "docs": "Emitted when the animation is canceled.",
590 "docsTags": []
591 },
592 {
593 "event": "sl-finish",
594 "detail": "any",
595 "bubbles": true,
596 "cancelable": true,
597 "composed": true,
598 "docs": "Emitted when the animation finishes.",
599 "docsTags": []
600 },
601 {
602 "event": "sl-start",
603 "detail": "any",
604 "bubbles": true,
605 "cancelable": true,
606 "composed": true,
607 "docs": "Emitted when the animation starts or restarts.",
608 "docsTags": []
609 }
610 ],
611 "listeners": [],
612 "styles": [],
613 "slots": [
614 {
615 "name": "",
616 "docs": "The element to animate. If multiple elements are to be animated, wrap them in a single container."
617 }
618 ],
619 "parts": [],
620 "dependents": [],
621 "dependencies": [],
622 "dependencyGraph": {}
623 },
624 {
625 "filePath": "./src/components/avatar/avatar.tsx",
626 "encapsulation": "shadow",
627 "tag": "sl-avatar",
628 "readme": "# sl-avatar\n\n\n",
629 "docs": "",
630 "docsTags": [
631 {
632 "text": "2.0",
633 "name": "since"
634 },
635 {
636 "text": "stable",
637 "name": "status"
638 },
639 {
640 "text": "icon - The default icon to use when no image or initials are present.",
641 "name": "slot"
642 },
643 {
644 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
645 "name": "part"
646 },
647 {
648 "text": "icon - The container that wraps the avatar icon.",
649 "name": "part"
650 },
651 {
652 "text": "initials - The container that wraps the avatar initials.",
653 "name": "part"
654 },
655 {
656 "text": "image - The avatar image.",
657 "name": "part"
658 }
659 ],
660 "usage": {},
661 "props": [
662 {
663 "name": "alt",
664 "type": "string",
665 "mutable": false,
666 "attr": "alt",
667 "reflectToAttr": false,
668 "docs": "Alternative text for the image.",
669 "docsTags": [],
670 "default": "''",
671 "values": [
672 {
673 "type": "string"
674 }
675 ],
676 "optional": false,
677 "required": false
678 },
679 {
680 "name": "image",
681 "type": "string",
682 "mutable": false,
683 "attr": "image",
684 "reflectToAttr": false,
685 "docs": "The image source to use for the avatar.",
686 "docsTags": [],
687 "default": "''",
688 "values": [
689 {
690 "type": "string"
691 }
692 ],
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695 },
696 {
697 "name": "initials",
698 "type": "string",
699 "mutable": false,
700 "attr": "initials",
701 "reflectToAttr": false,
702 "docs": "Initials to use as a fallback when no image is available (1-2 characters max recommended).",
703 "docsTags": [],
704 "default": "''",
705 "values": [
706 {
707 "type": "string"
708 }
709 ],
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712 },
713 {
714 "name": "shape",
715 "type": "\"circle\" | \"rounded\" | \"square\"",
716 "mutable": false,
717 "attr": "shape",
718 "reflectToAttr": false,
719 "docs": "The shape of the avatar.",
720 "docsTags": [],
721 "default": "'circle'",
722 "values": [
723 {
724 "value": "circle",
725 "type": "string"
726 },
727 {
728 "value": "rounded",
729 "type": "string"
730 },
731 {
732 "value": "square",
733 "type": "string"
734 }
735 ],
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737 "required": false
738 }
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742 "listeners": [],
743 "styles": [
744 {
745 "name": "--size",
746 "annotation": "prop",
747 "docs": "The size of the avatar."
748 }
749 ],
750 "slots": [
751 {
752 "name": "icon",
753 "docs": "The default icon to use when no image or initials are present."
754 }
755 ],
756 "parts": [
757 {
758 "name": "base",
759 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
760 },
761 {
762 "name": "icon",
763 "docs": "The container that wraps the avatar icon."
764 },
765 {
766 "name": "image",
767 "docs": "The avatar image."
768 },
769 {
770 "name": "initials",
771 "docs": "The container that wraps the avatar initials."
772 }
773 ],
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776 "sl-icon"
777 ],
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779 "sl-avatar": [
780 "sl-icon"
781 ]
782 }
783 },
784 {
785 "filePath": "./src/components/badge/badge.tsx",
786 "encapsulation": "shadow",
787 "tag": "sl-badge",
788 "readme": "# sl-badge\n\n\n",
789 "docs": "",
790 "docsTags": [
791 {
792 "text": "2.0",
793 "name": "since"
794 },
795 {
796 "text": "stable",
797 "name": "status"
798 },
799 {
800 "text": "- The badge's content.",
801 "name": "slot"
802 },
803 {
804 "text": "base - The base wrapper",
805 "name": "part"
806 }
807 ],
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809 "props": [
810 {
811 "name": "pill",
812 "type": "boolean",
813 "mutable": false,
814 "attr": "pill",
815 "reflectToAttr": false,
816 "docs": "Set to true to draw a pill-style badge with rounded edges.",
817 "docsTags": [],
818 "default": "false",
819 "values": [
820 {
821 "type": "boolean"
822 }
823 ],
824 "optional": false,
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826 },
827 {
828 "name": "pulse",
829 "type": "boolean",
830 "mutable": false,
831 "attr": "pulse",
832 "reflectToAttr": false,
833 "docs": "Set to true to make the badge pulsate to draw attention.",
834 "docsTags": [],
835 "default": "false",
836 "values": [
837 {
838 "type": "boolean"
839 }
840 ],
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843 },
844 {
845 "name": "type",
846 "type": "\"danger\" | \"info\" | \"primary\" | \"success\" | \"warning\"",
847 "mutable": false,
848 "attr": "type",
849 "reflectToAttr": false,
850 "docs": "The badge's type.",
851 "docsTags": [],
852 "default": "'primary'",
853 "values": [
854 {
855 "value": "danger",
856 "type": "string"
857 },
858 {
859 "value": "info",
860 "type": "string"
861 },
862 {
863 "value": "primary",
864 "type": "string"
865 },
866 {
867 "value": "success",
868 "type": "string"
869 },
870 {
871 "value": "warning",
872 "type": "string"
873 }
874 ],
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877 }
878 ],
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880 "events": [],
881 "listeners": [],
882 "styles": [],
883 "slots": [
884 {
885 "name": "",
886 "docs": "The badge's content."
887 }
888 ],
889 "parts": [
890 {
891 "name": "base",
892 "docs": "The base wrapper"
893 }
894 ],
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896 "dependencies": [],
897 "dependencyGraph": {}
898 },
899 {
900 "filePath": "./src/components/button/button.tsx",
901 "encapsulation": "shadow",
902 "tag": "sl-button",
903 "readme": "# sl-button\n\n\n",
904 "docs": "",
905 "docsTags": [
906 {
907 "text": "2.0",
908 "name": "since"
909 },
910 {
911 "text": "stable",
912 "name": "status"
913 },
914 {
915 "text": "- The button's label.",
916 "name": "slot"
917 },
918 {
919 "text": "prefix - Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the button.",
920 "name": "slot"
921 },
922 {
923 "text": "suffix - Used to append an icon or similar element to the button.",
924 "name": "slot"
925 },
926 {
927 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
928 "name": "part"
929 },
930 {
931 "text": "prefix - The prefix container.",
932 "name": "part"
933 },
934 {
935 "text": "label - The button's label.",
936 "name": "part"
937 },
938 {
939 "text": "suffix - The suffix container.",
940 "name": "part"
941 },
942 {
943 "text": "caret - The button's caret.",
944 "name": "part"
945 }
946 ],
947 "usage": {},
948 "props": [
949 {
950 "name": "caret",
951 "type": "boolean",
952 "mutable": false,
953 "attr": "caret",
954 "reflectToAttr": false,
955 "docs": "Set to true to draw the button with a caret for use with dropdowns, popovers, etc.",
956 "docsTags": [],
957 "default": "false",
958 "values": [
959 {
960 "type": "boolean"
961 }
962 ],
963 "optional": false,
964 "required": false
965 },
966 {
967 "name": "circle",
968 "type": "boolean",
969 "mutable": false,
970 "attr": "circle",
971 "reflectToAttr": true,
972 "docs": "Set to true to draw a circle button.",
973 "docsTags": [],
974 "default": "false",
975 "values": [
976 {
977 "type": "boolean"
978 }
979 ],
980 "optional": false,
981 "required": false
982 },
983 {
984 "name": "disabled",
985 "type": "boolean",
986 "mutable": false,
987 "attr": "disabled",
988 "reflectToAttr": true,
989 "docs": "Set to true to disable the button.",
990 "docsTags": [],
991 "default": "false",
992 "values": [
993 {
994 "type": "boolean"
995 }
996 ],
997 "optional": false,
998 "required": false
999 },
1000 {
1001 "name": "download",
1002 "type": "string",
1003 "mutable": false,
1004 "attr": "download",
1005 "reflectToAttr": false,
1006 "docs": "Tells the browser to download the linked file as this filename. Only used when `href` is set.",
1007 "docsTags": [],
1008 "values": [
1009 {
1010 "type": "string"
1011 }
1012 ],
1013 "optional": false,
1014 "required": false
1015 },
1016 {
1017 "name": "href",
1018 "type": "string",
1019 "mutable": false,
1020 "attr": "href",
1021 "reflectToAttr": false,
1022 "docs": "When set, the underlying button will be rendered as an `<a>` with this `href` instead of a `<button>`.",
1023 "docsTags": [],
1024 "values": [
1025 {
1026 "type": "string"
1027 }
1028 ],
1029 "optional": false,
1030 "required": false
1031 },
1032 {
1033 "name": "loading",
1034 "type": "boolean",
1035 "mutable": false,
1036 "attr": "loading",
1037 "reflectToAttr": true,
1038 "docs": "Set to true to draw the button in a loading state.",
1039 "docsTags": [],
1040 "default": "false",
1041 "values": [
1042 {
1043 "type": "boolean"
1044 }
1045 ],
1046 "optional": false,
1047 "required": false
1048 },
1049 {
1050 "name": "name",
1051 "type": "string",
1052 "mutable": false,
1053 "attr": "name",
1054 "reflectToAttr": false,
1055 "docs": "An optional name for the button. Ignored when `href` is set.",
1056 "docsTags": [],
1057 "values": [
1058 {
1059 "type": "string"
1060 }
1061 ],
1062 "optional": false,
1063 "required": false
1064 },
1065 {
1066 "name": "pill",
1067 "type": "boolean",
1068 "mutable": false,
1069 "attr": "pill",
1070 "reflectToAttr": true,
1071 "docs": "Set to true to draw a pill-style button with rounded edges.",
1072 "docsTags": [],
1073 "default": "false",
1074 "values": [
1075 {
1076 "type": "boolean"
1077 }
1078 ],
1079 "optional": false,
1080 "required": false
1081 },
1082 {
1083 "name": "size",
1084 "type": "\"large\" | \"medium\" | \"small\"",
1085 "mutable": false,
1086 "attr": "size",
1087 "reflectToAttr": true,
1088 "docs": "The button's size.",
1089 "docsTags": [],
1090 "default": "'medium'",
1091 "values": [
1092 {
1093 "value": "large",
1094 "type": "string"
1095 },
1096 {
1097 "value": "medium",
1098 "type": "string"
1099 },
1100 {
1101 "value": "small",
1102 "type": "string"
1103 }
1104 ],
1105 "optional": false,
1106 "required": false
1107 },
1108 {
1109 "name": "submit",
1110 "type": "boolean",
1111 "mutable": false,
1112 "attr": "submit",
1113 "reflectToAttr": true,
1114 "docs": "Indicates if activating the button should submit the form. Ignored when `href` is set.",
1115 "docsTags": [],
1116 "default": "false",
1117 "values": [
1118 {
1119 "type": "boolean"
1120 }
1121 ],
1122 "optional": false,
1123 "required": false
1124 },
1125 {
1126 "name": "target",
1127 "type": "\"_blank\" | \"_parent\" | \"_self\" | \"_top\"",
1128 "mutable": false,
1129 "attr": "target",
1130 "reflectToAttr": false,
1131 "docs": "Tells the browser where to open the link. Only used when `href` is set.",
1132 "docsTags": [],
1133 "values": [
1134 {
1135 "value": "_blank",
1136 "type": "string"
1137 },
1138 {
1139 "value": "_parent",
1140 "type": "string"
1141 },
1142 {
1143 "value": "_self",
1144 "type": "string"
1145 },
1146 {
1147 "value": "_top",
1148 "type": "string"
1149 }
1150 ],
1151 "optional": false,
1152 "required": false
1153 },
1154 {
1155 "name": "type",
1156 "type": "\"danger\" | \"default\" | \"info\" | \"primary\" | \"success\" | \"text\" | \"warning\"",
1157 "mutable": false,
1158 "attr": "type",
1159 "reflectToAttr": true,
1160 "docs": "The button's type.",
1161 "docsTags": [],
1162 "default": "'default'",
1163 "values": [
1164 {
1165 "value": "danger",
1166 "type": "string"
1167 },
1168 {
1169 "value": "default",
1170 "type": "string"
1171 },
1172 {
1173 "value": "info",
1174 "type": "string"
1175 },
1176 {
1177 "value": "primary",
1178 "type": "string"
1179 },
1180 {
1181 "value": "success",
1182 "type": "string"
1183 },
1184 {
1185 "value": "text",
1186 "type": "string"
1187 },
1188 {
1189 "value": "warning",
1190 "type": "string"
1191 }
1192 ],
1193 "optional": false,
1194 "required": false
1195 },
1196 {
1197 "name": "value",
1198 "type": "string",
1199 "mutable": false,
1200 "attr": "value",
1201 "reflectToAttr": false,
1202 "docs": "An optional value for the button. Ignored when `href` is set.",
1203 "docsTags": [],
1204 "values": [
1205 {
1206 "type": "string"
1207 }
1208 ],
1209 "optional": false,
1210 "required": false
1211 }
1212 ],
1213 "methods": [
1214 {
1215 "name": "removeFocus",
1216 "returns": {
1217 "type": "Promise<void>",
1218 "docs": ""
1219 },
1220 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
1221 "parameters": [],
1222 "docs": "Removes focus from the button.",
1223 "docsTags": []
1224 },
1225 {
1226 "name": "setFocus",
1227 "returns": {
1228 "type": "Promise<void>",
1229 "docs": ""
1230 },
1231 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
1232 "parameters": [],
1233 "docs": "Sets focus on the button.",
1234 "docsTags": []
1235 }
1236 ],
1237 "events": [
1238 {
1239 "event": "sl-blur",
1240 "detail": "any",
1241 "bubbles": true,
1242 "cancelable": true,
1243 "composed": true,
1244 "docs": "Emitted when the button loses focus.",
1245 "docsTags": []
1246 },
1247 {
1248 "event": "sl-focus",
1249 "detail": "any",
1250 "bubbles": true,
1251 "cancelable": true,
1252 "composed": true,
1253 "docs": "Emitted when the button gains focus.",
1254 "docsTags": []
1255 }
1256 ],
1257 "listeners": [],
1258 "styles": [],
1259 "slots": [
1260 {
1261 "name": "",
1262 "docs": "The button's label."
1263 },
1264 {
1265 "name": "prefix",
1266 "docs": "Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the button."
1267 },
1268 {
1269 "name": "suffix",
1270 "docs": "Used to append an icon or similar element to the button."
1271 }
1272 ],
1273 "parts": [
1274 {
1275 "name": "base",
1276 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
1277 },
1278 {
1279 "name": "caret",
1280 "docs": "The button's caret."
1281 },
1282 {
1283 "name": "label",
1284 "docs": "The button's label."
1285 },
1286 {
1287 "name": "prefix",
1288 "docs": "The prefix container."
1289 },
1290 {
1291 "name": "suffix",
1292 "docs": "The suffix container."
1293 }
1294 ],
1295 "dependents": [
1296 "sl-color-picker"
1297 ],
1298 "dependencies": [
1299 "sl-spinner"
1300 ],
1301 "dependencyGraph": {
1302 "sl-button": [
1303 "sl-spinner"
1304 ],
1305 "sl-color-picker": [
1306 "sl-button"
1307 ]
1308 }
1309 },
1310 {
1311 "filePath": "./src/components/button-group/button-group.tsx",
1312 "encapsulation": "shadow",
1313 "tag": "sl-button-group",
1314 "readme": "# sl-button-group\n\n\n",
1315 "docs": "",
1316 "docsTags": [
1317 {
1318 "text": "2.0",
1319 "name": "since"
1320 },
1321 {
1322 "text": "stable",
1323 "name": "status"
1324 },
1325 {
1326 "text": "- One or more `<sl-button>` elements to display in the button group.",
1327 "name": "slot"
1328 },
1329 {
1330 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
1331 "name": "part"
1332 }
1333 ],
1334 "usage": {},
1335 "props": [
1336 {
1337 "name": "label",
1338 "type": "string",
1339 "mutable": false,
1340 "attr": "label",
1341 "reflectToAttr": false,
1342 "docs": "A label to use for the button group's `aria-label` attribute.",
1343 "docsTags": [],
1344 "default": "''",
1345 "values": [
1346 {
1347 "type": "string"
1348 }
1349 ],
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1351 "required": false
1352 }
1353 ],
1354 "methods": [],
1355 "events": [],
1356 "listeners": [],
1357 "styles": [],
1358 "slots": [
1359 {
1360 "name": "",
1361 "docs": "One or more `<sl-button>` elements to display in the button group."
1362 }
1363 ],
1364 "parts": [
1365 {
1366 "name": "base",
1367 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
1368 }
1369 ],
1370 "dependents": [],
1371 "dependencies": [],
1372 "dependencyGraph": {}
1373 },
1374 {
1375 "filePath": "./src/components/card/card.tsx",
1376 "encapsulation": "shadow",
1377 "tag": "sl-card",
1378 "readme": "# sl-card\n\n\n",
1379 "docs": "",
1380 "docsTags": [
1381 {
1382 "text": "2.0",
1383 "name": "since"
1384 },
1385 {
1386 "text": "stable",
1387 "name": "status"
1388 },
1389 {
1390 "text": "- The card's body.",
1391 "name": "slot"
1392 },
1393 {
1394 "text": "header - The card's header.",
1395 "name": "slot"
1396 },
1397 {
1398 "text": "footer - The card's footer.",
1399 "name": "slot"
1400 },
1401 {
1402 "text": "image - The card's image.",
1403 "name": "slot"
1404 },
1405 {
1406 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
1407 "name": "part"
1408 },
1409 {
1410 "text": "image - The card's image, if present.",
1411 "name": "part"
1412 },
1413 {
1414 "text": "header - The card's header, if present.",
1415 "name": "part"
1416 },
1417 {
1418 "text": "body - The card's body.",
1419 "name": "part"
1420 },
1421 {
1422 "text": "footer - The card's footer, if present.",
1423 "name": "part"
1424 }
1425 ],
1426 "usage": {},
1427 "props": [],
1428 "methods": [],
1429 "events": [],
1430 "listeners": [],
1431 "styles": [
1432 {
1433 "name": "--border-color",
1434 "annotation": "prop",
1435 "docs": "The card's border color, including borders that occur inside the card."
1436 },
1437 {
1438 "name": "--border-radius",
1439 "annotation": "prop",
1440 "docs": "The border radius for card edges."
1441 },
1442 {
1443 "name": "--border-width",
1444 "annotation": "prop",
1445 "docs": "The width of card borders."
1446 },
1447 {
1448 "name": "--padding",
1449 "annotation": "prop",
1450 "docs": "The padding to use for card sections."
1451 }
1452 ],
1453 "slots": [
1454 {
1455 "name": "",
1456 "docs": "The card's body."
1457 },
1458 {
1459 "name": "footer",
1460 "docs": "The card's footer."
1461 },
1462 {
1463 "name": "header",
1464 "docs": "The card's header."
1465 },
1466 {
1467 "name": "image",
1468 "docs": "The card's image."
1469 }
1470 ],
1471 "parts": [
1472 {
1473 "name": "base",
1474 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
1475 },
1476 {
1477 "name": "body",
1478 "docs": "The card's body."
1479 },
1480 {
1481 "name": "footer",
1482 "docs": "The card's footer, if present."
1483 },
1484 {
1485 "name": "header",
1486 "docs": "The card's header, if present."
1487 },
1488 {
1489 "name": "image",
1490 "docs": "The card's image, if present."
1491 }
1492 ],
1493 "dependents": [],
1494 "dependencies": [],
1495 "dependencyGraph": {}
1496 },
1497 {
1498 "filePath": "./src/components/checkbox/checkbox.tsx",
1499 "encapsulation": "shadow",
1500 "tag": "sl-checkbox",
1501 "readme": "# sl-checkbox\n\n\n",
1502 "docs": "",
1503 "docsTags": [
1504 {
1505 "text": "2.0",
1506 "name": "since"
1507 },
1508 {
1509 "text": "stable",
1510 "name": "status"
1511 },
1512 {
1513 "text": "- The checkbox's label.",
1514 "name": "slot"
1515 },
1516 {
1517 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
1518 "name": "part"
1519 },
1520 {
1521 "text": "control - The checkbox control.",
1522 "name": "part"
1523 },
1524 {
1525 "text": "checked-icon - The container the wraps the checked icon.",
1526 "name": "part"
1527 },
1528 {
1529 "text": "indeterminate-icon - The container that wraps the indeterminate icon.",
1530 "name": "part"
1531 },
1532 {
1533 "text": "label - The checkbox label.",
1534 "name": "part"
1535 }
1536 ],
1537 "usage": {},
1538 "props": [
1539 {
1540 "name": "checked",
1541 "type": "boolean",
1542 "mutable": true,
1543 "attr": "checked",
1544 "reflectToAttr": true,
1545 "docs": "Set to true to draw the checkbox in a checked state.",
1546 "docsTags": [],
1547 "default": "false",
1548 "values": [
1549 {
1550 "type": "boolean"
1551 }
1552 ],
1553 "optional": false,
1554 "required": false
1555 },
1556 {
1557 "name": "disabled",
1558 "type": "boolean",
1559 "mutable": false,
1560 "attr": "disabled",
1561 "reflectToAttr": false,
1562 "docs": "Set to true to disable the checkbox.",
1563 "docsTags": [],
1564 "default": "false",
1565 "values": [
1566 {
1567 "type": "boolean"
1568 }
1569 ],
1570 "optional": false,
1571 "required": false
1572 },
1573 {
1574 "name": "indeterminate",
1575 "type": "boolean",
1576 "mutable": true,
1577 "attr": "indeterminate",
1578 "reflectToAttr": true,
1579 "docs": "Set to true to draw the checkbox in an indeterminate state.",
1580 "docsTags": [],
1581 "default": "false",
1582 "values": [
1583 {
1584 "type": "boolean"
1585 }
1586 ],
1587 "optional": false,
1588 "required": false
1589 },
1590 {
1591 "name": "invalid",
1592 "type": "boolean",
1593 "mutable": true,
1594 "attr": "invalid",
1595 "reflectToAttr": true,
1596 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the `required` prop.",
1597 "docsTags": [],
1598 "default": "false",
1599 "values": [
1600 {
1601 "type": "boolean"
1602 }
1603 ],
1604 "optional": false,
1605 "required": false
1606 },
1607 {
1608 "name": "name",
1609 "type": "string",
1610 "mutable": false,
1611 "attr": "name",
1612 "reflectToAttr": false,
1613 "docs": "The checkbox's name attribute.",
1614 "docsTags": [],
1615 "values": [
1616 {
1617 "type": "string"
1618 }
1619 ],
1620 "optional": false,
1621 "required": false
1622 },
1623 {
1624 "name": "required",
1625 "type": "boolean",
1626 "mutable": false,
1627 "attr": "required",
1628 "reflectToAttr": false,
1629 "docs": "Set to true to make the checkbox a required field.",
1630 "docsTags": [],
1631 "default": "false",
1632 "values": [
1633 {
1634 "type": "boolean"
1635 }
1636 ],
1637 "optional": false,
1638 "required": false
1639 },
1640 {
1641 "name": "value",
1642 "type": "string",
1643 "mutable": false,
1644 "attr": "value",
1645 "reflectToAttr": false,
1646 "docs": "The checkbox's value attribute.",
1647 "docsTags": [],
1648 "values": [
1649 {
1650 "type": "string"
1651 }
1652 ],
1653 "optional": false,
1654 "required": false
1655 }
1656 ],
1657 "methods": [
1658 {
1659 "name": "removeFocus",
1660 "returns": {
1661 "type": "Promise<void>",
1662 "docs": ""
1663 },
1664 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
1665 "parameters": [],
1666 "docs": "Removes focus from the checkbox.",
1667 "docsTags": []
1668 },
1669 {
1670 "name": "reportValidity",
1671 "returns": {
1672 "type": "Promise<boolean>",
1673 "docs": ""
1674 },
1675 "signature": "reportValidity() => Promise<boolean>",
1676 "parameters": [],
1677 "docs": "Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.",
1678 "docsTags": []
1679 },
1680 {
1681 "name": "setCustomValidity",
1682 "returns": {
1683 "type": "Promise<void>",
1684 "docs": ""
1685 },
1686 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
1687 "parameters": [],
1688 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
1689 "docsTags": []
1690 },
1691 {
1692 "name": "setFocus",
1693 "returns": {
1694 "type": "Promise<void>",
1695 "docs": ""
1696 },
1697 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
1698 "parameters": [],
1699 "docs": "Sets focus on the checkbox.",
1700 "docsTags": []
1701 }
1702 ],
1703 "events": [
1704 {
1705 "event": "sl-blur",
1706 "detail": "any",
1707 "bubbles": true,
1708 "cancelable": true,
1709 "composed": true,
1710 "docs": "Emitted when the control loses focus.",
1711 "docsTags": []
1712 },
1713 {
1714 "event": "sl-change",
1715 "detail": "any",
1716 "bubbles": true,
1717 "cancelable": true,
1718 "composed": true,
1719 "docs": "Emitted when the control's checked state changes.",
1720 "docsTags": []
1721 },
1722 {
1723 "event": "sl-focus",
1724 "detail": "any",
1725 "bubbles": true,
1726 "cancelable": true,
1727 "composed": true,
1728 "docs": "Emitted when the control gains focus.",
1729 "docsTags": []
1730 }
1731 ],
1732 "listeners": [],
1733 "styles": [],
1734 "slots": [
1735 {
1736 "name": "",
1737 "docs": "The checkbox's label."
1738 }
1739 ],
1740 "parts": [
1741 {
1742 "name": "base",
1743 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
1744 },
1745 {
1746 "name": "checked-icon",
1747 "docs": "The container the wraps the checked icon."
1748 },
1749 {
1750 "name": "control",
1751 "docs": "The checkbox control."
1752 },
1753 {
1754 "name": "indeterminate-icon",
1755 "docs": "The container that wraps the indeterminate icon."
1756 },
1757 {
1758 "name": "label",
1759 "docs": "The checkbox label."
1760 }
1761 ],
1762 "dependents": [],
1763 "dependencies": [],
1764 "dependencyGraph": {}
1765 },
1766 {
1767 "filePath": "./src/components/color-picker/color-picker.tsx",
1768 "encapsulation": "shadow",
1769 "tag": "sl-color-picker",
1770 "readme": "# sl-color-picker\n\n\n",
1771 "docs": "",
1772 "docsTags": [
1773 {
1774 "text": "2.0",
1775 "name": "since"
1776 },
1777 {
1778 "text": "stable",
1779 "name": "status"
1780 },
1781 {
1782 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
1783 "name": "part"
1784 },
1785 {
1786 "text": "trigger - The color picker's dropdown trigger.",
1787 "name": "part"
1788 },
1789 {
1790 "text": "swatches - The container that holds swatches.",
1791 "name": "part"
1792 },
1793 {
1794 "text": "swatch - Each individual swatch.",
1795 "name": "part"
1796 },
1797 {
1798 "text": "grid - The color grid.",
1799 "name": "part"
1800 },
1801 {
1802 "text": "grid-handle - The color grid's handle.",
1803 "name": "part"
1804 },
1805 {
1806 "text": "hue-slider - The hue slider.",
1807 "name": "part"
1808 },
1809 {
1810 "text": "opacity-slider - The opacity slider.",
1811 "name": "part"
1812 },
1813 {
1814 "text": "slider - Hue and opacity sliders.",
1815 "name": "part"
1816 },
1817 {
1818 "text": "slider-handle - Hue and opacity slider handles.",
1819 "name": "part"
1820 },
1821 {
1822 "text": "preview - The preview color.",
1823 "name": "part"
1824 },
1825 {
1826 "text": "input - The text input.",
1827 "name": "part"
1828 },
1829 {
1830 "text": "format-button - The toggle format button's base.",
1831 "name": "part"
1832 }
1833 ],
1834 "usage": {},
1835 "props": [
1836 {
1837 "name": "disabled",
1838 "type": "boolean",
1839 "mutable": false,
1840 "attr": "disabled",
1841 "reflectToAttr": false,
1842 "docs": "Set to true to disable the color picker.",
1843 "docsTags": [],
1844 "default": "false",
1845 "values": [
1846 {
1847 "type": "boolean"
1848 }
1849 ],
1850 "optional": false,
1851 "required": false
1852 },
1853 {
1854 "name": "format",
1855 "type": "\"hex\" | \"hsl\" | \"rgb\"",
1856 "mutable": true,
1857 "attr": "format",
1858 "reflectToAttr": false,
1859 "docs": "The format to use for the display value. If opacity is enabled, these will translate to HEXA, RGBA, and HSLA\nrespectively. The color picker will always accept user input in any format (including CSS color names) and convert\nit to the desired format.",
1860 "docsTags": [],
1861 "default": "'hex'",
1862 "values": [
1863 {
1864 "value": "hex",
1865 "type": "string"
1866 },
1867 {
1868 "value": "hsl",
1869 "type": "string"
1870 },
1871 {
1872 "value": "rgb",
1873 "type": "string"
1874 }
1875 ],
1876 "optional": false,
1877 "required": false
1878 },
1879 {
1880 "name": "hoist",
1881 "type": "boolean",
1882 "mutable": false,
1883 "attr": "hoist",
1884 "reflectToAttr": false,
1885 "docs": "Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with\n`overflow: auto|scroll`.",
1886 "docsTags": [],
1887 "default": "false",
1888 "values": [
1889 {
1890 "type": "boolean"
1891 }
1892 ],
1893 "optional": false,
1894 "required": false
1895 },
1896 {
1897 "name": "inline",
1898 "type": "boolean",
1899 "mutable": false,
1900 "attr": "inline",
1901 "reflectToAttr": false,
1902 "docs": "Set to true to render the color picker inline rather than inside a dropdown.",
1903 "docsTags": [],
1904 "default": "false",
1905 "values": [
1906 {
1907 "type": "boolean"
1908 }
1909 ],
1910 "optional": false,
1911 "required": false
1912 },
1913 {
1914 "name": "invalid",
1915 "type": "boolean",
1916 "mutable": true,
1917 "attr": "invalid",
1918 "reflectToAttr": true,
1919 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the `setCustomValidity()`\nmethod using the browser's constraint validation API.",
1920 "docsTags": [],
1921 "default": "false",
1922 "values": [
1923 {
1924 "type": "boolean"
1925 }
1926 ],
1927 "optional": false,
1928 "required": false
1929 },
1930 {
1931 "name": "name",
1932 "type": "string",
1933 "mutable": false,
1934 "attr": "name",
1935 "reflectToAttr": true,
1936 "docs": "The input's name attribute.",
1937 "docsTags": [],
1938 "default": "''",
1939 "values": [
1940 {
1941 "type": "string"
1942 }
1943 ],
1944 "optional": false,
1945 "required": false
1946 },
1947 {
1948 "name": "noFormatToggle",
1949 "type": "boolean",
1950 "mutable": false,
1951 "attr": "no-format-toggle",
1952 "reflectToAttr": false,
1953 "docs": "Removes the format toggle.",
1954 "docsTags": [],
1955 "default": "false",
1956 "values": [
1957 {
1958 "type": "boolean"
1959 }
1960 ],
1961 "optional": false,
1962 "required": false
1963 },
1964 {
1965 "name": "opacity",
1966 "type": "boolean",
1967 "mutable": false,
1968 "attr": "opacity",
1969 "reflectToAttr": false,
1970 "docs": "Whether to show the opacity slider.",
1971 "docsTags": [],
1972 "default": "false",
1973 "values": [
1974 {
1975 "type": "boolean"
1976 }
1977 ],
1978 "optional": false,
1979 "required": false
1980 },
1981 {
1982 "name": "size",
1983 "type": "\"large\" | \"medium\" | \"small\"",
1984 "mutable": false,
1985 "attr": "size",
1986 "reflectToAttr": false,
1987 "docs": "Determines the size of the color picker's trigger. This has no effect on inline color pickers.",
1988 "docsTags": [],
1989 "default": "'medium'",
1990 "values": [
1991 {
1992 "value": "large",
1993 "type": "string"
1994 },
1995 {
1996 "value": "medium",
1997 "type": "string"
1998 },
1999 {
2000 "value": "small",
2001 "type": "string"
2002 }
2003 ],
2004 "optional": false,
2005 "required": false
2006 },
2007 {
2008 "name": "swatches",
2009 "type": "string[]",
2010 "mutable": false,
2011 "reflectToAttr": false,
2012 "docs": "An array of predefined color swatches to display. Can include any format the color picker can parse, including\nHEX(A), RGB(A), HSL(A), and CSS color names.",
2013 "docsTags": [],
2014 "default": "[\n '#d0021b',\n '#f5a623',\n '#f8e71c',\n '#8b572a',\n '#7ed321',\n '#417505',\n '#bd10e0',\n '#9013fe',\n '#4a90e2',\n '#50e3c2',\n '#b8e986',\n '#000',\n '#444',\n '#888',\n '#ccc',\n '#fff'\n ]",
2015 "values": [
2016 {
2017 "type": "string[]"
2018 }
2019 ],
2020 "optional": false,
2021 "required": false
2022 },
2023 {
2024 "name": "uppercase",
2025 "type": "boolean",
2026 "mutable": false,
2027 "attr": "uppercase",
2028 "reflectToAttr": false,
2029 "docs": "By default, the value will be set in lowercase. Set this to true to set it in uppercase instead.",
2030 "docsTags": [],
2031 "default": "false",
2032 "values": [
2033 {
2034 "type": "boolean"
2035 }
2036 ],
2037 "optional": false,
2038 "required": false
2039 },
2040 {
2041 "name": "value",
2042 "type": "string",
2043 "mutable": true,
2044 "attr": "value",
2045 "reflectToAttr": true,
2046 "docs": "The current color.",
2047 "docsTags": [],
2048 "default": "'#ffffff'",
2049 "values": [
2050 {
2051 "type": "string"
2052 }
2053 ],
2054 "optional": false,
2055 "required": false
2056 }
2057 ],
2058 "methods": [
2059 {
2060 "name": "getFormattedValue",
2061 "returns": {
2062 "type": "Promise<string>",
2063 "docs": ""
2064 },
2065 "signature": "getFormattedValue(format?: 'hex' | 'hexa' | 'rgb' | 'rgba' | 'hsl' | 'hsla') => Promise<string>",
2066 "parameters": [],
2067 "docs": "Returns the current value as a string in the specified format.",
2068 "docsTags": []
2069 },
2070 {
2071 "name": "reportValidity",
2072 "returns": {
2073 "type": "Promise<boolean | void>",
2074 "docs": ""
2075 },
2076 "signature": "reportValidity() => Promise<boolean | void>",
2077 "parameters": [],
2078 "docs": "Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.",
2079 "docsTags": []
2080 },
2081 {
2082 "name": "setCustomValidity",
2083 "returns": {
2084 "type": "Promise<void>",
2085 "docs": ""
2086 },
2087 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
2088 "parameters": [],
2089 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
2090 "docsTags": []
2091 }
2092 ],
2093 "events": [
2094 {
2095 "event": "sl-after-hide",
2096 "detail": "any",
2097 "bubbles": true,
2098 "cancelable": true,
2099 "composed": true,
2100 "docs": "Emitted after the color picker closes and all transitions are complete.",
2101 "docsTags": []
2102 },
2103 {
2104 "event": "sl-after-show",
2105 "detail": "any",
2106 "bubbles": true,
2107 "cancelable": true,
2108 "composed": true,
2109 "docs": "Emitted after the color picker opens and all transitions are complete.",
2110 "docsTags": []
2111 },
2112 {
2113 "event": "sl-change",
2114 "detail": "any",
2115 "bubbles": true,
2116 "cancelable": true,
2117 "composed": true,
2118 "docs": "Emitted when the color picker's value changes.",
2119 "docsTags": []
2120 },
2121 {
2122 "event": "sl-hide",
2123 "detail": "any",
2124 "bubbles": true,
2125 "cancelable": true,
2126 "composed": true,
2127 "docs": "Emitted when the color picker closes. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being closed.",
2128 "docsTags": []
2129 },
2130 {
2131 "event": "sl-show",
2132 "detail": "any",
2133 "bubbles": true,
2134 "cancelable": true,
2135 "composed": true,
2136 "docs": "Emitted when the color picker opens. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being opened.",
2137 "docsTags": []
2138 }
2139 ],
2140 "listeners": [],
2141 "styles": [
2142 {
2143 "name": "--grid-handle-size",
2144 "annotation": "prop",
2145 "docs": "The size of the color grid's handle."
2146 },
2147 {
2148 "name": "--grid-height",
2149 "annotation": "prop",
2150 "docs": "The height of the color grid."
2151 },
2152 {
2153 "name": "--grid-width",
2154 "annotation": "prop",
2155 "docs": "The width of the color grid."
2156 },
2157 {
2158 "name": "--slider-handle-size",
2159 "annotation": "prop",
2160 "docs": "The diameter of the slider's handle."
2161 },
2162 {
2163 "name": "--slider-height",
2164 "annotation": "prop",
2165 "docs": "The height of the hue and alpha sliders."
2166 }
2167 ],
2168 "slots": [],
2169 "parts": [
2170 {
2171 "name": "base",
2172 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
2173 },
2174 {
2175 "name": "format-button",
2176 "docs": "The toggle format button's base."
2177 },
2178 {
2179 "name": "grid",
2180 "docs": "The color grid."
2181 },
2182 {
2183 "name": "grid-handle",
2184 "docs": "The color grid's handle."
2185 },
2186 {
2187 "name": "hue-slider",
2188 "docs": "The hue slider."
2189 },
2190 {
2191 "name": "input",
2192 "docs": "The text input."
2193 },
2194 {
2195 "name": "opacity-slider",
2196 "docs": "The opacity slider."
2197 },
2198 {
2199 "name": "preview",
2200 "docs": "The preview color."
2201 },
2202 {
2203 "name": "slider",
2204 "docs": "Hue and opacity sliders."
2205 },
2206 {
2207 "name": "slider-handle",
2208 "docs": "Hue and opacity slider handles."
2209 },
2210 {
2211 "name": "swatch",
2212 "docs": "Each individual swatch."
2213 },
2214 {
2215 "name": "swatches",
2216 "docs": "The container that holds swatches."
2217 },
2218 {
2219 "name": "trigger",
2220 "docs": "The color picker's dropdown trigger."
2221 }
2222 ],
2223 "dependents": [],
2224 "dependencies": [
2225 "sl-icon",
2226 "sl-input",
2227 "sl-button",
2228 "sl-dropdown"
2229 ],
2230 "dependencyGraph": {
2231 "sl-color-picker": [
2232 "sl-icon",
2233 "sl-input",
2234 "sl-button",
2235 "sl-dropdown"
2236 ],
2237 "sl-input": [
2238 "sl-icon"
2239 ],
2240 "sl-button": [
2241 "sl-spinner"
2242 ]
2243 }
2244 },
2245 {
2246 "filePath": "./src/components/details/details.tsx",
2247 "encapsulation": "shadow",
2248 "tag": "sl-details",
2249 "readme": "# sl-accordion\n\n\n",
2250 "docs": "",
2251 "docsTags": [
2252 {
2253 "text": "2.0",
2254 "name": "since"
2255 },
2256 {
2257 "text": "stable",
2258 "name": "status"
2259 },
2260 {
2261 "text": "- The details' content.",
2262 "name": "slot"
2263 },
2264 {
2265 "text": "summary - The details' summary. Alternatively, you can use the summary prop.",
2266 "name": "slot"
2267 },
2268 {
2269 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
2270 "name": "part"
2271 },
2272 {
2273 "text": "header - The summary header.",
2274 "name": "part"
2275 },
2276 {
2277 "text": "summary - The details summary.",
2278 "name": "part"
2279 },
2280 {
2281 "text": "summary-icon - The expand/collapse summary icon.",
2282 "name": "part"
2283 },
2284 {
2285 "text": "content - The details content.",
2286 "name": "part"
2287 }
2288 ],
2289 "usage": {},
2290 "props": [
2291 {
2292 "name": "disabled",
2293 "type": "boolean",
2294 "mutable": false,
2295 "attr": "disabled",
2296 "reflectToAttr": false,
2297 "docs": "Set to true to prevent the user from toggling the details.",
2298 "docsTags": [],
2299 "default": "false",
2300 "values": [
2301 {
2302 "type": "boolean"
2303 }
2304 ],
2305 "optional": false,
2306 "required": false
2307 },
2308 {
2309 "name": "open",
2310 "type": "boolean",
2311 "mutable": true,
2312 "attr": "open",
2313 "reflectToAttr": true,
2314 "docs": "Indicates whether or not the details is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.",
2315 "docsTags": [],
2316 "default": "false",
2317 "values": [
2318 {
2319 "type": "boolean"
2320 }
2321 ],
2322 "optional": false,
2323 "required": false
2324 },
2325 {
2326 "name": "summary",
2327 "type": "string",
2328 "mutable": false,
2329 "attr": "summary",
2330 "reflectToAttr": false,
2331 "docs": "The summary to show in the details header. If you need to display HTML, use the `summary` slot instead.",
2332 "docsTags": [],
2333 "default": "''",
2334 "values": [
2335 {
2336 "type": "string"
2337 }
2338 ],
2339 "optional": false,
2340 "required": false
2341 }
2342 ],
2343 "methods": [
2344 {
2345 "name": "hide",
2346 "returns": {
2347 "type": "Promise<void>",
2348 "docs": ""
2349 },
2350 "signature": "hide() => Promise<void>",
2351 "parameters": [],
2352 "docs": "Hides the alert",
2353 "docsTags": []
2354 },
2355 {
2356 "name": "show",
2357 "returns": {
2358 "type": "Promise<void>",
2359 "docs": ""
2360 },
2361 "signature": "show() => Promise<void>",
2362 "parameters": [],
2363 "docs": "Shows the alert.",
2364 "docsTags": []
2365 }
2366 ],
2367 "events": [
2368 {
2369 "event": "sl-after-hide",
2370 "detail": "any",
2371 "bubbles": true,
2372 "cancelable": true,
2373 "composed": true,
2374 "docs": "Emitted after the details closes and all transitions are complete.",
2375 "docsTags": []
2376 },
2377 {
2378 "event": "sl-after-show",
2379 "detail": "any",
2380 "bubbles": true,
2381 "cancelable": true,
2382 "composed": true,
2383 "docs": "Emitted after the details opens and all transitions are complete.",
2384 "docsTags": []
2385 },
2386 {
2387 "event": "sl-hide",
2388 "detail": "any",
2389 "bubbles": true,
2390 "cancelable": true,
2391 "composed": true,
2392 "docs": "Emitted when the details closes. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being closed.",
2393 "docsTags": []
2394 },
2395 {
2396 "event": "sl-show",
2397 "detail": "any",
2398 "bubbles": true,
2399 "cancelable": true,
2400 "composed": true,
2401 "docs": "Emitted when the details opens. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being opened.",
2402 "docsTags": []
2403 }
2404 ],
2405 "listeners": [],
2406 "styles": [
2407 {
2408 "name": "--hide-duration",
2409 "annotation": "prop",
2410 "docs": "The length of the hide transition."
2411 },
2412 {
2413 "name": "--hide-timing-function",
2414 "annotation": "prop",
2415 "docs": "The timing function (easing) to use for the hide transition."
2416 },
2417 {
2418 "name": "--show-duration",
2419 "annotation": "prop",
2420 "docs": "The length of the show transition."
2421 },
2422 {
2423 "name": "--show-timing-function",
2424 "annotation": "prop",
2425 "docs": "The timing function (easing) to use for the show transition."
2426 }
2427 ],
2428 "slots": [
2429 {
2430 "name": "",
2431 "docs": "The details' content."
2432 },
2433 {
2434 "name": "summary",
2435 "docs": "The details' summary. Alternatively, you can use the summary prop."
2436 }
2437 ],
2438 "parts": [
2439 {
2440 "name": "base",
2441 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
2442 },
2443 {
2444 "name": "content",
2445 "docs": "The details content."
2446 },
2447 {
2448 "name": "header",
2449 "docs": "The summary header."
2450 },
2451 {
2452 "name": "summary",
2453 "docs": "The details summary."
2454 },
2455 {
2456 "name": "summary-icon",
2457 "docs": "The expand/collapse summary icon."
2458 }
2459 ],
2460 "dependents": [],
2461 "dependencies": [
2462 "sl-icon"
2463 ],
2464 "dependencyGraph": {
2465 "sl-details": [
2466 "sl-icon"
2467 ]
2468 }
2469 },
2470 {
2471 "filePath": "./src/components/dialog/dialog.tsx",
2472 "encapsulation": "shadow",
2473 "tag": "sl-dialog",
2474 "readme": "# sl-dialog\n\n\n",
2475 "docs": "",
2476 "docsTags": [
2477 {
2478 "text": "2.0",
2479 "name": "since"
2480 },
2481 {
2482 "text": "stable",
2483 "name": "status"
2484 },
2485 {
2486 "text": "- The dialog's content.",
2487 "name": "slot"
2488 },
2489 {
2490 "text": "label - The dialog's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.",
2491 "name": "slot"
2492 },
2493 {
2494 "text": "footer - The dialog's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options.",
2495 "name": "slot"
2496 },
2497 {
2498 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
2499 "name": "part"
2500 },
2501 {
2502 "text": "overlay - The overlay.",
2503 "name": "part"
2504 },
2505 {
2506 "text": "panel - The dialog panel (where the dialog and its content is rendered).",
2507 "name": "part"
2508 },
2509 {
2510 "text": "header - The dialog header.",
2511 "name": "part"
2512 },
2513 {
2514 "text": "title - The dialog title.",
2515 "name": "part"
2516 },
2517 {
2518 "text": "close-button - The close button.",
2519 "name": "part"
2520 },
2521 {
2522 "text": "body - The dialog body.",
2523 "name": "part"
2524 },
2525 {
2526 "text": "footer - The dialog footer.",
2527 "name": "part"
2528 }
2529 ],
2530 "usage": {},
2531 "props": [
2532 {
2533 "name": "label",
2534 "type": "string",
2535 "mutable": false,
2536 "attr": "label",
2537 "reflectToAttr": false,
2538 "docs": "The dialog's label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label even when using\n`no-header`, as it is required for proper accessibility.",
2539 "docsTags": [],
2540 "default": "''",
2541 "values": [
2542 {
2543 "type": "string"
2544 }
2545 ],
2546 "optional": false,
2547 "required": false
2548 },
2549 {
2550 "name": "noHeader",
2551 "type": "boolean",
2552 "mutable": false,
2553 "attr": "no-header",
2554 "reflectToAttr": false,
2555 "docs": "Set to true to disable the header. This will also remove the default close button, so please ensure you provide an\neasy, accessible way for users to dismiss the dialog.",
2556 "docsTags": [],
2557 "default": "false",
2558 "values": [
2559 {
2560 "type": "boolean"
2561 }
2562 ],
2563 "optional": false,
2564 "required": false
2565 },
2566 {
2567 "name": "open",
2568 "type": "boolean",
2569 "mutable": true,
2570 "attr": "open",
2571 "reflectToAttr": true,
2572 "docs": "Indicates whether or not the dialog is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.",
2573 "docsTags": [],
2574 "default": "false",
2575 "values": [
2576 {
2577 "type": "boolean"
2578 }
2579 ],
2580 "optional": false,
2581 "required": false
2582 }
2583 ],
2584 "methods": [
2585 {
2586 "name": "hide",
2587 "returns": {
2588 "type": "Promise<void>",
2589 "docs": ""
2590 },
2591 "signature": "hide() => Promise<void>",
2592 "parameters": [],
2593 "docs": "Hides the dialog",
2594 "docsTags": []
2595 },
2596 {
2597 "name": "show",
2598 "returns": {
2599 "type": "Promise<void>",
2600 "docs": ""
2601 },
2602 "signature": "show() => Promise<void>",
2603 "parameters": [],
2604 "docs": "Shows the dialog",
2605 "docsTags": []
2606 }
2607 ],
2608 "events": [
2609 {
2610 "event": "sl-after-hide",
2611 "detail": "any",
2612 "bubbles": true,
2613 "cancelable": true,
2614 "composed": true,
2615 "docs": "Emitted after the dialog closes and all transitions are complete.",
2616 "docsTags": []
2617 },
2618 {
2619 "event": "sl-after-show",
2620 "detail": "any",
2621 "bubbles": true,
2622 "cancelable": true,
2623 "composed": true,
2624 "docs": "Emitted after the dialog opens and all transitions are complete.",
2625 "docsTags": []
2626 },
2627 {
2628 "event": "sl-hide",
2629 "detail": "any",
2630 "bubbles": true,
2631 "cancelable": true,
2632 "composed": true,
2633 "docs": "Emitted when the dialog closes. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being closed.",
2634 "docsTags": []
2635 },
2636 {
2637 "event": "sl-initial-focus",
2638 "detail": "any",
2639 "bubbles": true,
2640 "cancelable": true,
2641 "composed": true,
2642 "docs": "Emitted when the dialog opens and the panel gains focus. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent focus and\nallow you to set it on a different element in the dialog, such as an input or button.",
2643 "docsTags": []
2644 },
2645 {
2646 "event": "sl-overlay-dismiss",
2647 "detail": "any",
2648 "bubbles": true,
2649 "cancelable": true,
2650 "composed": true,
2651 "docs": "Emitted when the overlay is clicked. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent the dialog from closing.",
2652 "docsTags": []
2653 },
2654 {
2655 "event": "sl-show",
2656 "detail": "any",
2657 "bubbles": true,
2658 "cancelable": true,
2659 "composed": true,
2660 "docs": "Emitted when the dialog opens. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being opened.",
2661 "docsTags": []
2662 }
2663 ],
2664 "listeners": [],
2665 "styles": [
2666 {
2667 "name": "--width",
2668 "annotation": "prop",
2669 "docs": "The preferred width of the dialog. Note that the dialog will shrink to accommodate smaller screens."
2670 }
2671 ],
2672 "slots": [
2673 {
2674 "name": "",
2675 "docs": "The dialog's content."
2676 },
2677 {
2678 "name": "footer",
2679 "docs": "The dialog's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options."
2680 },
2681 {
2682 "name": "label",
2683 "docs": "The dialog's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop."
2684 }
2685 ],
2686 "parts": [
2687 {
2688 "name": "base",
2689 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
2690 },
2691 {
2692 "name": "body",
2693 "docs": "The dialog body."
2694 },
2695 {
2696 "name": "close-button",
2697 "docs": "The close button."
2698 },
2699 {
2700 "name": "footer",
2701 "docs": "The dialog footer."
2702 },
2703 {
2704 "name": "header",
2705 "docs": "The dialog header."
2706 },
2707 {
2708 "name": "overlay",
2709 "docs": "The overlay."
2710 },
2711 {
2712 "name": "panel",
2713 "docs": "The dialog panel (where the dialog and its content is rendered)."
2714 },
2715 {
2716 "name": "title",
2717 "docs": "The dialog title."
2718 }
2719 ],
2720 "dependents": [],
2721 "dependencies": [
2722 "sl-icon-button"
2723 ],
2724 "dependencyGraph": {
2725 "sl-dialog": [
2726 "sl-icon-button"
2727 ],
2728 "sl-icon-button": [
2729 "sl-icon"
2730 ]
2731 }
2732 },
2733 {
2734 "filePath": "./src/components/drawer/drawer.tsx",
2735 "encapsulation": "shadow",
2736 "tag": "sl-drawer",
2737 "readme": "# sl-drawer\n\n\n",
2738 "docs": "",
2739 "docsTags": [
2740 {
2741 "text": "2.0",
2742 "name": "since"
2743 },
2744 {
2745 "text": "stable",
2746 "name": "status"
2747 },
2748 {
2749 "text": "- The drawer's content.",
2750 "name": "slot"
2751 },
2752 {
2753 "text": "label - The drawer's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.",
2754 "name": "slot"
2755 },
2756 {
2757 "text": "footer - The drawer's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options.",
2758 "name": "slot"
2759 },
2760 {
2761 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
2762 "name": "part"
2763 },
2764 {
2765 "text": "overlay - The overlay.",
2766 "name": "part"
2767 },
2768 {
2769 "text": "panel - The drawer panel (where the drawer and its content is rendered).",
2770 "name": "part"
2771 },
2772 {
2773 "text": "header - The drawer header.",
2774 "name": "part"
2775 },
2776 {
2777 "text": "title - The drawer title.",
2778 "name": "part"
2779 },
2780 {
2781 "text": "close-button - The close button.",
2782 "name": "part"
2783 },
2784 {
2785 "text": "body - The drawer body.",
2786 "name": "part"
2787 },
2788 {
2789 "text": "footer - The drawer footer.",
2790 "name": "part"
2791 }
2792 ],
2793 "usage": {},
2794 "props": [
2795 {
2796 "name": "contained",
2797 "type": "boolean",
2798 "mutable": false,
2799 "attr": "contained",
2800 "reflectToAttr": false,
2801 "docs": "By default, the drawer slides out of its containing block (usually the viewport). To make the drawer slide out of\nits parent element, set this prop and add `position: relative` to the parent.",
2802 "docsTags": [],
2803 "default": "false",
2804 "values": [
2805 {
2806 "type": "boolean"
2807 }
2808 ],
2809 "optional": false,
2810 "required": false
2811 },
2812 {
2813 "name": "label",
2814 "type": "string",
2815 "mutable": false,
2816 "attr": "label",
2817 "reflectToAttr": false,
2818 "docs": "The drawer's label as displayed in the header. You should always include a relevant label even when using\n`no-header`, as it is required for proper accessibility.",
2819 "docsTags": [],
2820 "default": "''",
2821 "values": [
2822 {
2823 "type": "string"
2824 }
2825 ],
2826 "optional": false,
2827 "required": false
2828 },
2829 {
2830 "name": "noHeader",
2831 "type": "boolean",
2832 "mutable": false,
2833 "attr": "no-header",
2834 "reflectToAttr": false,
2835 "docs": "Removes the header. This will also remove the default close button, so please ensure you provide an easy,\naccessible way for users to dismiss the drawer.",
2836 "docsTags": [],
2837 "default": "false",
2838 "values": [
2839 {
2840 "type": "boolean"
2841 }
2842 ],
2843 "optional": false,
2844 "required": false
2845 },
2846 {
2847 "name": "open",
2848 "type": "boolean",
2849 "mutable": true,
2850 "attr": "open",
2851 "reflectToAttr": true,
2852 "docs": "Indicates whether or not the drawer is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.",
2853 "docsTags": [],
2854 "default": "false",
2855 "values": [
2856 {
2857 "type": "boolean"
2858 }
2859 ],
2860 "optional": false,
2861 "required": false
2862 },
2863 {
2864 "name": "placement",
2865 "type": "\"bottom\" | \"left\" | \"right\" | \"top\"",
2866 "mutable": false,
2867 "attr": "placement",
2868 "reflectToAttr": false,
2869 "docs": "The direction from which the drawer will open.",
2870 "docsTags": [],
2871 "default": "'right'",
2872 "values": [
2873 {
2874 "value": "bottom",
2875 "type": "string"
2876 },
2877 {
2878 "value": "left",
2879 "type": "string"
2880 },
2881 {
2882 "value": "right",
2883 "type": "string"
2884 },
2885 {
2886 "value": "top",
2887 "type": "string"
2888 }
2889 ],
2890 "optional": false,
2891 "required": false
2892 }
2893 ],
2894 "methods": [
2895 {
2896 "name": "hide",
2897 "returns": {
2898 "type": "Promise<void>",
2899 "docs": ""
2900 },
2901 "signature": "hide() => Promise<void>",
2902 "parameters": [],
2903 "docs": "Hides the drawer",
2904 "docsTags": []
2905 },
2906 {
2907 "name": "show",
2908 "returns": {
2909 "type": "Promise<void>",
2910 "docs": ""
2911 },
2912 "signature": "show() => Promise<void>",
2913 "parameters": [],
2914 "docs": "Shows the drawer",
2915 "docsTags": []
2916 }
2917 ],
2918 "events": [
2919 {
2920 "event": "sl-after-hide",
2921 "detail": "any",
2922 "bubbles": true,
2923 "cancelable": true,
2924 "composed": true,
2925 "docs": "Emitted after the drawer closes and all transitions are complete.",
2926 "docsTags": []
2927 },
2928 {
2929 "event": "sl-after-show",
2930 "detail": "any",
2931 "bubbles": true,
2932 "cancelable": true,
2933 "composed": true,
2934 "docs": "Emitted after the drawer opens and all transitions are complete.",
2935 "docsTags": []
2936 },
2937 {
2938 "event": "sl-hide",
2939 "detail": "any",
2940 "bubbles": true,
2941 "cancelable": true,
2942 "composed": true,
2943 "docs": "Emitted when the drawer closes. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being closed.",
2944 "docsTags": []
2945 },
2946 {
2947 "event": "sl-initial-focus",
2948 "detail": "any",
2949 "bubbles": true,
2950 "cancelable": true,
2951 "composed": true,
2952 "docs": "Emitted when the drawer opens and the panel gains focus. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent focus and\nallow you to set it on a different element in the drawer, such as an input or button.",
2953 "docsTags": []
2954 },
2955 {
2956 "event": "sl-overlay-dismiss",
2957 "detail": "any",
2958 "bubbles": true,
2959 "cancelable": true,
2960 "composed": true,
2961 "docs": "Emitted when the overlay is clicked. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent the drawer from closing.",
2962 "docsTags": []
2963 },
2964 {
2965 "event": "sl-show",
2966 "detail": "any",
2967 "bubbles": true,
2968 "cancelable": true,
2969 "composed": true,
2970 "docs": "Emitted when the drawer opens. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being opened.",
2971 "docsTags": []
2972 }
2973 ],
2974 "listeners": [],
2975 "styles": [
2976 {
2977 "name": "--size",
2978 "annotation": "prop",
2979 "docs": "The preferred size of the drawer. This will be applied to the drawer's width or height depending on its `placement`. Note that the drawer will shrink to accommodate smaller screens."
2980 }
2981 ],
2982 "slots": [
2983 {
2984 "name": "",
2985 "docs": "The drawer's content."
2986 },
2987 {
2988 "name": "footer",
2989 "docs": "The drawer's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options."
2990 },
2991 {
2992 "name": "label",
2993 "docs": "The drawer's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop."
2994 }
2995 ],
2996 "parts": [
2997 {
2998 "name": "base",
2999 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
3000 },
3001 {
3002 "name": "body",
3003 "docs": "The drawer body."
3004 },
3005 {
3006 "name": "close-button",
3007 "docs": "The close button."
3008 },
3009 {
3010 "name": "footer",
3011 "docs": "The drawer footer."
3012 },
3013 {
3014 "name": "header",
3015 "docs": "The drawer header."
3016 },
3017 {
3018 "name": "overlay",
3019 "docs": "The overlay."
3020 },
3021 {
3022 "name": "panel",
3023 "docs": "The drawer panel (where the drawer and its content is rendered)."
3024 },
3025 {
3026 "name": "title",
3027 "docs": "The drawer title."
3028 }
3029 ],
3030 "dependents": [],
3031 "dependencies": [
3032 "sl-icon-button"
3033 ],
3034 "dependencyGraph": {
3035 "sl-drawer": [
3036 "sl-icon-button"
3037 ],
3038 "sl-icon-button": [
3039 "sl-icon"
3040 ]
3041 }
3042 },
3043 {
3044 "filePath": "./src/components/dropdown/dropdown.tsx",
3045 "encapsulation": "shadow",
3046 "tag": "sl-dropdown",
3047 "readme": "# sl-dropdown\n\n\n",
3048 "docs": "",
3049 "docsTags": [
3050 {
3051 "text": "2.0",
3052 "name": "since"
3053 },
3054 {
3055 "text": "stable",
3056 "name": "status"
3057 },
3058 {
3059 "text": "trigger - The dropdown's trigger, usually a `<sl-button>` element.",
3060 "name": "slot"
3061 },
3062 {
3063 "text": "- The dropdown's content.",
3064 "name": "slot"
3065 },
3066 {
3067 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
3068 "name": "part"
3069 },
3070 {
3071 "text": "trigger - The container that wraps the trigger.",
3072 "name": "part"
3073 },
3074 {
3075 "text": "panel - The panel that gets shown when the dropdown is open.",
3076 "name": "part"
3077 }
3078 ],
3079 "usage": {},
3080 "props": [
3081 {
3082 "name": "closeOnSelect",
3083 "type": "boolean",
3084 "mutable": false,
3085 "attr": "close-on-select",
3086 "reflectToAttr": false,
3087 "docs": "Determines whether the dropdown should hide when a menu item is selected.",
3088 "docsTags": [],
3089 "default": "true",
3090 "values": [
3091 {
3092 "type": "boolean"
3093 }
3094 ],
3095 "optional": false,
3096 "required": false
3097 },
3098 {
3099 "name": "containingElement",
3100 "type": "HTMLElement",
3101 "mutable": false,
3102 "reflectToAttr": false,
3103 "docs": "The dropdown will close when the user interacts outside of this element (e.g. clicking).",
3104 "docsTags": [],
3105 "values": [
3106 {
3107 "type": "HTMLElement"
3108 }
3109 ],
3110 "optional": false,
3111 "required": false
3112 },
3113 {
3114 "name": "distance",
3115 "type": "number",
3116 "mutable": false,
3117 "attr": "distance",
3118 "reflectToAttr": false,
3119 "docs": "The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel away from its trigger.",
3120 "docsTags": [],
3121 "default": "2",
3122 "values": [
3123 {
3124 "type": "number"
3125 }
3126 ],
3127 "optional": false,
3128 "required": false
3129 },
3130 {
3131 "name": "hoist",
3132 "type": "boolean",
3133 "mutable": false,
3134 "attr": "hoist",
3135 "reflectToAttr": false,
3136 "docs": "Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with\n`overflow: auto|scroll`.",
3137 "docsTags": [],
3138 "default": "false",
3139 "values": [
3140 {
3141 "type": "boolean"
3142 }
3143 ],
3144 "optional": false,
3145 "required": false
3146 },
3147 {
3148 "name": "open",
3149 "type": "boolean",
3150 "mutable": true,
3151 "attr": "open",
3152 "reflectToAttr": true,
3153 "docs": "Indicates whether or not the dropdown is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.",
3154 "docsTags": [],
3155 "default": "false",
3156 "values": [
3157 {
3158 "type": "boolean"
3159 }
3160 ],
3161 "optional": false,
3162 "required": false
3163 },
3164 {
3165 "name": "placement",
3166 "type": "\"bottom\" | \"bottom-end\" | \"bottom-start\" | \"left\" | \"left-end\" | \"left-start\" | \"right\" | \"right-end\" | \"right-start\" | \"top\" | \"top-end\" | \"top-start\"",
3167 "mutable": false,
3168 "attr": "placement",
3169 "reflectToAttr": false,
3170 "docs": "The preferred placement of the dropdown panel. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the panel\ninside of the viewport.",
3171 "docsTags": [],
3172 "default": "'bottom-start'",
3173 "values": [
3174 {
3175 "value": "bottom",
3176 "type": "string"
3177 },
3178 {
3179 "value": "bottom-end",
3180 "type": "string"
3181 },
3182 {
3183 "value": "bottom-start",
3184 "type": "string"
3185 },
3186 {
3187 "value": "left",
3188 "type": "string"
3189 },
3190 {
3191 "value": "left-end",
3192 "type": "string"
3193 },
3194 {
3195 "value": "left-start",
3196 "type": "string"
3197 },
3198 {
3199 "value": "right",
3200 "type": "string"
3201 },
3202 {
3203 "value": "right-end",
3204 "type": "string"
3205 },
3206 {
3207 "value": "right-start",
3208 "type": "string"
3209 },
3210 {
3211 "value": "top",
3212 "type": "string"
3213 },
3214 {
3215 "value": "top-end",
3216 "type": "string"
3217 },
3218 {
3219 "value": "top-start",
3220 "type": "string"
3221 }
3222 ],
3223 "optional": false,
3224 "required": false
3225 },
3226 {
3227 "name": "skidding",
3228 "type": "number",
3229 "mutable": false,
3230 "attr": "skidding",
3231 "reflectToAttr": false,
3232 "docs": "The distance in pixels from which to offset the panel along its trigger.",
3233 "docsTags": [],
3234 "default": "0",
3235 "values": [
3236 {
3237 "type": "number"
3238 }
3239 ],
3240 "optional": false,
3241 "required": false
3242 }
3243 ],
3244 "methods": [
3245 {
3246 "name": "hide",
3247 "returns": {
3248 "type": "Promise<void>",
3249 "docs": ""
3250 },
3251 "signature": "hide() => Promise<void>",
3252 "parameters": [],
3253 "docs": "Hides the dropdown panel",
3254 "docsTags": []
3255 },
3256 {
3257 "name": "show",
3258 "returns": {
3259 "type": "Promise<void>",
3260 "docs": ""
3261 },
3262 "signature": "show() => Promise<void>",
3263 "parameters": [],
3264 "docs": "Shows the dropdown panel",
3265 "docsTags": []
3266 }
3267 ],
3268 "events": [
3269 {
3270 "event": "sl-after-hide",
3271 "detail": "any",
3272 "bubbles": true,
3273 "cancelable": true,
3274 "composed": true,
3275 "docs": "Emitted after the dropdown closes and all transitions are complete.",
3276 "docsTags": []
3277 },
3278 {
3279 "event": "sl-after-show",
3280 "detail": "any",
3281 "bubbles": true,
3282 "cancelable": true,
3283 "composed": true,
3284 "docs": "Emitted after the dropdown opens and all transitions are complete.",
3285 "docsTags": []
3286 },
3287 {
3288 "event": "sl-hide",
3289 "detail": "any",
3290 "bubbles": true,
3291 "cancelable": true,
3292 "composed": true,
3293 "docs": "Emitted when the dropdown closes. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being closed.",
3294 "docsTags": []
3295 },
3296 {
3297 "event": "sl-show",
3298 "detail": "any",
3299 "bubbles": true,
3300 "cancelable": true,
3301 "composed": true,
3302 "docs": "Emitted when the dropdown opens. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being opened.",
3303 "docsTags": []
3304 }
3305 ],
3306 "listeners": [],
3307 "styles": [],
3308 "slots": [
3309 {
3310 "name": "",
3311 "docs": "The dropdown's content."
3312 },
3313 {
3314 "name": "trigger",
3315 "docs": "The dropdown's trigger, usually a `<sl-button>` element."
3316 }
3317 ],
3318 "parts": [
3319 {
3320 "name": "base",
3321 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
3322 },
3323 {
3324 "name": "panel",
3325 "docs": "The panel that gets shown when the dropdown is open."
3326 },
3327 {
3328 "name": "trigger",
3329 "docs": "The container that wraps the trigger."
3330 }
3331 ],
3332 "dependents": [
3333 "sl-color-picker",
3334 "sl-select"
3335 ],
3336 "dependencies": [],
3337 "dependencyGraph": {
3338 "sl-color-picker": [
3339 "sl-dropdown"
3340 ],
3341 "sl-select": [
3342 "sl-dropdown"
3343 ]
3344 }
3345 },
3346 {
3347 "filePath": "./src/components/form/form.tsx",
3348 "encapsulation": "shadow",
3349 "tag": "sl-form",
3350 "readme": "# sl-form\n\n\n",
3351 "docs": "",
3352 "docsTags": [
3353 {
3354 "text": "2.0",
3355 "name": "since"
3356 },
3357 {
3358 "text": "stable",
3359 "name": "status"
3360 },
3361 {
3362 "text": "- The form's content.",
3363 "name": "slot"
3364 },
3365 {
3366 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
3367 "name": "part"
3368 }
3369 ],
3370 "usage": {},
3371 "props": [
3372 {
3373 "name": "novalidate",
3374 "type": "boolean",
3375 "mutable": false,
3376 "attr": "novalidate",
3377 "reflectToAttr": false,
3378 "docs": "Prevent the form from validating inputs before submitting.",
3379 "docsTags": [],
3380 "default": "false",
3381 "values": [
3382 {
3383 "type": "boolean"
3384 }
3385 ],
3386 "optional": false,
3387 "required": false
3388 }
3389 ],
3390 "methods": [
3391 {
3392 "name": "getFormControls",
3393 "returns": {
3394 "type": "Promise<HTMLElement[]>",
3395 "docs": ""
3396 },
3397 "signature": "getFormControls() => Promise<HTMLElement[]>",
3398 "parameters": [],
3399 "docs": "Gets all form control elements (native and custom).",
3400 "docsTags": []
3401 },
3402 {
3403 "name": "getFormData",
3404 "returns": {
3405 "type": "Promise<FormData>",
3406 "docs": ""
3407 },
3408 "signature": "getFormData() => Promise<FormData>",
3409 "parameters": [],
3410 "docs": "Serializes all form controls elements and returns a `FormData` object.",
3411 "docsTags": []
3412 },
3413 {
3414 "name": "submit",
3415 "returns": {
3416 "type": "Promise<boolean>",
3417 "docs": ""
3418 },
3419 "signature": "submit() => Promise<boolean>",
3420 "parameters": [],
3421 "docs": "Submits the form. If all controls are valid, the `sl-submit` event will be emitted and the promise will resolve\nwith `true`. If any form control is invalid, the promise will resolve with `false` and no event will be emitted.",
3422 "docsTags": []
3423 }
3424 ],
3425 "events": [
3426 {
3427 "event": "sl-submit",
3428 "detail": "{ formData: FormData; formControls: HTMLElement[]; }",
3429 "bubbles": true,
3430 "cancelable": true,
3431 "composed": true,
3432 "docs": "Emitted when the form is submitted. This event will not be emitted if any form control inside of it is in an\ninvalid state, unless the form has the `novalidate` attribute. Note that there is never a need to prevent this\nevent, since it doen't send a GET or POST request like native forms. To \"prevent\" submission, use a conditional\naround the XHR request you use to submit the form's data with.",
3433 "docsTags": []
3434 }
3435 ],
3436 "listeners": [],
3437 "styles": [],
3438 "slots": [
3439 {
3440 "name": "",
3441 "docs": "The form's content."
3442 }
3443 ],
3444 "parts": [
3445 {
3446 "name": "base",
3447 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
3448 }
3449 ],
3450 "dependents": [],
3451 "dependencies": [],
3452 "dependencyGraph": {}
3453 },
3454 {
3455 "filePath": "./src/components/format-bytes/format-bytes.tsx",
3456 "encapsulation": "shadow",
3457 "tag": "sl-format-bytes",
3458 "readme": "# sl-format-bytes\n\n\n",
3459 "docs": "",
3460 "docsTags": [
3461 {
3462 "text": "2.0",
3463 "name": "since"
3464 },
3465 {
3466 "text": "stable",
3467 "name": "status"
3468 }
3469 ],
3470 "usage": {},
3471 "props": [
3472 {
3473 "name": "locale",
3474 "type": "string",
3475 "mutable": false,
3476 "attr": "locale",
3477 "reflectToAttr": false,
3478 "docs": "The locale to use when formatting the number.",
3479 "docsTags": [],
3480 "values": [
3481 {
3482 "type": "string"
3483 }
3484 ],
3485 "optional": false,
3486 "required": false
3487 },
3488 {
3489 "name": "unit",
3490 "type": "\"bits\" | \"bytes\"",
3491 "mutable": false,
3492 "attr": "unit",
3493 "reflectToAttr": false,
3494 "docs": "The unit to display.",
3495 "docsTags": [],
3496 "default": "'bytes'",
3497 "values": [
3498 {
3499 "value": "bits",
3500 "type": "string"
3501 },
3502 {
3503 "value": "bytes",
3504 "type": "string"
3505 }
3506 ],
3507 "optional": false,
3508 "required": false
3509 },
3510 {
3511 "name": "value",
3512 "type": "number",
3513 "mutable": false,
3514 "attr": "value",
3515 "reflectToAttr": false,
3516 "docs": "The number to format in bytes.",
3517 "docsTags": [],
3518 "default": "0",
3519 "values": [
3520 {
3521 "type": "number"
3522 }
3523 ],
3524 "optional": false,
3525 "required": false
3526 }
3527 ],
3528 "methods": [],
3529 "events": [],
3530 "listeners": [],
3531 "styles": [],
3532 "slots": [],
3533 "parts": [],
3534 "dependents": [],
3535 "dependencies": [],
3536 "dependencyGraph": {}
3537 },
3538 {
3539 "filePath": "./src/components/format-date/format-date.tsx",
3540 "encapsulation": "shadow",
3541 "tag": "sl-format-date",
3542 "readme": "# sl-format-date\n\n\n",
3543 "docs": "",
3544 "docsTags": [
3545 {
3546 "text": "2.0",
3547 "name": "since"
3548 },
3549 {
3550 "text": "stable",
3551 "name": "status"
3552 }
3553 ],
3554 "usage": {},
3555 "props": [
3556 {
3557 "name": "date",
3558 "type": "Date | string",
3559 "mutable": false,
3560 "attr": "date",
3561 "reflectToAttr": false,
3562 "docs": "The date/time to format. If not set, the current date and time will be used.",
3563 "docsTags": [],
3564 "default": "new Date()",
3565 "values": [
3566 {
3567 "type": "Date"
3568 },
3569 {
3570 "type": "string"
3571 }
3572 ],
3573 "optional": false,
3574 "required": false
3575 },
3576 {
3577 "name": "day",
3578 "type": "\"2-digit\" | \"numeric\"",
3579 "mutable": false,
3580 "attr": "day",
3581 "reflectToAttr": false,
3582 "docs": "The format for displaying the day.",
3583 "docsTags": [],
3584 "values": [
3585 {
3586 "value": "2-digit",
3587 "type": "string"
3588 },
3589 {
3590 "value": "numeric",
3591 "type": "string"
3592 }
3593 ],
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3595 "required": false
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4287 "docs": "A description that gets read by screen readers and other assistive devices. For optimal accessibility, you should\nalways include a label that describes what the icon button does.",
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4447 "type": "(name: string) => string",
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4450 "docs": "A function that translates an icon name to a URL where the corresponding SVG file exists The URL can be local or a\nCORS-enabled endpoint.",
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4475 "readme": "# sl-image-compare\n\n\n",
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4486 {
4487 "text": "before - The before image, an `<img>` or `<svg>` element.",
4488 "name": "slot"
4489 },
4490 {
4491 "text": "after - The after image, an `<img>` or `<svg>` element.",
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4493 },
4494 {
4495 "text": "handle-icon - The icon used inside the handle.",
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4498 {
4499 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
4500 "name": "part"
4501 },
4502 {
4503 "text": "before - The container that holds the \"before\" image.",
4504 "name": "part"
4505 },
4506 {
4507 "text": "after - The container that holds the \"after\" image.",
4508 "name": "part"
4509 },
4510 {
4511 "text": "divider - The divider that separates the images.",
4512 "name": "part"
4513 },
4514 {
4515 "text": "handle - The handle that the user drags to expose the after image.",
4516 "name": "part"
4517 }
4518 ],
4519 "usage": {},
4520 "props": [
4521 {
4522 "name": "position",
4523 "type": "number",
4524 "mutable": true,
4525 "attr": "position",
4526 "reflectToAttr": false,
4527 "docs": "The position of the divider as a percentage.",
4528 "docsTags": [],
4529 "default": "50",
4530 "values": [
4531 {
4532 "type": "number"
4533 }
4534 ],
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4537 }
4538 ],
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4541 {
4542 "event": "sl-change",
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4547 "docs": "Emitted when the slider position changes.",
4548 "docsTags": []
4549 }
4550 ],
4551 "listeners": [],
4552 "styles": [
4553 {
4554 "name": "--divider-width",
4555 "annotation": "prop",
4556 "docs": "The width of the dividing line."
4557 },
4558 {
4559 "name": "--handle-size",
4560 "annotation": "prop",
4561 "docs": "The size of the compare handle."
4562 }
4563 ],
4564 "slots": [
4565 {
4566 "name": "after",
4567 "docs": "The after image, an `<img>` or `<svg>` element."
4568 },
4569 {
4570 "name": "before",
4571 "docs": "The before image, an `<img>` or `<svg>` element."
4572 },
4573 {
4574 "name": "handle-icon",
4575 "docs": "The icon used inside the handle."
4576 }
4577 ],
4578 "parts": [
4579 {
4580 "name": "after",
4581 "docs": "The container that holds the \"after\" image."
4582 },
4583 {
4584 "name": "base",
4585 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
4586 },
4587 {
4588 "name": "before",
4589 "docs": "The container that holds the \"before\" image."
4590 },
4591 {
4592 "name": "divider",
4593 "docs": "The divider that separates the images."
4594 },
4595 {
4596 "name": "handle",
4597 "docs": "The handle that the user drags to expose the after image."
4598 }
4599 ],
4600 "dependents": [],
4601 "dependencies": [
4602 "sl-icon"
4603 ],
4604 "dependencyGraph": {
4605 "sl-image-comparer": [
4606 "sl-icon"
4607 ]
4608 }
4609 },
4610 {
4611 "filePath": "./src/components/include/include.tsx",
4612 "encapsulation": "shadow",
4613 "tag": "sl-include",
4614 "readme": "# sl-include\n\n\n",
4615 "docs": "",
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4620 },
4621 {
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4625 ],
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4627 "props": [
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4629 "name": "allowScripts",
4630 "type": "boolean",
4631 "mutable": false,
4632 "attr": "allow-scripts",
4633 "reflectToAttr": false,
4634 "docs": "Allows included scripts to be executed. You must ensure the content you're including is trusted, otherwise this\noption can lead to XSS vulnerabilities in your app!",
4635 "docsTags": [],
4636 "default": "false",
4637 "values": [
4638 {
4639 "type": "boolean"
4640 }
4641 ],
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4644 },
4645 {
4646 "name": "mode",
4647 "type": "\"cors\" | \"no-cors\" | \"same-origin\"",
4648 "mutable": false,
4649 "attr": "mode",
4650 "reflectToAttr": false,
4651 "docs": "The fetch mode to use.",
4652 "docsTags": [],
4653 "default": "'cors'",
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4655 {
4656 "value": "cors",
4657 "type": "string"
4658 },
4659 {
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4661 "type": "string"
4662 },
4663 {
4664 "value": "same-origin",
4665 "type": "string"
4666 }
4667 ],
4668 "optional": false,
4669 "required": false
4670 },
4671 {
4672 "name": "src",
4673 "type": "string",
4674 "mutable": false,
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4676 "reflectToAttr": false,
4677 "docs": "The location of the HTML file to include.",
4678 "docsTags": [],
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4680 {
4681 "type": "string"
4682 }
4683 ],
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4686 }
4687 ],
4688 "methods": [],
4689 "events": [
4690 {
4691 "event": "sl-error",
4692 "detail": "{ status?: number; }",
4693 "bubbles": true,
4694 "cancelable": true,
4695 "composed": true,
4696 "docs": "Emitted when the included file fails to load due to an error.",
4697 "docsTags": []
4698 },
4699 {
4700 "event": "sl-load",
4701 "detail": "any",
4702 "bubbles": true,
4703 "cancelable": true,
4704 "composed": true,
4705 "docs": "Emitted when the included file is loaded.",
4706 "docsTags": []
4707 }
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4711 "slots": [],
4712 "parts": [],
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4714 "dependencies": [],
4715 "dependencyGraph": {}
4716 },
4717 {
4718 "filePath": "./src/components/input/input.tsx",
4719 "encapsulation": "shadow",
4720 "tag": "sl-input",
4721 "readme": "# sl-input\n\n\n",
4722 "docs": "",
4723 "docsTags": [
4724 {
4725 "text": "2.0",
4726 "name": "since"
4727 },
4728 {
4729 "text": "stable",
4730 "name": "status"
4731 },
4732 {
4733 "text": "label - The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.",
4734 "name": "slot"
4735 },
4736 {
4737 "text": "prefix - Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the input.",
4738 "name": "slot"
4739 },
4740 {
4741 "text": "suffix - Used to append an icon or similar element to the input.",
4742 "name": "slot"
4743 },
4744 {
4745 "text": "clear-icon - An icon to use in lieu of the default clear icon.",
4746 "name": "slot"
4747 },
4748 {
4749 "text": "show-password-icon - An icon to use in lieu of the default show password icon.",
4750 "name": "slot"
4751 },
4752 {
4753 "text": "hide-password-icon - An icon to use in lieu of the default hide password icon.",
4754 "name": "slot"
4755 },
4756 {
4757 "text": "help-text - Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop.",
4758 "name": "slot"
4759 },
4760 {
4761 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
4762 "name": "part"
4763 },
4764 {
4765 "text": "form-control - The form control that wraps the label, input, and help-text.",
4766 "name": "part"
4767 },
4768 {
4769 "text": "label - The input label.",
4770 "name": "part"
4771 },
4772 {
4773 "text": "input - The input control.",
4774 "name": "part"
4775 },
4776 {
4777 "text": "prefix - The input prefix container.",
4778 "name": "part"
4779 },
4780 {
4781 "text": "clear-button - The clear button.",
4782 "name": "part"
4783 },
4784 {
4785 "text": "password-toggle-button - The password toggle button.",
4786 "name": "part"
4787 },
4788 {
4789 "text": "suffix - The input suffix container.",
4790 "name": "part"
4791 },
4792 {
4793 "text": "help-text - The input help text.",
4794 "name": "part"
4795 }
4796 ],
4797 "usage": {},
4798 "props": [
4799 {
4800 "name": "autocapitalize",
4801 "type": "string",
4802 "mutable": false,
4803 "attr": "autocapitalize",
4804 "reflectToAttr": false,
4805 "docs": "The input's autocaptialize attribute.",
4806 "docsTags": [],
4807 "values": [
4808 {
4809 "type": "string"
4810 }
4811 ],
4812 "optional": false,
4813 "required": false
4814 },
4815 {
4816 "name": "autocomplete",
4817 "type": "string",
4818 "mutable": false,
4819 "attr": "autocomplete",
4820 "reflectToAttr": false,
4821 "docs": "The input's autocomplete attribute.",
4822 "docsTags": [],
4823 "values": [
4824 {
4825 "type": "string"
4826 }
4827 ],
4828 "optional": false,
4829 "required": false
4830 },
4831 {
4832 "name": "autocorrect",
4833 "type": "string",
4834 "mutable": false,
4835 "attr": "autocorrect",
4836 "reflectToAttr": false,
4837 "docs": "The input's autocorrect attribute.",
4838 "docsTags": [],
4839 "values": [
4840 {
4841 "type": "string"
4842 }
4843 ],
4844 "optional": false,
4845 "required": false
4846 },
4847 {
4848 "name": "autofocus",
4849 "type": "boolean",
4850 "mutable": false,
4851 "attr": "autofocus",
4852 "reflectToAttr": false,
4853 "docs": "The input's autofocus attribute.",
4854 "docsTags": [],
4855 "values": [
4856 {
4857 "type": "boolean"
4858 }
4859 ],
4860 "optional": false,
4861 "required": false
4862 },
4863 {
4864 "name": "clearable",
4865 "type": "boolean",
4866 "mutable": false,
4867 "attr": "clearable",
4868 "reflectToAttr": false,
4869 "docs": "Set to true to add a clear button when the input is populated.",
4870 "docsTags": [],
4871 "default": "false",
4872 "values": [
4873 {
4874 "type": "boolean"
4875 }
4876 ],
4877 "optional": false,
4878 "required": false
4879 },
4880 {
4881 "name": "disabled",
4882 "type": "boolean",
4883 "mutable": false,
4884 "attr": "disabled",
4885 "reflectToAttr": true,
4886 "docs": "Set to true to disable the input.",
4887 "docsTags": [],
4888 "default": "false",
4889 "values": [
4890 {
4891 "type": "boolean"
4892 }
4893 ],
4894 "optional": false,
4895 "required": false
4896 },
4897 {
4898 "name": "helpText",
4899 "type": "string",
4900 "mutable": false,
4901 "attr": "help-text",
4902 "reflectToAttr": false,
4903 "docs": "The input's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.",
4904 "docsTags": [],
4905 "default": "''",
4906 "values": [
4907 {
4908 "type": "string"
4909 }
4910 ],
4911 "optional": false,
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4913 },
4914 {
4915 "name": "inputmode",
4916 "type": "\"decimal\" | \"email\" | \"none\" | \"numeric\" | \"search\" | \"tel\" | \"text\" | \"url\"",
4917 "mutable": false,
4918 "attr": "inputmode",
4919 "reflectToAttr": false,
4920 "docs": "The input's inputmode attribute.",
4921 "docsTags": [],
4922 "values": [
4923 {
4924 "value": "decimal",
4925 "type": "string"
4926 },
4927 {
4928 "value": "email",
4929 "type": "string"
4930 },
4931 {
4932 "value": "none",
4933 "type": "string"
4934 },
4935 {
4936 "value": "numeric",
4937 "type": "string"
4938 },
4939 {
4940 "value": "search",
4941 "type": "string"
4942 },
4943 {
4944 "value": "tel",
4945 "type": "string"
4946 },
4947 {
4948 "value": "text",
4949 "type": "string"
4950 },
4951 {
4952 "value": "url",
4953 "type": "string"
4954 }
4955 ],
4956 "optional": false,
4957 "required": false
4958 },
4959 {
4960 "name": "invalid",
4961 "type": "boolean",
4962 "mutable": true,
4963 "attr": "invalid",
4964 "reflectToAttr": true,
4965 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by props such as `type`,\n`required`, `minlength`, `maxlength`, and `pattern` using the browser's constraint validation API.",
4966 "docsTags": [],
4967 "default": "false",
4968 "values": [
4969 {
4970 "type": "boolean"
4971 }
4972 ],
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4975 },
4976 {
4977 "name": "label",
4978 "type": "string",
4979 "mutable": false,
4980 "attr": "label",
4981 "reflectToAttr": false,
4982 "docs": "The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.",
4983 "docsTags": [],
4984 "default": "''",
4985 "values": [
4986 {
4987 "type": "string"
4988 }
4989 ],
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4992 },
4993 {
4994 "name": "max",
4995 "type": "number",
4996 "mutable": false,
4997 "attr": "max",
4998 "reflectToAttr": true,
4999 "docs": "The input's maximum value.",
5000 "docsTags": [],
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5002 {
5003 "type": "number"
5004 }
5005 ],
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5007 "required": false
5008 },
5009 {
5010 "name": "maxlength",
5011 "type": "number",
5012 "mutable": false,
5013 "attr": "maxlength",
5014 "reflectToAttr": true,
5015 "docs": "The maximum length of input that will be considered valid.",
5016 "docsTags": [],
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5018 {
5019 "type": "number"
5020 }
5021 ],
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5023 "required": false
5024 },
5025 {
5026 "name": "min",
5027 "type": "number",
5028 "mutable": false,
5029 "attr": "min",
5030 "reflectToAttr": true,
5031 "docs": "The input's minimum value.",
5032 "docsTags": [],
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5034 {
5035 "type": "number"
5036 }
5037 ],
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5039 "required": false
5040 },
5041 {
5042 "name": "minlength",
5043 "type": "number",
5044 "mutable": false,
5045 "attr": "minlength",
5046 "reflectToAttr": true,
5047 "docs": "The minimum length of input that will be considered valid.",
5048 "docsTags": [],
5049 "values": [
5050 {
5051 "type": "number"
5052 }
5053 ],
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5055 "required": false
5056 },
5057 {
5058 "name": "name",
5059 "type": "string",
5060 "mutable": false,
5061 "attr": "name",
5062 "reflectToAttr": true,
5063 "docs": "The input's name attribute.",
5064 "docsTags": [],
5065 "default": "''",
5066 "values": [
5067 {
5068 "type": "string"
5069 }
5070 ],
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5072 "required": false
5073 },
5074 {
5075 "name": "pattern",
5076 "type": "string",
5077 "mutable": false,
5078 "attr": "pattern",
5079 "reflectToAttr": true,
5080 "docs": "A pattern to validate input against.",
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5083 {
5084 "type": "string"
5085 }
5086 ],
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5089 },
5090 {
5091 "name": "pill",
5092 "type": "boolean",
5093 "mutable": false,
5094 "attr": "pill",
5095 "reflectToAttr": true,
5096 "docs": "Set to true to draw a pill-style input with rounded edges.",
5097 "docsTags": [],
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5099 "values": [
5100 {
5101 "type": "boolean"
5102 }
5103 ],
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5106 },
5107 {
5108 "name": "placeholder",
5109 "type": "string",
5110 "mutable": false,
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5112 "reflectToAttr": false,
5113 "docs": "The input's placeholder text.",
5114 "docsTags": [],
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5116 {
5117 "type": "string"
5118 }
5119 ],
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5122 },
5123 {
5124 "name": "readonly",
5125 "type": "boolean",
5126 "mutable": false,
5127 "attr": "readonly",
5128 "reflectToAttr": true,
5129 "docs": "Set to true to make the input readonly.",
5130 "docsTags": [],
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5133 {
5134 "type": "boolean"
5135 }
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5139 },
5140 {
5141 "name": "required",
5142 "type": "boolean",
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5145 "reflectToAttr": true,
5146 "docs": "Set to true to make the input a required field.",
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5149 {
5150 "type": "boolean"
5151 }
5152 ],
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5155 },
5156 {
5157 "name": "size",
5158 "type": "\"large\" | \"medium\" | \"small\"",
5159 "mutable": false,
5160 "attr": "size",
5161 "reflectToAttr": true,
5162 "docs": "The input's size.",
5163 "docsTags": [],
5164 "default": "'medium'",
5165 "values": [
5166 {
5167 "value": "large",
5168 "type": "string"
5169 },
5170 {
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5172 "type": "string"
5173 },
5174 {
5175 "value": "small",
5176 "type": "string"
5177 }
5178 ],
5179 "optional": false,
5180 "required": false
5181 },
5182 {
5183 "name": "spellcheck",
5184 "type": "boolean",
5185 "mutable": false,
5186 "attr": "spellcheck",
5187 "reflectToAttr": false,
5188 "docs": "Enables spell checking on the input.",
5189 "docsTags": [],
5190 "values": [
5191 {
5192 "type": "boolean"
5193 }
5194 ],
5195 "optional": false,
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5197 },
5198 {
5199 "name": "step",
5200 "type": "number",
5201 "mutable": false,
5202 "attr": "step",
5203 "reflectToAttr": true,
5204 "docs": "The input's step attribute.",
5205 "docsTags": [],
5206 "values": [
5207 {
5208 "type": "number"
5209 }
5210 ],
5211 "optional": false,
5212 "required": false
5213 },
5214 {
5215 "name": "togglePassword",
5216 "type": "boolean",
5217 "mutable": false,
5218 "attr": "toggle-password",
5219 "reflectToAttr": false,
5220 "docs": "Set to true to add a password toggle button for password inputs.",
5221 "docsTags": [],
5222 "default": "false",
5223 "values": [
5224 {
5225 "type": "boolean"
5226 }
5227 ],
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5229 "required": false
5230 },
5231 {
5232 "name": "type",
5233 "type": "\"email\" | \"number\" | \"password\" | \"search\" | \"tel\" | \"text\" | \"url\"",
5234 "mutable": false,
5235 "attr": "type",
5236 "reflectToAttr": true,
5237 "docs": "The input's type.",
5238 "docsTags": [],
5239 "default": "'text'",
5240 "values": [
5241 {
5242 "value": "email",
5243 "type": "string"
5244 },
5245 {
5246 "value": "number",
5247 "type": "string"
5248 },
5249 {
5250 "value": "password",
5251 "type": "string"
5252 },
5253 {
5254 "value": "search",
5255 "type": "string"
5256 },
5257 {
5258 "value": "tel",
5259 "type": "string"
5260 },
5261 {
5262 "value": "text",
5263 "type": "string"
5264 },
5265 {
5266 "value": "url",
5267 "type": "string"
5268 }
5269 ],
5270 "optional": false,
5271 "required": false
5272 },
5273 {
5274 "name": "value",
5275 "type": "string",
5276 "mutable": true,
5277 "attr": "value",
5278 "reflectToAttr": true,
5279 "docs": "The input's value attribute.",
5280 "docsTags": [],
5281 "default": "''",
5282 "values": [
5283 {
5284 "type": "string"
5285 }
5286 ],
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5288 "required": false
5289 }
5290 ],
5291 "methods": [
5292 {
5293 "name": "removeFocus",
5294 "returns": {
5295 "type": "Promise<void>",
5296 "docs": ""
5297 },
5298 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
5299 "parameters": [],
5300 "docs": "Removes focus from the input.",
5301 "docsTags": []
5302 },
5303 {
5304 "name": "reportValidity",
5305 "returns": {
5306 "type": "Promise<boolean>",
5307 "docs": ""
5308 },
5309 "signature": "reportValidity() => Promise<boolean>",
5310 "parameters": [],
5311 "docs": "Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.",
5312 "docsTags": []
5313 },
5314 {
5315 "name": "select",
5316 "returns": {
5317 "type": "Promise<void>",
5318 "docs": ""
5319 },
5320 "signature": "select() => Promise<void>",
5321 "parameters": [],
5322 "docs": "Selects all the text in the input.",
5323 "docsTags": []
5324 },
5325 {
5326 "name": "setCustomValidity",
5327 "returns": {
5328 "type": "Promise<void>",
5329 "docs": ""
5330 },
5331 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
5332 "parameters": [],
5333 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
5334 "docsTags": []
5335 },
5336 {
5337 "name": "setFocus",
5338 "returns": {
5339 "type": "Promise<void>",
5340 "docs": ""
5341 },
5342 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
5343 "parameters": [],
5344 "docs": "Sets focus on the input.",
5345 "docsTags": []
5346 },
5347 {
5348 "name": "setRangeText",
5349 "returns": {
5350 "type": "Promise<void>",
5351 "docs": ""
5352 },
5353 "signature": "setRangeText(replacement: string, start: number, end: number, selectMode?: 'select' | 'start' | 'end' | 'preserve') => Promise<void>",
5354 "parameters": [],
5355 "docs": "Replaces a range of text with a new string.",
5356 "docsTags": []
5357 },
5358 {
5359 "name": "setSelectionRange",
5360 "returns": {
5361 "type": "Promise<void>",
5362 "docs": ""
5363 },
5364 "signature": "setSelectionRange(selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'none') => Promise<void>",
5365 "parameters": [],
5366 "docs": "Sets the start and end positions of the text selection (0-based).",
5367 "docsTags": []
5368 }
5369 ],
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5371 {
5372 "event": "sl-blur",
5373 "detail": "any",
5374 "bubbles": true,
5375 "cancelable": true,
5376 "composed": true,
5377 "docs": "Emitted when the control loses focus.",
5378 "docsTags": []
5379 },
5380 {
5381 "event": "sl-change",
5382 "detail": "any",
5383 "bubbles": true,
5384 "cancelable": true,
5385 "composed": true,
5386 "docs": "Emitted when the control's value changes.",
5387 "docsTags": []
5388 },
5389 {
5390 "event": "sl-clear",
5391 "detail": "any",
5392 "bubbles": true,
5393 "cancelable": true,
5394 "composed": true,
5395 "docs": "Emitted when the clear button is activated.",
5396 "docsTags": []
5397 },
5398 {
5399 "event": "sl-focus",
5400 "detail": "any",
5401 "bubbles": true,
5402 "cancelable": true,
5403 "composed": true,
5404 "docs": "Emitted when the control gains focus.",
5405 "docsTags": []
5406 },
5407 {
5408 "event": "sl-input",
5409 "detail": "any",
5410 "bubbles": true,
5411 "cancelable": true,
5412 "composed": true,
5413 "docs": "Emitted when the control receives input.",
5414 "docsTags": []
5415 }
5416 ],
5417 "listeners": [],
5418 "styles": [
5419 {
5420 "name": "--focus-ring",
5421 "annotation": "prop",
5422 "docs": "The focus ring style to use when the control receives focus, a `box-shadow` property."
5423 }
5424 ],
5425 "slots": [
5426 {
5427 "name": "clear-icon",
5428 "docs": "An icon to use in lieu of the default clear icon."
5429 },
5430 {
5431 "name": "help-text",
5432 "docs": "Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop."
5433 },
5434 {
5435 "name": "hide-password-icon",
5436 "docs": "An icon to use in lieu of the default hide password icon."
5437 },
5438 {
5439 "name": "label",
5440 "docs": "The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop."
5441 },
5442 {
5443 "name": "prefix",
5444 "docs": "Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the input."
5445 },
5446 {
5447 "name": "show-password-icon",
5448 "docs": "An icon to use in lieu of the default show password icon."
5449 },
5450 {
5451 "name": "suffix",
5452 "docs": "Used to append an icon or similar element to the input."
5453 }
5454 ],
5455 "parts": [
5456 {
5457 "name": "base",
5458 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
5459 },
5460 {
5461 "name": "clear-button",
5462 "docs": "The clear button."
5463 },
5464 {
5465 "name": "form-control",
5466 "docs": "The form control that wraps the label, input, and help-text."
5467 },
5468 {
5469 "name": "help-text",
5470 "docs": "The input help text."
5471 },
5472 {
5473 "name": "input",
5474 "docs": "The input control."
5475 },
5476 {
5477 "name": "label",
5478 "docs": "The input label."
5479 },
5480 {
5481 "name": "password-toggle-button",
5482 "docs": "The password toggle button."
5483 },
5484 {
5485 "name": "prefix",
5486 "docs": "The input prefix container."
5487 },
5488 {
5489 "name": "suffix",
5490 "docs": "The input suffix container."
5491 }
5492 ],
5493 "dependents": [
5494 "sl-color-picker"
5495 ],
5496 "dependencies": [
5497 "sl-icon"
5498 ],
5499 "dependencyGraph": {
5500 "sl-input": [
5501 "sl-icon"
5502 ],
5503 "sl-color-picker": [
5504 "sl-input"
5505 ]
5506 }
5507 },
5508 {
5509 "filePath": "./src/components/menu/menu.tsx",
5510 "encapsulation": "shadow",
5511 "tag": "sl-menu",
5512 "readme": "# sl-menu\n\n\n",
5513 "docs": "",
5514 "docsTags": [
5515 {
5516 "text": "2.0",
5517 "name": "since"
5518 },
5519 {
5520 "text": "stable",
5521 "name": "status"
5522 },
5523 {
5524 "text": "- The menu's content, including menu items, menu dividers, and menu labels.",
5525 "name": "slot"
5526 },
5527 {
5528 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
5529 "name": "part"
5530 }
5531 ],
5532 "usage": {},
5533 "props": [],
5534 "methods": [
5535 {
5536 "name": "typeToSelect",
5537 "returns": {
5538 "type": "Promise<void>",
5539 "docs": ""
5540 },
5541 "signature": "typeToSelect(key: string) => Promise<void>",
5542 "parameters": [],
5543 "docs": "Initiates type-to-select logic, which automatically selects an option based on what the user is currently typing.\nThe key passed will be appended to the internal query and the selection will be updated. After a brief period, the\ninternal query is cleared automatically. This method is intended to be used with the keydown event. Useful for\nenabling type-to-select when the menu doesn't have focus.",
5544 "docsTags": []
5545 }
5546 ],
5547 "events": [
5548 {
5549 "event": "sl-select",
5550 "detail": "{ item: HTMLSlMenuItemElement; }",
5551 "bubbles": true,
5552 "cancelable": true,
5553 "composed": true,
5554 "docs": "Emitted when a menu item is selected.",
5555 "docsTags": []
5556 }
5557 ],
5558 "listeners": [],
5559 "styles": [],
5560 "slots": [
5561 {
5562 "name": "",
5563 "docs": "The menu's content, including menu items, menu dividers, and menu labels."
5564 }
5565 ],
5566 "parts": [
5567 {
5568 "name": "base",
5569 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
5570 }
5571 ],
5572 "dependents": [
5573 "sl-select"
5574 ],
5575 "dependencies": [],
5576 "dependencyGraph": {
5577 "sl-select": [
5578 "sl-menu"
5579 ]
5580 }
5581 },
5582 {
5583 "filePath": "./src/components/menu-divider/menu-divider.tsx",
5584 "encapsulation": "shadow",
5585 "tag": "sl-menu-divider",
5586 "readme": "# sl-menu-divider\n\n\n",
5587 "docs": "",
5588 "docsTags": [
5589 {
5590 "text": "2.0",
5591 "name": "since"
5592 },
5593 {
5594 "text": "stable",
5595 "name": "status"
5596 },
5597 {
5598 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
5599 "name": "part"
5600 }
5601 ],
5602 "usage": {},
5603 "props": [],
5604 "methods": [],
5605 "events": [],
5606 "listeners": [],
5607 "styles": [],
5608 "slots": [],
5609 "parts": [
5610 {
5611 "name": "base",
5612 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
5613 }
5614 ],
5615 "dependents": [],
5616 "dependencies": [],
5617 "dependencyGraph": {}
5618 },
5619 {
5620 "filePath": "./src/components/menu-item/menu-item.tsx",
5621 "encapsulation": "shadow",
5622 "tag": "sl-menu-item",
5623 "readme": "# sl-option\n\n\n",
5624 "docs": "",
5625 "docsTags": [
5626 {
5627 "text": "2.0",
5628 "name": "since"
5629 },
5630 {
5631 "text": "stable",
5632 "name": "status"
5633 },
5634 {
5635 "text": "- The menu item's label.",
5636 "name": "slot"
5637 },
5638 {
5639 "text": "prefix - Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the menu item.",
5640 "name": "slot"
5641 },
5642 {
5643 "text": "suffix - Used to append an icon or similar element to the menu item.",
5644 "name": "slot"
5645 },
5646 {
5647 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
5648 "name": "part"
5649 },
5650 {
5651 "text": "checked-icon - The container that wraps the checked icon.",
5652 "name": "part"
5653 },
5654 {
5655 "text": "prefix - The prefix container.",
5656 "name": "part"
5657 },
5658 {
5659 "text": "label - The menu item label.",
5660 "name": "part"
5661 },
5662 {
5663 "text": "suffix - The suffix container.",
5664 "name": "part"
5665 }
5666 ],
5667 "usage": {},
5668 "props": [
5669 {
5670 "name": "checked",
5671 "type": "boolean",
5672 "mutable": false,
5673 "attr": "checked",
5674 "reflectToAttr": true,
5675 "docs": "Set to true to draw the item in a checked state.",
5676 "docsTags": [],
5677 "default": "false",
5678 "values": [
5679 {
5680 "type": "boolean"
5681 }
5682 ],
5683 "optional": false,
5684 "required": false
5685 },
5686 {
5687 "name": "disabled",
5688 "type": "boolean",
5689 "mutable": false,
5690 "attr": "disabled",
5691 "reflectToAttr": true,
5692 "docs": "Set to true to draw the menu item in a disabled state.",
5693 "docsTags": [],
5694 "default": "false",
5695 "values": [
5696 {
5697 "type": "boolean"
5698 }
5699 ],
5700 "optional": false,
5701 "required": false
5702 },
5703 {
5704 "name": "value",
5705 "type": "string",
5706 "mutable": false,
5707 "attr": "value",
5708 "reflectToAttr": true,
5709 "docs": "A unique value to store in the menu item. This can be used as a way to identify menu items when selected.",
5710 "docsTags": [],
5711 "default": "''",
5712 "values": [
5713 {
5714 "type": "string"
5715 }
5716 ],
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5718 "required": false
5719 }
5720 ],
5721 "methods": [
5722 {
5723 "name": "removeFocus",
5724 "returns": {
5725 "type": "Promise<void>",
5726 "docs": ""
5727 },
5728 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
5729 "parameters": [],
5730 "docs": "Removes focus from the button.",
5731 "docsTags": []
5732 },
5733 {
5734 "name": "setFocus",
5735 "returns": {
5736 "type": "Promise<void>",
5737 "docs": ""
5738 },
5739 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
5740 "parameters": [],
5741 "docs": "Sets focus on the button.",
5742 "docsTags": []
5743 }
5744 ],
5745 "events": [],
5746 "listeners": [],
5747 "styles": [],
5748 "slots": [
5749 {
5750 "name": "",
5751 "docs": "The menu item's label."
5752 },
5753 {
5754 "name": "prefix",
5755 "docs": "Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the menu item."
5756 },
5757 {
5758 "name": "suffix",
5759 "docs": "Used to append an icon or similar element to the menu item."
5760 }
5761 ],
5762 "parts": [
5763 {
5764 "name": "base",
5765 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
5766 },
5767 {
5768 "name": "checked-icon",
5769 "docs": "The container that wraps the checked icon."
5770 },
5771 {
5772 "name": "label",
5773 "docs": "The menu item label."
5774 },
5775 {
5776 "name": "prefix",
5777 "docs": "The prefix container."
5778 },
5779 {
5780 "name": "suffix",
5781 "docs": "The suffix container."
5782 }
5783 ],
5784 "dependents": [],
5785 "dependencies": [
5786 "sl-icon"
5787 ],
5788 "dependencyGraph": {
5789 "sl-menu-item": [
5790 "sl-icon"
5791 ]
5792 }
5793 },
5794 {
5795 "filePath": "./src/components/menu-label/menu-label.tsx",
5796 "encapsulation": "shadow",
5797 "tag": "sl-menu-label",
5798 "readme": "# sl-menu-label\n\n\n",
5799 "docs": "",
5800 "docsTags": [
5801 {
5802 "text": "2.0",
5803 "name": "since"
5804 },
5805 {
5806 "text": "stable",
5807 "name": "status"
5808 },
5809 {
5810 "text": "- The menu label's content.",
5811 "name": "slot"
5812 },
5813 {
5814 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
5815 "name": "part"
5816 }
5817 ],
5818 "usage": {},
5819 "props": [],
5820 "methods": [],
5821 "events": [],
5822 "listeners": [],
5823 "styles": [],
5824 "slots": [
5825 {
5826 "name": "",
5827 "docs": "The menu label's content."
5828 }
5829 ],
5830 "parts": [
5831 {
5832 "name": "base",
5833 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
5834 }
5835 ],
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5837 "dependencies": [],
5838 "dependencyGraph": {}
5839 },
5840 {
5841 "filePath": "./src/components/progress-bar/progress-bar.tsx",
5842 "encapsulation": "shadow",
5843 "tag": "sl-progress-bar",
5844 "readme": "# sl-progress-bar\n\n\n",
5845 "docs": "",
5846 "docsTags": [
5847 {
5848 "text": "2.0",
5849 "name": "since"
5850 },
5851 {
5852 "text": "stable",
5853 "name": "status"
5854 },
5855 {
5856 "text": "- A label to show inside the indicator.",
5857 "name": "slot"
5858 },
5859 {
5860 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
5861 "name": "part"
5862 },
5863 {
5864 "text": "indicator - The progress bar indicator.",
5865 "name": "part"
5866 },
5867 {
5868 "text": "label - The progress bar label.",
5869 "name": "part"
5870 }
5871 ],
5872 "usage": {},
5873 "props": [
5874 {
5875 "name": "indeterminate",
5876 "type": "boolean",
5877 "mutable": false,
5878 "attr": "indeterminate",
5879 "reflectToAttr": false,
5880 "docs": "When true, percentage is ignored, the label is hidden, and the progress bar is drawn in an indeterminate state.",
5881 "docsTags": [],
5882 "default": "false",
5883 "values": [
5884 {
5885 "type": "boolean"
5886 }
5887 ],
5888 "optional": false,
5889 "required": false
5890 },
5891 {
5892 "name": "percentage",
5893 "type": "number",
5894 "mutable": false,
5895 "attr": "percentage",
5896 "reflectToAttr": false,
5897 "docs": "The progress bar's percentage, 0 to 100.",
5898 "docsTags": [],
5899 "default": "0",
5900 "values": [
5901 {
5902 "type": "number"
5903 }
5904 ],
5905 "optional": false,
5906 "required": false
5907 }
5908 ],
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5910 "events": [],
5911 "listeners": [],
5912 "styles": [
5913 {
5914 "name": "--height",
5915 "annotation": "prop",
5916 "docs": "The progress bar's height."
5917 },
5918 {
5919 "name": "--indicator-color",
5920 "annotation": "prop",
5921 "docs": "The indicator color."
5922 },
5923 {
5924 "name": "--label-color",
5925 "annotation": "prop",
5926 "docs": "The label color."
5927 },
5928 {
5929 "name": "--track-color",
5930 "annotation": "prop",
5931 "docs": "The track color."
5932 }
5933 ],
5934 "slots": [
5935 {
5936 "name": "",
5937 "docs": "A label to show inside the indicator."
5938 }
5939 ],
5940 "parts": [
5941 {
5942 "name": "base",
5943 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
5944 },
5945 {
5946 "name": "indicator",
5947 "docs": "The progress bar indicator."
5948 },
5949 {
5950 "name": "label",
5951 "docs": "The progress bar label."
5952 }
5953 ],
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5956 "dependencyGraph": {}
5957 },
5958 {
5959 "filePath": "./src/components/progress-ring/progress-ring.tsx",
5960 "encapsulation": "shadow",
5961 "tag": "sl-progress-ring",
5962 "readme": "# sl-progress-ring\n\n\n",
5963 "docs": "",
5964 "docsTags": [
5965 {
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5967 "name": "since"
5968 },
5969 {
5970 "text": "stable",
5971 "name": "status"
5972 },
5973 {
5974 "text": "- A label to show inside the ring.",
5975 "name": "slot"
5976 },
5977 {
5978 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
5979 "name": "part"
5980 },
5981 {
5982 "text": "label - The progress ring label.",
5983 "name": "part"
5984 }
5985 ],
5986 "usage": {},
5987 "props": [
5988 {
5989 "name": "percentage",
5990 "type": "number",
5991 "mutable": false,
5992 "attr": "percentage",
5993 "reflectToAttr": false,
5994 "docs": "The current progress percentage, 0 - 100.",
5995 "docsTags": [],
5996 "values": [
5997 {
5998 "type": "number"
5999 }
6000 ],
6001 "optional": false,
6002 "required": false
6003 },
6004 {
6005 "name": "size",
6006 "type": "number",
6007 "mutable": false,
6008 "attr": "size",
6009 "reflectToAttr": false,
6010 "docs": "The size of the progress ring in pixels.",
6011 "docsTags": [],
6012 "default": "128",
6013 "values": [
6014 {
6015 "type": "number"
6016 }
6017 ],
6018 "optional": false,
6019 "required": false
6020 },
6021 {
6022 "name": "strokeWidth",
6023 "type": "number",
6024 "mutable": false,
6025 "attr": "stroke-width",
6026 "reflectToAttr": false,
6027 "docs": "The stroke width of the progress ring in pixels.",
6028 "docsTags": [],
6029 "default": "4",
6030 "values": [
6031 {
6032 "type": "number"
6033 }
6034 ],
6035 "optional": false,
6036 "required": false
6037 }
6038 ],
6039 "methods": [],
6040 "events": [],
6041 "listeners": [],
6042 "styles": [
6043 {
6044 "name": "--indicator-color",
6045 "annotation": "prop",
6046 "docs": "The indicator color."
6047 },
6048 {
6049 "name": "--track-color",
6050 "annotation": "prop",
6051 "docs": "The track color."
6052 }
6053 ],
6054 "slots": [
6055 {
6056 "name": "",
6057 "docs": "A label to show inside the ring."
6058 }
6059 ],
6060 "parts": [
6061 {
6062 "name": "base",
6063 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
6064 },
6065 {
6066 "name": "label",
6067 "docs": "The progress ring label."
6068 }
6069 ],
6070 "dependents": [],
6071 "dependencies": [],
6072 "dependencyGraph": {}
6073 },
6074 {
6075 "filePath": "./src/components/radio/radio.tsx",
6076 "encapsulation": "shadow",
6077 "tag": "sl-radio",
6078 "readme": "# sl-radio\n\n\n",
6079 "docs": "",
6080 "docsTags": [
6081 {
6082 "text": "2.0",
6083 "name": "since"
6084 },
6085 {
6086 "text": "stable",
6087 "name": "status"
6088 },
6089 {
6090 "text": "- The radio's label.",
6091 "name": "slot"
6092 },
6093 {
6094 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
6095 "name": "part"
6096 },
6097 {
6098 "text": "control - The radio control.",
6099 "name": "part"
6100 },
6101 {
6102 "text": "checked-icon - The container the wraps the checked icon.",
6103 "name": "part"
6104 },
6105 {
6106 "text": "label - The radio label.",
6107 "name": "part"
6108 }
6109 ],
6110 "usage": {},
6111 "props": [
6112 {
6113 "name": "checked",
6114 "type": "boolean",
6115 "mutable": true,
6116 "attr": "checked",
6117 "reflectToAttr": true,
6118 "docs": "Set to true to draw the radio in a checked state.",
6119 "docsTags": [],
6120 "default": "false",
6121 "values": [
6122 {
6123 "type": "boolean"
6124 }
6125 ],
6126 "optional": false,
6127 "required": false
6128 },
6129 {
6130 "name": "disabled",
6131 "type": "boolean",
6132 "mutable": false,
6133 "attr": "disabled",
6134 "reflectToAttr": false,
6135 "docs": "Set to true to disable the radio.",
6136 "docsTags": [],
6137 "default": "false",
6138 "values": [
6139 {
6140 "type": "boolean"
6141 }
6142 ],
6143 "optional": false,
6144 "required": false
6145 },
6146 {
6147 "name": "invalid",
6148 "type": "boolean",
6149 "mutable": true,
6150 "attr": "invalid",
6151 "reflectToAttr": true,
6152 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity in range inputs is determined by the message\nprovided by the `setCustomValidity` method.",
6153 "docsTags": [],
6154 "default": "false",
6155 "values": [
6156 {
6157 "type": "boolean"
6158 }
6159 ],
6160 "optional": false,
6161 "required": false
6162 },
6163 {
6164 "name": "name",
6165 "type": "string",
6166 "mutable": false,
6167 "attr": "name",
6168 "reflectToAttr": false,
6169 "docs": "The radio's name attribute.",
6170 "docsTags": [],
6171 "values": [
6172 {
6173 "type": "string"
6174 }
6175 ],
6176 "optional": false,
6177 "required": false
6178 },
6179 {
6180 "name": "value",
6181 "type": "string",
6182 "mutable": false,
6183 "attr": "value",
6184 "reflectToAttr": false,
6185 "docs": "The radio's value attribute.",
6186 "docsTags": [],
6187 "values": [
6188 {
6189 "type": "string"
6190 }
6191 ],
6192 "optional": false,
6193 "required": false
6194 }
6195 ],
6196 "methods": [
6197 {
6198 "name": "removeFocus",
6199 "returns": {
6200 "type": "Promise<void>",
6201 "docs": ""
6202 },
6203 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
6204 "parameters": [],
6205 "docs": "Removes focus from the radio.",
6206 "docsTags": []
6207 },
6208 {
6209 "name": "reportValidity",
6210 "returns": {
6211 "type": "Promise<boolean>",
6212 "docs": ""
6213 },
6214 "signature": "reportValidity() => Promise<boolean>",
6215 "parameters": [],
6216 "docs": "Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.",
6217 "docsTags": []
6218 },
6219 {
6220 "name": "setCustomValidity",
6221 "returns": {
6222 "type": "Promise<void>",
6223 "docs": ""
6224 },
6225 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
6226 "parameters": [],
6227 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
6228 "docsTags": []
6229 },
6230 {
6231 "name": "setFocus",
6232 "returns": {
6233 "type": "Promise<void>",
6234 "docs": ""
6235 },
6236 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
6237 "parameters": [],
6238 "docs": "Sets focus on the radio.",
6239 "docsTags": []
6240 }
6241 ],
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6243 {
6244 "event": "sl-blur",
6245 "detail": "any",
6246 "bubbles": true,
6247 "cancelable": true,
6248 "composed": true,
6249 "docs": "Emitted when the control loses focus.",
6250 "docsTags": []
6251 },
6252 {
6253 "event": "sl-change",
6254 "detail": "any",
6255 "bubbles": true,
6256 "cancelable": true,
6257 "composed": true,
6258 "docs": "Emitted when the control's checked state changes.",
6259 "docsTags": []
6260 },
6261 {
6262 "event": "sl-focus",
6263 "detail": "any",
6264 "bubbles": true,
6265 "cancelable": true,
6266 "composed": true,
6267 "docs": "Emitted when the control gains focus.",
6268 "docsTags": []
6269 }
6270 ],
6271 "listeners": [],
6272 "styles": [],
6273 "slots": [
6274 {
6275 "name": "",
6276 "docs": "The radio's label."
6277 }
6278 ],
6279 "parts": [
6280 {
6281 "name": "base",
6282 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
6283 },
6284 {
6285 "name": "checked-icon",
6286 "docs": "The container the wraps the checked icon."
6287 },
6288 {
6289 "name": "control",
6290 "docs": "The radio control."
6291 },
6292 {
6293 "name": "label",
6294 "docs": "The radio label."
6295 }
6296 ],
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6299 "dependencyGraph": {}
6300 },
6301 {
6302 "filePath": "./src/components/range/range.tsx",
6303 "encapsulation": "shadow",
6304 "tag": "sl-range",
6305 "readme": "# sl-range\n\n\n",
6306 "docs": "",
6307 "docsTags": [
6308 {
6309 "text": "2.0",
6310 "name": "since"
6311 },
6312 {
6313 "text": "stable",
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6315 },
6316 {
6317 "text": "label - The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.",
6318 "name": "slot"
6319 },
6320 {
6321 "text": "help-text - Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop.",
6322 "name": "slot"
6323 },
6324 {
6325 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
6326 "name": "part"
6327 },
6328 {
6329 "text": "input - The native range input.",
6330 "name": "part"
6331 },
6332 {
6333 "text": "tooltip - The range tooltip.",
6334 "name": "part"
6335 }
6336 ],
6337 "usage": {},
6338 "props": [
6339 {
6340 "name": "disabled",
6341 "type": "boolean",
6342 "mutable": false,
6343 "attr": "disabled",
6344 "reflectToAttr": false,
6345 "docs": "Set to true to disable the input.",
6346 "docsTags": [],
6347 "default": "false",
6348 "values": [
6349 {
6350 "type": "boolean"
6351 }
6352 ],
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6354 "required": false
6355 },
6356 {
6357 "name": "helpText",
6358 "type": "string",
6359 "mutable": false,
6360 "attr": "help-text",
6361 "reflectToAttr": false,
6362 "docs": "The range's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.",
6363 "docsTags": [],
6364 "default": "''",
6365 "values": [
6366 {
6367 "type": "string"
6368 }
6369 ],
6370 "optional": false,
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6372 },
6373 {
6374 "name": "invalid",
6375 "type": "boolean",
6376 "mutable": true,
6377 "attr": "invalid",
6378 "reflectToAttr": true,
6379 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity in range inputs is determined by the message\nprovided by the `setCustomValidity` method.",
6380 "docsTags": [],
6381 "default": "false",
6382 "values": [
6383 {
6384 "type": "boolean"
6385 }
6386 ],
6387 "optional": false,
6388 "required": false
6389 },
6390 {
6391 "name": "label",
6392 "type": "string",
6393 "mutable": false,
6394 "attr": "label",
6395 "reflectToAttr": false,
6396 "docs": "The range's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.",
6397 "docsTags": [],
6398 "default": "''",
6399 "values": [
6400 {
6401 "type": "string"
6402 }
6403 ],
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6406 },
6407 {
6408 "name": "max",
6409 "type": "number",
6410 "mutable": false,
6411 "attr": "max",
6412 "reflectToAttr": false,
6413 "docs": "The input's max attribute.",
6414 "docsTags": [],
6415 "default": "100",
6416 "values": [
6417 {
6418 "type": "number"
6419 }
6420 ],
6421 "optional": false,
6422 "required": false
6423 },
6424 {
6425 "name": "min",
6426 "type": "number",
6427 "mutable": false,
6428 "attr": "min",
6429 "reflectToAttr": false,
6430 "docs": "The input's min attribute.",
6431 "docsTags": [],
6432 "default": "0",
6433 "values": [
6434 {
6435 "type": "number"
6436 }
6437 ],
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6440 },
6441 {
6442 "name": "name",
6443 "type": "string",
6444 "mutable": false,
6445 "attr": "name",
6446 "reflectToAttr": false,
6447 "docs": "The input's name attribute.",
6448 "docsTags": [],
6449 "default": "''",
6450 "values": [
6451 {
6452 "type": "string"
6453 }
6454 ],
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6456 "required": false
6457 },
6458 {
6459 "name": "step",
6460 "type": "number",
6461 "mutable": false,
6462 "attr": "step",
6463 "reflectToAttr": false,
6464 "docs": "The input's step attribute.",
6465 "docsTags": [],
6466 "default": "1",
6467 "values": [
6468 {
6469 "type": "number"
6470 }
6471 ],
6472 "optional": false,
6473 "required": false
6474 },
6475 {
6476 "name": "tooltip",
6477 "type": "\"bottom\" | \"none\" | \"top\"",
6478 "mutable": false,
6479 "attr": "tooltip",
6480 "reflectToAttr": false,
6481 "docs": "The preferred placedment of the tooltip.",
6482 "docsTags": [],
6483 "default": "'top'",
6484 "values": [
6485 {
6486 "value": "bottom",
6487 "type": "string"
6488 },
6489 {
6490 "value": "none",
6491 "type": "string"
6492 },
6493 {
6494 "value": "top",
6495 "type": "string"
6496 }
6497 ],
6498 "optional": false,
6499 "required": false
6500 },
6501 {
6502 "name": "tooltipFormatter",
6503 "type": "(value: number) => string",
6504 "mutable": false,
6505 "reflectToAttr": false,
6506 "docs": "A function used to format the tooltip's value.",
6507 "docsTags": [],
6508 "default": "(value: number) => value.toString()",
6509 "values": [
6510 {
6511 "type": "(value: number) => string"
6512 }
6513 ],
6514 "optional": false,
6515 "required": false
6516 },
6517 {
6518 "name": "value",
6519 "type": "number",
6520 "mutable": true,
6521 "attr": "value",
6522 "reflectToAttr": false,
6523 "docs": "The input's value attribute.",
6524 "docsTags": [],
6525 "values": [
6526 {
6527 "type": "number"
6528 }
6529 ],
6530 "optional": false,
6531 "required": false
6532 }
6533 ],
6534 "methods": [
6535 {
6536 "name": "removeFocus",
6537 "returns": {
6538 "type": "Promise<void>",
6539 "docs": ""
6540 },
6541 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
6542 "parameters": [],
6543 "docs": "Removes focus from the input.",
6544 "docsTags": []
6545 },
6546 {
6547 "name": "setCustomValidity",
6548 "returns": {
6549 "type": "Promise<void>",
6550 "docs": ""
6551 },
6552 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
6553 "parameters": [],
6554 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
6555 "docsTags": []
6556 },
6557 {
6558 "name": "setFocus",
6559 "returns": {
6560 "type": "Promise<void>",
6561 "docs": ""
6562 },
6563 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
6564 "parameters": [],
6565 "docs": "Sets focus on the input.",
6566 "docsTags": []
6567 }
6568 ],
6569 "events": [
6570 {
6571 "event": "sl-blur",
6572 "detail": "any",
6573 "bubbles": true,
6574 "cancelable": true,
6575 "composed": true,
6576 "docs": "Emitted when the control loses focus.",
6577 "docsTags": []
6578 },
6579 {
6580 "event": "sl-change",
6581 "detail": "any",
6582 "bubbles": true,
6583 "cancelable": true,
6584 "composed": true,
6585 "docs": "Emitted when the control's value changes.",
6586 "docsTags": []
6587 },
6588 {
6589 "event": "sl-focus",
6590 "detail": "any",
6591 "bubbles": true,
6592 "cancelable": true,
6593 "composed": true,
6594 "docs": "Emitted when the control gains focus.",
6595 "docsTags": []
6596 }
6597 ],
6598 "listeners": [],
6599 "styles": [],
6600 "slots": [
6601 {
6602 "name": "help-text",
6603 "docs": "Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop."
6604 },
6605 {
6606 "name": "label",
6607 "docs": "The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop."
6608 }
6609 ],
6610 "parts": [
6611 {
6612 "name": "base",
6613 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
6614 },
6615 {
6616 "name": "input",
6617 "docs": "The native range input."
6618 },
6619 {
6620 "name": "tooltip",
6621 "docs": "The range tooltip."
6622 }
6623 ],
6624 "dependents": [],
6625 "dependencies": [],
6626 "dependencyGraph": {}
6627 },
6628 {
6629 "filePath": "./src/components/rating/rating.tsx",
6630 "encapsulation": "shadow",
6631 "tag": "sl-rating",
6632 "readme": "# sl-rating\n\n\n",
6633 "docs": "",
6634 "docsTags": [
6635 {
6636 "text": "2.0",
6637 "name": "since"
6638 },
6639 {
6640 "text": "stable",
6641 "name": "status"
6642 },
6643 {
6644 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
6645 "name": "part"
6646 }
6647 ],
6648 "usage": {},
6649 "props": [
6650 {
6651 "name": "disabled",
6652 "type": "boolean",
6653 "mutable": false,
6654 "attr": "disabled",
6655 "reflectToAttr": false,
6656 "docs": "Disables the rating.",
6657 "docsTags": [],
6658 "default": "false",
6659 "values": [
6660 {
6661 "type": "boolean"
6662 }
6663 ],
6664 "optional": false,
6665 "required": false
6666 },
6667 {
6668 "name": "getSymbol",
6669 "type": "(value?: number) => string",
6670 "mutable": false,
6671 "reflectToAttr": false,
6672 "docs": "A function that returns the symbols to display. Accepts an option `value` parameter you can use to map a specific\nsymbol to a value.",
6673 "docsTags": [],
6674 "default": "(value?: number) => '<sl-icon name=\"star-fill\"></sl-icon>'",
6675 "values": [
6676 {
6677 "type": "(value?: number) => string"
6678 }
6679 ],
6680 "optional": false,
6681 "required": false
6682 },
6683 {
6684 "name": "max",
6685 "type": "number",
6686 "mutable": false,
6687 "attr": "max",
6688 "reflectToAttr": false,
6689 "docs": "The highest rating to show.",
6690 "docsTags": [],
6691 "default": "5",
6692 "values": [
6693 {
6694 "type": "number"
6695 }
6696 ],
6697 "optional": false,
6698 "required": false
6699 },
6700 {
6701 "name": "precision",
6702 "type": "number",
6703 "mutable": false,
6704 "attr": "precision",
6705 "reflectToAttr": false,
6706 "docs": "The minimum increment value allowed by the control.",
6707 "docsTags": [],
6708 "default": "1",
6709 "values": [
6710 {
6711 "type": "number"
6712 }
6713 ],
6714 "optional": false,
6715 "required": false
6716 },
6717 {
6718 "name": "readonly",
6719 "type": "boolean",
6720 "mutable": false,
6721 "attr": "readonly",
6722 "reflectToAttr": false,
6723 "docs": "Makes the rating readonly.",
6724 "docsTags": [],
6725 "default": "false",
6726 "values": [
6727 {
6728 "type": "boolean"
6729 }
6730 ],
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6733 },
6734 {
6735 "name": "value",
6736 "type": "number",
6737 "mutable": true,
6738 "attr": "value",
6739 "reflectToAttr": true,
6740 "docs": "The current rating.",
6741 "docsTags": [],
6742 "default": "0",
6743 "values": [
6744 {
6745 "type": "number"
6746 }
6747 ],
6748 "optional": false,
6749 "required": false
6750 }
6751 ],
6752 "methods": [
6753 {
6754 "name": "removeFocus",
6755 "returns": {
6756 "type": "Promise<void>",
6757 "docs": ""
6758 },
6759 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
6760 "parameters": [],
6761 "docs": "Removes focus from the rating.",
6762 "docsTags": []
6763 },
6764 {
6765 "name": "setFocus",
6766 "returns": {
6767 "type": "Promise<void>",
6768 "docs": ""
6769 },
6770 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
6771 "parameters": [],
6772 "docs": "Sets focus on the rating.",
6773 "docsTags": []
6774 }
6775 ],
6776 "events": [
6777 {
6778 "event": "sl-change",
6779 "detail": "any",
6780 "bubbles": true,
6781 "cancelable": true,
6782 "composed": true,
6783 "docs": "Emitted when the rating's value changes.",
6784 "docsTags": []
6785 }
6786 ],
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6788 "styles": [
6789 {
6790 "name": "--symbol-color",
6791 "annotation": "prop",
6792 "docs": "The inactive color for symbols."
6793 },
6794 {
6795 "name": "--symbol-color-active",
6796 "annotation": "prop",
6797 "docs": "The active color for symbols."
6798 },
6799 {
6800 "name": "--symbol-size",
6801 "annotation": "prop",
6802 "docs": "The size of symbols."
6803 },
6804 {
6805 "name": "--symbol-spacing",
6806 "annotation": "prop",
6807 "docs": "The spacing to use around symbols."
6808 }
6809 ],
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6811 "parts": [
6812 {
6813 "name": "base",
6814 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
6815 }
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6820 },
6821 {
6822 "filePath": "./src/components/relative-time/relative-time.tsx",
6823 "encapsulation": "shadow",
6824 "tag": "sl-relative-time",
6825 "readme": "# sl-relative-time\n\n\n",
6826 "docs": "",
6827 "docsTags": [
6828 {
6829 "text": "2.0",
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6831 },
6832 {
6833 "text": "stable",
6834 "name": "status"
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6836 ],
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6838 "props": [
6839 {
6840 "name": "date",
6841 "type": "Date | string",
6842 "mutable": false,
6843 "attr": "date",
6844 "reflectToAttr": false,
6845 "docs": "The date from which to calculate time from.",
6846 "docsTags": [],
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6848 {
6849 "type": "Date"
6850 },
6851 {
6852 "type": "string"
6853 }
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6856 "required": false
6857 },
6858 {
6859 "name": "format",
6860 "type": "\"long\" | \"narrow\" | \"short\"",
6861 "mutable": false,
6862 "attr": "format",
6863 "reflectToAttr": false,
6864 "docs": "The formatting style to use.",
6865 "docsTags": [],
6866 "default": "'long'",
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6868 {
6869 "value": "long",
6870 "type": "string"
6871 },
6872 {
6873 "value": "narrow",
6874 "type": "string"
6875 },
6876 {
6877 "value": "short",
6878 "type": "string"
6879 }
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6881 "optional": false,
6882 "required": false
6883 },
6884 {
6885 "name": "locale",
6886 "type": "string",
6887 "mutable": false,
6888 "attr": "locale",
6889 "reflectToAttr": false,
6890 "docs": "The locale to use when formatting the number.",
6891 "docsTags": [],
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6893 {
6894 "type": "string"
6895 }
6896 ],
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6898 "required": false
6899 },
6900 {
6901 "name": "numeric",
6902 "type": "\"always\" | \"auto\"",
6903 "mutable": false,
6904 "attr": "numeric",
6905 "reflectToAttr": false,
6906 "docs": "When `auto`, values such as \"yesterday\" and \"tomorrow\" will be shown when possible. When `always`, values such as\n\"1 day ago\" and \"in 1 day\" will be shown.",
6907 "docsTags": [],
6908 "default": "'auto'",
6909 "values": [
6910 {
6911 "value": "always",
6912 "type": "string"
6913 },
6914 {
6915 "value": "auto",
6916 "type": "string"
6917 }
6918 ],
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6920 "required": false
6921 },
6922 {
6923 "name": "sync",
6924 "type": "boolean",
6925 "mutable": false,
6926 "attr": "sync",
6927 "reflectToAttr": false,
6928 "docs": "Keep the displayed value up to date as time passes.",
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6932 {
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6949 },
6950 {
6951 "filePath": "./src/components/resize-observer/resize-observer.tsx",
6952 "encapsulation": "shadow",
6953 "tag": "sl-resize-observer",
6954 "readme": "# sl-resize-observer\n\n\n",
6955 "docs": "",
6956 "docsTags": [
6957 {
6958 "text": "2.0",
6959 "name": "since"
6960 },
6961 {
6962 "text": "experimental",
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6968 "methods": [],
6969 "events": [
6970 {
6971 "event": "sl-resize",
6972 "detail": "readonly ResizeObserverEntry[]",
6973 "bubbles": true,
6974 "cancelable": true,
6975 "composed": true,
6976 "docs": "Emitted when the element is resized.",
6977 "docsTags": []
6978 }
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6988 {
6989 "filePath": "./src/components/responsive-embed/responsive-embed.tsx",
6990 "encapsulation": "shadow",
6991 "tag": "sl-responsive-embed",
6992 "readme": "# sl-responsive-embed\n\n\n",
6993 "docs": "",
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6995 {
6996 "text": "2.0",
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6998 },
6999 {
7000 "text": "stable",
7001 "name": "status"
7002 },
7003 {
7004 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
7005 "name": "part"
7006 }
7007 ],
7008 "usage": {},
7009 "props": [
7010 {
7011 "name": "aspectRatio",
7012 "type": "string",
7013 "mutable": false,
7014 "attr": "aspect-ratio",
7015 "reflectToAttr": false,
7016 "docs": "The aspect ratio of the embedded media in the format of `width:height`, e.g. `16:9`, `4:3`, or `1:1`. Ratios not in\nthis format will be ignored.",
7017 "docsTags": [],
7018 "default": "'16:9'",
7019 "values": [
7020 {
7021 "type": "string"
7022 }
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7026 }
7027 ],
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7030 "listeners": [],
7031 "styles": [],
7032 "slots": [],
7033 "parts": [
7034 {
7035 "name": "base",
7036 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
7037 }
7038 ],
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7040 "dependencies": [],
7041 "dependencyGraph": {}
7042 },
7043 {
7044 "filePath": "./src/components/select/select.tsx",
7045 "encapsulation": "shadow",
7046 "tag": "sl-select",
7047 "readme": "# sl-select\n\n\n",
7048 "docs": "",
7049 "docsTags": [
7050 {
7051 "text": "2.0",
7052 "name": "since"
7053 },
7054 {
7055 "text": "stable",
7056 "name": "status"
7057 },
7058 {
7059 "text": "- The select's options in the form of menu items.",
7060 "name": "slot"
7061 },
7062 {
7063 "text": "label - The select's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.",
7064 "name": "slot"
7065 },
7066 {
7067 "text": "help-text - Help text that describes how to use the select.",
7068 "name": "slot"
7069 },
7070 {
7071 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
7072 "name": "part"
7073 },
7074 {
7075 "text": "clear-button - The input's clear button, exported from <sl-input>.",
7076 "name": "part"
7077 },
7078 {
7079 "text": "form-control - The form control that wraps the label, input, and help text.",
7080 "name": "part"
7081 },
7082 {
7083 "text": "help-text - The select's help text.",
7084 "name": "part"
7085 },
7086 {
7087 "text": "icon - The select's icon.",
7088 "name": "part"
7089 },
7090 {
7091 "text": "label - The select's label.",
7092 "name": "part"
7093 },
7094 {
7095 "text": "menu - The select menu, a <sl-menu> element.",
7096 "name": "part"
7097 },
7098 {
7099 "text": "tag - The multiselect option, a <sl-tag> element.",
7100 "name": "part"
7101 },
7102 {
7103 "text": "tags - The container in which multiselect options are rendered.",
7104 "name": "part"
7105 }
7106 ],
7107 "usage": {},
7108 "props": [
7109 {
7110 "name": "clearable",
7111 "type": "boolean",
7112 "mutable": false,
7113 "attr": "clearable",
7114 "reflectToAttr": false,
7115 "docs": "Set to true to add a clear button when the select is populated.",
7116 "docsTags": [],
7117 "default": "false",
7118 "values": [
7119 {
7120 "type": "boolean"
7121 }
7122 ],
7123 "optional": false,
7124 "required": false
7125 },
7126 {
7127 "name": "disabled",
7128 "type": "boolean",
7129 "mutable": false,
7130 "attr": "disabled",
7131 "reflectToAttr": false,
7132 "docs": "Set to true to disable the select control.",
7133 "docsTags": [],
7134 "default": "false",
7135 "values": [
7136 {
7137 "type": "boolean"
7138 }
7139 ],
7140 "optional": false,
7141 "required": false
7142 },
7143 {
7144 "name": "helpText",
7145 "type": "string",
7146 "mutable": false,
7147 "attr": "help-text",
7148 "reflectToAttr": false,
7149 "docs": "The select's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.",
7150 "docsTags": [],
7151 "default": "''",
7152 "values": [
7153 {
7154 "type": "string"
7155 }
7156 ],
7157 "optional": false,
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7159 },
7160 {
7161 "name": "hoist",
7162 "type": "boolean",
7163 "mutable": false,
7164 "attr": "hoist",
7165 "reflectToAttr": false,
7166 "docs": "Enable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with\n`overflow: auto|scroll`.",
7167 "docsTags": [],
7168 "default": "false",
7169 "values": [
7170 {
7171 "type": "boolean"
7172 }
7173 ],
7174 "optional": false,
7175 "required": false
7176 },
7177 {
7178 "name": "invalid",
7179 "type": "boolean",
7180 "mutable": true,
7181 "attr": "invalid",
7182 "reflectToAttr": false,
7183 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the `required` prop.",
7184 "docsTags": [],
7185 "default": "false",
7186 "values": [
7187 {
7188 "type": "boolean"
7189 }
7190 ],
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7193 },
7194 {
7195 "name": "label",
7196 "type": "string",
7197 "mutable": false,
7198 "attr": "label",
7199 "reflectToAttr": false,
7200 "docs": "The select's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.",
7201 "docsTags": [],
7202 "default": "''",
7203 "values": [
7204 {
7205 "type": "string"
7206 }
7207 ],
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7210 },
7211 {
7212 "name": "maxTagsVisible",
7213 "type": "number",
7214 "mutable": false,
7215 "attr": "max-tags-visible",
7216 "reflectToAttr": false,
7217 "docs": "The maximum number of tags to show when `multiple` is true. After the maximum, \"+n\" will be shown to indicate the\nnumber of additional items that are selected. Set to -1 to remove the limit.",
7218 "docsTags": [],
7219 "default": "3",
7220 "values": [
7221 {
7222 "type": "number"
7223 }
7224 ],
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7226 "required": false
7227 },
7228 {
7229 "name": "multiple",
7230 "type": "boolean",
7231 "mutable": false,
7232 "attr": "multiple",
7233 "reflectToAttr": false,
7234 "docs": "Set to true to enable multiselect.",
7235 "docsTags": [],
7236 "default": "false",
7237 "values": [
7238 {
7239 "type": "boolean"
7240 }
7241 ],
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7244 },
7245 {
7246 "name": "name",
7247 "type": "string",
7248 "mutable": false,
7249 "attr": "name",
7250 "reflectToAttr": false,
7251 "docs": "The select's name.",
7252 "docsTags": [],
7253 "default": "''",
7254 "values": [
7255 {
7256 "type": "string"
7257 }
7258 ],
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7260 "required": false
7261 },
7262 {
7263 "name": "pill",
7264 "type": "boolean",
7265 "mutable": false,
7266 "attr": "pill",
7267 "reflectToAttr": false,
7268 "docs": "Set to true to draw a pill-style select with rounded edges.",
7269 "docsTags": [],
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7271 "values": [
7272 {
7273 "type": "boolean"
7274 }
7275 ],
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7278 },
7279 {
7280 "name": "placeholder",
7281 "type": "string",
7282 "mutable": false,
7283 "attr": "placeholder",
7284 "reflectToAttr": false,
7285 "docs": "The select's placeholder text.",
7286 "docsTags": [],
7287 "default": "''",
7288 "values": [
7289 {
7290 "type": "string"
7291 }
7292 ],
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7295 },
7296 {
7297 "name": "required",
7298 "type": "boolean",
7299 "mutable": false,
7300 "attr": "required",
7301 "reflectToAttr": false,
7302 "docs": "The select's required attribute.",
7303 "docsTags": [],
7304 "default": "false",
7305 "values": [
7306 {
7307 "type": "boolean"
7308 }
7309 ],
7310 "optional": false,
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7312 },
7313 {
7314 "name": "size",
7315 "type": "\"large\" | \"medium\" | \"small\"",
7316 "mutable": false,
7317 "attr": "size",
7318 "reflectToAttr": false,
7319 "docs": "The select's size.",
7320 "docsTags": [],
7321 "default": "'medium'",
7322 "values": [
7323 {
7324 "value": "large",
7325 "type": "string"
7326 },
7327 {
7328 "value": "medium",
7329 "type": "string"
7330 },
7331 {
7332 "value": "small",
7333 "type": "string"
7334 }
7335 ],
7336 "optional": false,
7337 "required": false
7338 },
7339 {
7340 "name": "value",
7341 "type": "string | string[]",
7342 "mutable": true,
7343 "attr": "value",
7344 "reflectToAttr": false,
7345 "docs": "The value of the control. This will be a string or an array depending on `multiple`.",
7346 "docsTags": [],
7347 "default": "''",
7348 "values": [
7349 {
7350 "type": "string"
7351 },
7352 {
7353 "type": "string[]"
7354 }
7355 ],
7356 "optional": false,
7357 "required": false
7358 }
7359 ],
7360 "methods": [
7361 {
7362 "name": "reportValidity",
7363 "returns": {
7364 "type": "Promise<boolean>",
7365 "docs": ""
7366 },
7367 "signature": "reportValidity() => Promise<boolean>",
7368 "parameters": [],
7369 "docs": "Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.",
7370 "docsTags": []
7371 },
7372 {
7373 "name": "setCustomValidity",
7374 "returns": {
7375 "type": "Promise<void>",
7376 "docs": ""
7377 },
7378 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
7379 "parameters": [],
7380 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
7381 "docsTags": []
7382 }
7383 ],
7384 "events": [
7385 {
7386 "event": "sl-blur",
7387 "detail": "any",
7388 "bubbles": true,
7389 "cancelable": true,
7390 "composed": true,
7391 "docs": "Emitted when the control loses focus.",
7392 "docsTags": []
7393 },
7394 {
7395 "event": "sl-change",
7396 "detail": "any",
7397 "bubbles": true,
7398 "cancelable": true,
7399 "composed": true,
7400 "docs": "Emitted when the control's value changes.",
7401 "docsTags": []
7402 },
7403 {
7404 "event": "sl-focus",
7405 "detail": "any",
7406 "bubbles": true,
7407 "cancelable": true,
7408 "composed": true,
7409 "docs": "Emitted when the control gains focus.",
7410 "docsTags": []
7411 }
7412 ],
7413 "listeners": [],
7414 "styles": [
7415 {
7416 "name": "--focus-ring",
7417 "annotation": "prop",
7418 "docs": "The focus ring style to use when the control receives focus, a `box-shadow` property."
7419 }
7420 ],
7421 "slots": [
7422 {
7423 "name": "",
7424 "docs": "The select's options in the form of menu items."
7425 },
7426 {
7427 "name": "help-text",
7428 "docs": "Help text that describes how to use the select."
7429 },
7430 {
7431 "name": "label",
7432 "docs": "The select's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop."
7433 }
7434 ],
7435 "parts": [
7436 {
7437 "name": "base",
7438 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
7439 },
7440 {
7441 "name": "clear-button",
7442 "docs": "The input's clear button, exported from <sl-input>."
7443 },
7444 {
7445 "name": "form-control",
7446 "docs": "The form control that wraps the label, input, and help text."
7447 },
7448 {
7449 "name": "help-text",
7450 "docs": "The select's help text."
7451 },
7452 {
7453 "name": "icon",
7454 "docs": "The select's icon."
7455 },
7456 {
7457 "name": "label",
7458 "docs": "The select's label."
7459 },
7460 {
7461 "name": "menu",
7462 "docs": "The select menu, a <sl-menu> element."
7463 },
7464 {
7465 "name": "tag",
7466 "docs": "The multiselect option, a <sl-tag> element."
7467 },
7468 {
7469 "name": "tags",
7470 "docs": "The container in which multiselect options are rendered."
7471 }
7472 ],
7473 "dependents": [],
7474 "dependencies": [
7475 "sl-tag",
7476 "sl-dropdown",
7477 "sl-icon-button",
7478 "sl-icon",
7479 "sl-menu"
7480 ],
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7482 "sl-select": [
7483 "sl-tag",
7484 "sl-dropdown",
7485 "sl-icon-button",
7486 "sl-icon",
7487 "sl-menu"
7488 ],
7489 "sl-tag": [
7490 "sl-icon-button"
7491 ],
7492 "sl-icon-button": [
7493 "sl-icon"
7494 ]
7495 }
7496 },
7497 {
7498 "filePath": "./src/components/skeleton/skeleton.tsx",
7499 "encapsulation": "shadow",
7500 "tag": "sl-skeleton",
7501 "readme": "# sl-skeleton\n\n\n",
7502 "docs": "",
7503 "docsTags": [
7504 {
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7506 "name": "since"
7507 },
7508 {
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7511 },
7512 {
7513 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
7514 "name": "part"
7515 },
7516 {
7517 "text": "indicator - The skeleton's indicator which is responsible for its color and animation.",
7518 "name": "part"
7519 }
7520 ],
7521 "usage": {},
7522 "props": [
7523 {
7524 "name": "effect",
7525 "type": "\"none\" | \"pulse\" | \"sheen\"",
7526 "mutable": false,
7527 "attr": "effect",
7528 "reflectToAttr": false,
7529 "docs": "Determines which effect the skeleton will use.",
7530 "docsTags": [],
7531 "default": "'sheen'",
7532 "values": [
7533 {
7534 "value": "none",
7535 "type": "string"
7536 },
7537 {
7538 "value": "pulse",
7539 "type": "string"
7540 },
7541 {
7542 "value": "sheen",
7543 "type": "string"
7544 }
7545 ],
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7547 "required": false
7548 }
7549 ],
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7552 "listeners": [],
7553 "styles": [
7554 {
7555 "name": "--border-radius",
7556 "annotation": "prop",
7557 "docs": "The skeleton's border radius."
7558 },
7559 {
7560 "name": "--color",
7561 "annotation": "prop",
7562 "docs": "The color of the skeleton."
7563 },
7564 {
7565 "name": "--sheen-color",
7566 "annotation": "prop",
7567 "docs": "The sheen color when the skeleton is in its loading state."
7568 }
7569 ],
7570 "slots": [],
7571 "parts": [
7572 {
7573 "name": "base",
7574 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
7575 },
7576 {
7577 "name": "indicator",
7578 "docs": "The skeleton's indicator which is responsible for its color and animation."
7579 }
7580 ],
7581 "dependents": [],
7582 "dependencies": [],
7583 "dependencyGraph": {}
7584 },
7585 {
7586 "filePath": "./src/components/spinner/spinner.tsx",
7587 "encapsulation": "shadow",
7588 "tag": "sl-spinner",
7589 "readme": "# sl-spinner\n\n\n",
7590 "docs": "",
7591 "docsTags": [
7592 {
7593 "text": "2.0",
7594 "name": "since"
7595 },
7596 {
7597 "text": "stable",
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7599 },
7600 {
7601 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
7602 "name": "part"
7603 }
7604 ],
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7607 "methods": [],
7608 "events": [],
7609 "listeners": [],
7610 "styles": [
7611 {
7612 "name": "--indicator-color",
7613 "annotation": "prop",
7614 "docs": "The color of the spinner's indicator."
7615 },
7616 {
7617 "name": "--stroke-width",
7618 "annotation": "prop",
7619 "docs": "The width of the indicator."
7620 },
7621 {
7622 "name": "--track-color",
7623 "annotation": "prop",
7624 "docs": "The color of the spinner's track."
7625 }
7626 ],
7627 "slots": [],
7628 "parts": [
7629 {
7630 "name": "base",
7631 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
7632 }
7633 ],
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7635 "sl-button"
7636 ],
7637 "dependencies": [],
7638 "dependencyGraph": {
7639 "sl-button": [
7640 "sl-spinner"
7641 ]
7642 }
7643 },
7644 {
7645 "filePath": "./src/components/switch/switch.tsx",
7646 "encapsulation": "shadow",
7647 "tag": "sl-switch",
7648 "readme": "# sl-switch\n\n\n",
7649 "docs": "",
7650 "docsTags": [
7651 {
7652 "text": "2.0",
7653 "name": "since"
7654 },
7655 {
7656 "text": "stable",
7657 "name": "status"
7658 },
7659 {
7660 "text": "- The switch's label.",
7661 "name": "slot"
7662 },
7663 {
7664 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
7665 "name": "part"
7666 },
7667 {
7668 "text": "control - The switch control.",
7669 "name": "part"
7670 },
7671 {
7672 "text": "thumb - The switch position indicator.",
7673 "name": "part"
7674 },
7675 {
7676 "text": "label - The switch label.",
7677 "name": "part"
7678 }
7679 ],
7680 "usage": {},
7681 "props": [
7682 {
7683 "name": "checked",
7684 "type": "boolean",
7685 "mutable": true,
7686 "attr": "checked",
7687 "reflectToAttr": true,
7688 "docs": "Set to true to draw the switch in a checked state.",
7689 "docsTags": [],
7690 "default": "false",
7691 "values": [
7692 {
7693 "type": "boolean"
7694 }
7695 ],
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7697 "required": false
7698 },
7699 {
7700 "name": "disabled",
7701 "type": "boolean",
7702 "mutable": false,
7703 "attr": "disabled",
7704 "reflectToAttr": false,
7705 "docs": "Set to true to disable the switch.",
7706 "docsTags": [],
7707 "default": "false",
7708 "values": [
7709 {
7710 "type": "boolean"
7711 }
7712 ],
7713 "optional": false,
7714 "required": false
7715 },
7716 {
7717 "name": "invalid",
7718 "type": "boolean",
7719 "mutable": true,
7720 "attr": "invalid",
7721 "reflectToAttr": true,
7722 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by the `required` prop.",
7723 "docsTags": [],
7724 "default": "false",
7725 "values": [
7726 {
7727 "type": "boolean"
7728 }
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7732 },
7733 {
7734 "name": "name",
7735 "type": "string",
7736 "mutable": false,
7737 "attr": "name",
7738 "reflectToAttr": false,
7739 "docs": "The switch's name attribute.",
7740 "docsTags": [],
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7742 {
7743 "type": "string"
7744 }
7745 ],
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7748 },
7749 {
7750 "name": "required",
7751 "type": "boolean",
7752 "mutable": false,
7753 "attr": "required",
7754 "reflectToAttr": false,
7755 "docs": "Set to true to make the switch a required field.",
7756 "docsTags": [],
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7759 {
7760 "type": "boolean"
7761 }
7762 ],
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7765 },
7766 {
7767 "name": "value",
7768 "type": "string",
7769 "mutable": false,
7770 "attr": "value",
7771 "reflectToAttr": false,
7772 "docs": "The switch's value attribute.",
7773 "docsTags": [],
7774 "values": [
7775 {
7776 "type": "string"
7777 }
7778 ],
7779 "optional": false,
7780 "required": false
7781 }
7782 ],
7783 "methods": [
7784 {
7785 "name": "removeFocus",
7786 "returns": {
7787 "type": "Promise<void>",
7788 "docs": ""
7789 },
7790 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
7791 "parameters": [],
7792 "docs": "Removes focus from the switch.",
7793 "docsTags": []
7794 },
7795 {
7796 "name": "reportValidity",
7797 "returns": {
7798 "type": "Promise<boolean>",
7799 "docs": ""
7800 },
7801 "signature": "reportValidity() => Promise<boolean>",
7802 "parameters": [],
7803 "docs": "Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.",
7804 "docsTags": []
7805 },
7806 {
7807 "name": "setCustomValidity",
7808 "returns": {
7809 "type": "Promise<void>",
7810 "docs": ""
7811 },
7812 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
7813 "parameters": [],
7814 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
7815 "docsTags": []
7816 },
7817 {
7818 "name": "setFocus",
7819 "returns": {
7820 "type": "Promise<void>",
7821 "docs": ""
7822 },
7823 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
7824 "parameters": [],
7825 "docs": "Sets focus on the switch.",
7826 "docsTags": []
7827 }
7828 ],
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7830 {
7831 "event": "sl-blur",
7832 "detail": "any",
7833 "bubbles": true,
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7835 "composed": true,
7836 "docs": "Emitted when the control loses focus.",
7837 "docsTags": []
7838 },
7839 {
7840 "event": "sl-change",
7841 "detail": "any",
7842 "bubbles": true,
7843 "cancelable": true,
7844 "composed": true,
7845 "docs": "Emitted when the control's checked state changes.",
7846 "docsTags": []
7847 },
7848 {
7849 "event": "sl-focus",
7850 "detail": "any",
7851 "bubbles": true,
7852 "cancelable": true,
7853 "composed": true,
7854 "docs": "Emitted when the control gains focus.",
7855 "docsTags": []
7856 }
7857 ],
7858 "listeners": [],
7859 "styles": [
7860 {
7861 "name": "--height",
7862 "annotation": "prop",
7863 "docs": "The height of the switch."
7864 },
7865 {
7866 "name": "--thumb-size",
7867 "annotation": "prop",
7868 "docs": "The size of the thumb."
7869 },
7870 {
7871 "name": "--width",
7872 "annotation": "prop",
7873 "docs": "The width of the switch."
7874 }
7875 ],
7876 "slots": [
7877 {
7878 "name": "",
7879 "docs": "The switch's label."
7880 }
7881 ],
7882 "parts": [
7883 {
7884 "name": "base",
7885 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
7886 },
7887 {
7888 "name": "control",
7889 "docs": "The switch control."
7890 },
7891 {
7892 "name": "label",
7893 "docs": "The switch label."
7894 },
7895 {
7896 "name": "thumb",
7897 "docs": "The switch position indicator."
7898 }
7899 ],
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7901 "dependencies": [],
7902 "dependencyGraph": {}
7903 },
7904 {
7905 "filePath": "./src/components/tab/tab.tsx",
7906 "encapsulation": "shadow",
7907 "tag": "sl-tab",
7908 "readme": "# sl-tab\n\n\n",
7909 "docs": "",
7910 "docsTags": [
7911 {
7912 "text": "2.0",
7913 "name": "since"
7914 },
7915 {
7916 "text": "stable",
7917 "name": "status"
7918 },
7919 {
7920 "text": "- The tab's label.",
7921 "name": "slot"
7922 },
7923 {
7924 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
7925 "name": "part"
7926 },
7927 {
7928 "text": "close-button - The close button, which is the icon button's base wrapper.",
7929 "name": "part"
7930 }
7931 ],
7932 "usage": {},
7933 "props": [
7934 {
7935 "name": "active",
7936 "type": "boolean",
7937 "mutable": false,
7938 "attr": "active",
7939 "reflectToAttr": true,
7940 "docs": "Set to true to draw the tab in an active state.",
7941 "docsTags": [],
7942 "default": "false",
7943 "values": [
7944 {
7945 "type": "boolean"
7946 }
7947 ],
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7949 "required": false
7950 },
7951 {
7952 "name": "closable",
7953 "type": "boolean",
7954 "mutable": false,
7955 "attr": "closable",
7956 "reflectToAttr": false,
7957 "docs": "When true, the tab will be rendered with a close icon.",
7958 "docsTags": [],
7959 "default": "false",
7960 "values": [
7961 {
7962 "type": "boolean"
7963 }
7964 ],
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7967 },
7968 {
7969 "name": "disabled",
7970 "type": "boolean",
7971 "mutable": false,
7972 "attr": "disabled",
7973 "reflectToAttr": true,
7974 "docs": "Set to true to draw the tab in a disabled state.",
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7978 {
7979 "type": "boolean"
7980 }
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7984 },
7985 {
7986 "name": "panel",
7987 "type": "string",
7988 "mutable": false,
7989 "attr": "panel",
7990 "reflectToAttr": true,
7991 "docs": "The name of the tab panel the tab will control. The panel must be located in the same tab group.",
7992 "docsTags": [],
7993 "default": "''",
7994 "values": [
7995 {
7996 "type": "string"
7997 }
7998 ],
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8000 "required": false
8001 }
8002 ],
8003 "methods": [
8004 {
8005 "name": "removeFocus",
8006 "returns": {
8007 "type": "Promise<void>",
8008 "docs": ""
8009 },
8010 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
8011 "parameters": [],
8012 "docs": "Removes focus from the tab.",
8013 "docsTags": []
8014 },
8015 {
8016 "name": "setFocus",
8017 "returns": {
8018 "type": "Promise<void>",
8019 "docs": ""
8020 },
8021 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
8022 "parameters": [],
8023 "docs": "Sets focus to the tab.",
8024 "docsTags": []
8025 }
8026 ],
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8028 {
8029 "event": "sl-close",
8030 "detail": "any",
8031 "bubbles": true,
8032 "cancelable": true,
8033 "composed": true,
8034 "docs": "Emitted when the tab is closable and the close button is activated.",
8035 "docsTags": []
8036 }
8037 ],
8038 "listeners": [],
8039 "styles": [
8040 {
8041 "name": "--focus-ring",
8042 "annotation": "prop",
8043 "docs": "The focus ring's box shadow."
8044 }
8045 ],
8046 "slots": [
8047 {
8048 "name": "",
8049 "docs": "The tab's label."
8050 }
8051 ],
8052 "parts": [
8053 {
8054 "name": "base",
8055 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
8056 },
8057 {
8058 "name": "close-button",
8059 "docs": "The close button, which is the icon button's base wrapper."
8060 }
8061 ],
8062 "dependents": [],
8063 "dependencies": [
8064 "sl-icon-button"
8065 ],
8066 "dependencyGraph": {
8067 "sl-tab": [
8068 "sl-icon-button"
8069 ],
8070 "sl-icon-button": [
8071 "sl-icon"
8072 ]
8073 }
8074 },
8075 {
8076 "filePath": "./src/components/tab-group/tab-group.tsx",
8077 "encapsulation": "shadow",
8078 "tag": "sl-tab-group",
8079 "readme": "# sl-tab-list\n\n\n",
8080 "docs": "",
8081 "docsTags": [
8082 {
8083 "text": "2.0",
8084 "name": "since"
8085 },
8086 {
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8089 },
8090 {
8091 "text": "nav - Used for grouping tabs in the tab group.",
8092 "name": "slot"
8093 },
8094 {
8095 "text": "- Used for grouping tab panels in the tab group.",
8096 "name": "slot"
8097 },
8098 {
8099 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
8100 "name": "part"
8101 },
8102 {
8103 "text": "nav - The tab group navigation container.",
8104 "name": "part"
8105 },
8106 {
8107 "text": "tabs - The container that wraps the slotted tabs.",
8108 "name": "part"
8109 },
8110 {
8111 "text": "active-tab-indicator - An element that displays the currently selected tab. This is a child of the tabs container.",
8112 "name": "part"
8113 },
8114 {
8115 "text": "body - The tab group body where tab panels are slotted in.",
8116 "name": "part"
8117 },
8118 {
8119 "text": "scroll-button - The previous and next scroll buttons that appear when tabs are scrollable.",
8120 "name": "part"
8121 }
8122 ],
8123 "usage": {},
8124 "props": [
8125 {
8126 "name": "noScrollControls",
8127 "type": "boolean",
8128 "mutable": false,
8129 "attr": "no-scroll-controls",
8130 "reflectToAttr": false,
8131 "docs": "Disables the scroll arrows that appear when tabs overflow.",
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8135 {
8136 "type": "boolean"
8137 }
8138 ],
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8141 },
8142 {
8143 "name": "placement",
8144 "type": "\"bottom\" | \"left\" | \"right\" | \"top\"",
8145 "mutable": false,
8146 "attr": "placement",
8147 "reflectToAttr": false,
8148 "docs": "The placement of the tabs.",
8149 "docsTags": [],
8150 "default": "'top'",
8151 "values": [
8152 {
8153 "value": "bottom",
8154 "type": "string"
8155 },
8156 {
8157 "value": "left",
8158 "type": "string"
8159 },
8160 {
8161 "value": "right",
8162 "type": "string"
8163 },
8164 {
8165 "value": "top",
8166 "type": "string"
8167 }
8168 ],
8169 "optional": false,
8170 "required": false
8171 }
8172 ],
8173 "methods": [
8174 {
8175 "name": "show",
8176 "returns": {
8177 "type": "Promise<void>",
8178 "docs": ""
8179 },
8180 "signature": "show(panel: string) => Promise<void>",
8181 "parameters": [],
8182 "docs": "Shows the specified tab panel.",
8183 "docsTags": []
8184 }
8185 ],
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8187 {
8188 "event": "sl-tab-hide",
8189 "detail": "{ name: string; }",
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8193 "docs": "Emitted when a tab is hidden.",
8194 "docsTags": []
8195 },
8196 {
8197 "event": "sl-tab-show",
8198 "detail": "{ name: string; }",
8199 "bubbles": true,
8200 "cancelable": true,
8201 "composed": true,
8202 "docs": "Emitted when a tab is shown.",
8203 "docsTags": []
8204 }
8205 ],
8206 "listeners": [],
8207 "styles": [
8208 {
8209 "name": "--tabs-border-color",
8210 "annotation": "prop",
8211 "docs": "The color of the border that separates tabs."
8212 }
8213 ],
8214 "slots": [
8215 {
8216 "name": "",
8217 "docs": "Used for grouping tab panels in the tab group."
8218 },
8219 {
8220 "name": "nav",
8221 "docs": "Used for grouping tabs in the tab group."
8222 }
8223 ],
8224 "parts": [
8225 {
8226 "name": "active-tab-indicator",
8227 "docs": "An element that displays the currently selected tab. This is a child of the tabs container."
8228 },
8229 {
8230 "name": "base",
8231 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
8232 },
8233 {
8234 "name": "body",
8235 "docs": "The tab group body where tab panels are slotted in."
8236 },
8237 {
8238 "name": "nav",
8239 "docs": "The tab group navigation container."
8240 },
8241 {
8242 "name": "scroll-button",
8243 "docs": "The previous and next scroll buttons that appear when tabs are scrollable."
8244 },
8245 {
8246 "name": "tabs",
8247 "docs": "The container that wraps the slotted tabs."
8248 }
8249 ],
8250 "dependents": [],
8251 "dependencies": [
8252 "sl-icon-button"
8253 ],
8254 "dependencyGraph": {
8255 "sl-tab-group": [
8256 "sl-icon-button"
8257 ],
8258 "sl-icon-button": [
8259 "sl-icon"
8260 ]
8261 }
8262 },
8263 {
8264 "filePath": "./src/components/tab-panel/tab-panel.tsx",
8265 "encapsulation": "shadow",
8266 "tag": "sl-tab-panel",
8267 "readme": "# sl-tab-panel\n\n\n",
8268 "docs": "",
8269 "docsTags": [
8270 {
8271 "text": "2.0",
8272 "name": "since"
8273 },
8274 {
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8276 "name": "status"
8277 },
8278 {
8279 "text": "- The tab panel's content.",
8280 "name": "slot"
8281 },
8282 {
8283 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
8284 "name": "part"
8285 }
8286 ],
8287 "usage": {},
8288 "props": [
8289 {
8290 "name": "active",
8291 "type": "boolean",
8292 "mutable": false,
8293 "attr": "active",
8294 "reflectToAttr": true,
8295 "docs": "When true, the tab panel will be shown.",
8296 "docsTags": [],
8297 "default": "false",
8298 "values": [
8299 {
8300 "type": "boolean"
8301 }
8302 ],
8303 "optional": false,
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8305 },
8306 {
8307 "name": "name",
8308 "type": "string",
8309 "mutable": false,
8310 "attr": "name",
8311 "reflectToAttr": false,
8312 "docs": "The tab panel's name.",
8313 "docsTags": [],
8314 "default": "''",
8315 "values": [
8316 {
8317 "type": "string"
8318 }
8319 ],
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8322 }
8323 ],
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8326 "listeners": [],
8327 "styles": [],
8328 "slots": [
8329 {
8330 "name": "",
8331 "docs": "The tab panel's content."
8332 }
8333 ],
8334 "parts": [
8335 {
8336 "name": "base",
8337 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
8338 }
8339 ],
8340 "dependents": [],
8341 "dependencies": [],
8342 "dependencyGraph": {}
8343 },
8344 {
8345 "filePath": "./src/components/tag/tag.tsx",
8346 "encapsulation": "shadow",
8347 "tag": "sl-tag",
8348 "readme": "# sl-tag\n\n\n",
8349 "docs": "",
8350 "docsTags": [
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8353 "name": "since"
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8355 {
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8358 },
8359 {
8360 "text": "- The tag's content.",
8361 "name": "slot"
8362 },
8363 {
8364 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
8365 "name": "part"
8366 },
8367 {
8368 "text": "content - The tag content.",
8369 "name": "part"
8370 },
8371 {
8372 "text": "clear-button - The clear button.",
8373 "name": "part"
8374 }
8375 ],
8376 "usage": {},
8377 "props": [
8378 {
8379 "name": "clearable",
8380 "type": "boolean",
8381 "mutable": false,
8382 "attr": "clearable",
8383 "reflectToAttr": true,
8384 "docs": "Set to true to make the tag clearable.",
8385 "docsTags": [],
8386 "default": "false",
8387 "values": [
8388 {
8389 "type": "boolean"
8390 }
8391 ],
8392 "optional": false,
8393 "required": false
8394 },
8395 {
8396 "name": "pill",
8397 "type": "boolean",
8398 "mutable": false,
8399 "attr": "pill",
8400 "reflectToAttr": true,
8401 "docs": "Set to true to draw a pill-style tag with rounded edges.",
8402 "docsTags": [],
8403 "default": "false",
8404 "values": [
8405 {
8406 "type": "boolean"
8407 }
8408 ],
8409 "optional": false,
8410 "required": false
8411 },
8412 {
8413 "name": "size",
8414 "type": "\"large\" | \"medium\" | \"small\"",
8415 "mutable": false,
8416 "attr": "size",
8417 "reflectToAttr": true,
8418 "docs": "The tag's size.",
8419 "docsTags": [],
8420 "default": "'medium'",
8421 "values": [
8422 {
8423 "value": "large",
8424 "type": "string"
8425 },
8426 {
8427 "value": "medium",
8428 "type": "string"
8429 },
8430 {
8431 "value": "small",
8432 "type": "string"
8433 }
8434 ],
8435 "optional": false,
8436 "required": false
8437 },
8438 {
8439 "name": "type",
8440 "type": "\"danger\" | \"info\" | \"primary\" | \"success\" | \"text\" | \"warning\"",
8441 "mutable": false,
8442 "attr": "type",
8443 "reflectToAttr": true,
8444 "docs": "The tag's type.",
8445 "docsTags": [],
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8448 {
8449 "value": "danger",
8450 "type": "string"
8451 },
8452 {
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8454 "type": "string"
8455 },
8456 {
8457 "value": "primary",
8458 "type": "string"
8459 },
8460 {
8461 "value": "success",
8462 "type": "string"
8463 },
8464 {
8465 "value": "text",
8466 "type": "string"
8467 },
8468 {
8469 "value": "warning",
8470 "type": "string"
8471 }
8472 ],
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8474 "required": false
8475 }
8476 ],
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8478 "events": [
8479 {
8480 "event": "sl-clear",
8481 "detail": "any",
8482 "bubbles": true,
8483 "cancelable": true,
8484 "composed": true,
8485 "docs": "Emitted when the clear button is activated.",
8486 "docsTags": []
8487 }
8488 ],
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8491 "slots": [
8492 {
8493 "name": "",
8494 "docs": "The tag's content."
8495 }
8496 ],
8497 "parts": [
8498 {
8499 "name": "base",
8500 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
8501 },
8502 {
8503 "name": "clear-button",
8504 "docs": "The clear button."
8505 },
8506 {
8507 "name": "content",
8508 "docs": "The tag content."
8509 }
8510 ],
8511 "dependents": [
8512 "sl-select"
8513 ],
8514 "dependencies": [
8515 "sl-icon-button"
8516 ],
8517 "dependencyGraph": {
8518 "sl-tag": [
8519 "sl-icon-button"
8520 ],
8521 "sl-icon-button": [
8522 "sl-icon"
8523 ],
8524 "sl-select": [
8525 "sl-tag"
8526 ]
8527 }
8528 },
8529 {
8530 "filePath": "./src/components/textarea/textarea.tsx",
8531 "encapsulation": "shadow",
8532 "tag": "sl-textarea",
8533 "readme": "# sl-textarea\n\n\n",
8534 "docs": "",
8535 "docsTags": [
8536 {
8537 "text": "2.0",
8538 "name": "since"
8539 },
8540 {
8541 "text": "stable",
8542 "name": "status"
8543 },
8544 {
8545 "text": "label - The textarea's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.",
8546 "name": "slot"
8547 },
8548 {
8549 "text": "help-text - Help text that describes how to use the input.",
8550 "name": "slot"
8551 },
8552 {
8553 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
8554 "name": "part"
8555 },
8556 {
8557 "text": "form-control - The form control that wraps the label, textarea, and help text.",
8558 "name": "part"
8559 },
8560 {
8561 "text": "label - The textarea label.",
8562 "name": "part"
8563 },
8564 {
8565 "text": "textarea - The textarea control.",
8566 "name": "part"
8567 },
8568 {
8569 "text": "help-text - The textarea help text.",
8570 "name": "part"
8571 }
8572 ],
8573 "usage": {},
8574 "props": [
8575 {
8576 "name": "autocapitalize",
8577 "type": "string",
8578 "mutable": false,
8579 "attr": "autocapitalize",
8580 "reflectToAttr": false,
8581 "docs": "The textarea's autocaptialize attribute.",
8582 "docsTags": [],
8583 "values": [
8584 {
8585 "type": "string"
8586 }
8587 ],
8588 "optional": false,
8589 "required": false
8590 },
8591 {
8592 "name": "autocomplete",
8593 "type": "string",
8594 "mutable": false,
8595 "attr": "autocomplete",
8596 "reflectToAttr": false,
8597 "docs": "The textarea's autocomplete attribute.",
8598 "docsTags": [],
8599 "values": [
8600 {
8601 "type": "string"
8602 }
8603 ],
8604 "optional": false,
8605 "required": false
8606 },
8607 {
8608 "name": "autocorrect",
8609 "type": "string",
8610 "mutable": false,
8611 "attr": "autocorrect",
8612 "reflectToAttr": false,
8613 "docs": "The textarea's autocorrect attribute.",
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8615 "values": [
8616 {
8617 "type": "string"
8618 }
8619 ],
8620 "optional": false,
8621 "required": false
8622 },
8623 {
8624 "name": "autofocus",
8625 "type": "boolean",
8626 "mutable": false,
8627 "attr": "autofocus",
8628 "reflectToAttr": false,
8629 "docs": "The textarea's autofocus attribute.",
8630 "docsTags": [],
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8632 {
8633 "type": "boolean"
8634 }
8635 ],
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8637 "required": false
8638 },
8639 {
8640 "name": "disabled",
8641 "type": "boolean",
8642 "mutable": false,
8643 "attr": "disabled",
8644 "reflectToAttr": true,
8645 "docs": "Set to true to disable the textarea.",
8646 "docsTags": [],
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8648 "values": [
8649 {
8650 "type": "boolean"
8651 }
8652 ],
8653 "optional": false,
8654 "required": false
8655 },
8656 {
8657 "name": "helpText",
8658 "type": "string",
8659 "mutable": false,
8660 "attr": "help-text",
8661 "reflectToAttr": false,
8662 "docs": "The textarea's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.",
8663 "docsTags": [],
8664 "default": "''",
8665 "values": [
8666 {
8667 "type": "string"
8668 }
8669 ],
8670 "optional": false,
8671 "required": false
8672 },
8673 {
8674 "name": "inputmode",
8675 "type": "\"decimal\" | \"email\" | \"none\" | \"numeric\" | \"search\" | \"tel\" | \"text\" | \"url\"",
8676 "mutable": false,
8677 "attr": "inputmode",
8678 "reflectToAttr": false,
8679 "docs": "The textarea's inputmode attribute.",
8680 "docsTags": [],
8681 "values": [
8682 {
8683 "value": "decimal",
8684 "type": "string"
8685 },
8686 {
8687 "value": "email",
8688 "type": "string"
8689 },
8690 {
8691 "value": "none",
8692 "type": "string"
8693 },
8694 {
8695 "value": "numeric",
8696 "type": "string"
8697 },
8698 {
8699 "value": "search",
8700 "type": "string"
8701 },
8702 {
8703 "value": "tel",
8704 "type": "string"
8705 },
8706 {
8707 "value": "text",
8708 "type": "string"
8709 },
8710 {
8711 "value": "url",
8712 "type": "string"
8713 }
8714 ],
8715 "optional": false,
8716 "required": false
8717 },
8718 {
8719 "name": "invalid",
8720 "type": "boolean",
8721 "mutable": true,
8722 "attr": "invalid",
8723 "reflectToAttr": true,
8724 "docs": "This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by props such as `required`,\n`minlength`, and `maxlength` using the browser's constraint validation API.",
8725 "docsTags": [],
8726 "default": "false",
8727 "values": [
8728 {
8729 "type": "boolean"
8730 }
8731 ],
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8734 },
8735 {
8736 "name": "label",
8737 "type": "string",
8738 "mutable": false,
8739 "attr": "label",
8740 "reflectToAttr": false,
8741 "docs": "The textarea's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.",
8742 "docsTags": [],
8743 "default": "''",
8744 "values": [
8745 {
8746 "type": "string"
8747 }
8748 ],
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8751 },
8752 {
8753 "name": "maxlength",
8754 "type": "number",
8755 "mutable": false,
8756 "attr": "maxlength",
8757 "reflectToAttr": true,
8758 "docs": "The maximum length of input that will be considered valid.",
8759 "docsTags": [],
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8761 {
8762 "type": "number"
8763 }
8764 ],
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8766 "required": false
8767 },
8768 {
8769 "name": "minlength",
8770 "type": "number",
8771 "mutable": false,
8772 "attr": "minlength",
8773 "reflectToAttr": true,
8774 "docs": "The minimum length of input that will be considered valid.",
8775 "docsTags": [],
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8777 {
8778 "type": "number"
8779 }
8780 ],
8781 "optional": false,
8782 "required": false
8783 },
8784 {
8785 "name": "name",
8786 "type": "string",
8787 "mutable": false,
8788 "attr": "name",
8789 "reflectToAttr": true,
8790 "docs": "The textarea's name attribute.",
8791 "docsTags": [],
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8794 {
8795 "type": "string"
8796 }
8797 ],
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8800 },
8801 {
8802 "name": "placeholder",
8803 "type": "string",
8804 "mutable": false,
8805 "attr": "placeholder",
8806 "reflectToAttr": false,
8807 "docs": "The textarea's placeholder text.",
8808 "docsTags": [],
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8810 {
8811 "type": "string"
8812 }
8813 ],
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8816 },
8817 {
8818 "name": "readonly",
8819 "type": "boolean",
8820 "mutable": false,
8821 "attr": "readonly",
8822 "reflectToAttr": true,
8823 "docs": "Set to true for a readonly textarea.",
8824 "docsTags": [],
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8827 {
8828 "type": "boolean"
8829 }
8830 ],
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8833 },
8834 {
8835 "name": "required",
8836 "type": "boolean",
8837 "mutable": false,
8838 "attr": "required",
8839 "reflectToAttr": true,
8840 "docs": "The textarea's required attribute.",
8841 "docsTags": [],
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8843 {
8844 "type": "boolean"
8845 }
8846 ],
8847 "optional": false,
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8849 },
8850 {
8851 "name": "resize",
8852 "type": "\"auto\" | \"none\" | \"vertical\"",
8853 "mutable": false,
8854 "attr": "resize",
8855 "reflectToAttr": false,
8856 "docs": "Controls how the textarea can be resized.",
8857 "docsTags": [],
8858 "default": "'vertical'",
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8860 {
8861 "value": "auto",
8862 "type": "string"
8863 },
8864 {
8865 "value": "none",
8866 "type": "string"
8867 },
8868 {
8869 "value": "vertical",
8870 "type": "string"
8871 }
8872 ],
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8874 "required": false
8875 },
8876 {
8877 "name": "rows",
8878 "type": "number",
8879 "mutable": false,
8880 "attr": "rows",
8881 "reflectToAttr": false,
8882 "docs": "The number of rows to display by default.",
8883 "docsTags": [],
8884 "default": "4",
8885 "values": [
8886 {
8887 "type": "number"
8888 }
8889 ],
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8892 },
8893 {
8894 "name": "size",
8895 "type": "\"large\" | \"medium\" | \"small\"",
8896 "mutable": false,
8897 "attr": "size",
8898 "reflectToAttr": true,
8899 "docs": "The textarea's size.",
8900 "docsTags": [],
8901 "default": "'medium'",
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8903 {
8904 "value": "large",
8905 "type": "string"
8906 },
8907 {
8908 "value": "medium",
8909 "type": "string"
8910 },
8911 {
8912 "value": "small",
8913 "type": "string"
8914 }
8915 ],
8916 "optional": false,
8917 "required": false
8918 },
8919 {
8920 "name": "spellcheck",
8921 "type": "boolean",
8922 "mutable": false,
8923 "attr": "spellcheck",
8924 "reflectToAttr": false,
8925 "docs": "The textarea's spellcheck attribute.",
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8928 {
8929 "type": "boolean"
8930 }
8931 ],
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8934 },
8935 {
8936 "name": "value",
8937 "type": "string",
8938 "mutable": true,
8939 "attr": "value",
8940 "reflectToAttr": true,
8941 "docs": "The textarea's value attribute.",
8942 "docsTags": [],
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8945 {
8946 "type": "string"
8947 }
8948 ],
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8951 }
8952 ],
8953 "methods": [
8954 {
8955 "name": "removeFocus",
8956 "returns": {
8957 "type": "Promise<void>",
8958 "docs": ""
8959 },
8960 "signature": "removeFocus() => Promise<void>",
8961 "parameters": [],
8962 "docs": "Removes focus fromt the textarea.",
8963 "docsTags": []
8964 },
8965 {
8966 "name": "reportValidity",
8967 "returns": {
8968 "type": "Promise<boolean>",
8969 "docs": ""
8970 },
8971 "signature": "reportValidity() => Promise<boolean>",
8972 "parameters": [],
8973 "docs": "Checks for validity and shows the browser's validation message if the control is invalid.",
8974 "docsTags": []
8975 },
8976 {
8977 "name": "select",
8978 "returns": {
8979 "type": "Promise<void>",
8980 "docs": ""
8981 },
8982 "signature": "select() => Promise<void>",
8983 "parameters": [],
8984 "docs": "Selects all the text in the input.",
8985 "docsTags": []
8986 },
8987 {
8988 "name": "setCustomValidity",
8989 "returns": {
8990 "type": "Promise<void>",
8991 "docs": ""
8992 },
8993 "signature": "setCustomValidity(message: string) => Promise<void>",
8994 "parameters": [],
8995 "docs": "Sets a custom validation message. If `message` is not empty, the field will be considered invalid.",
8996 "docsTags": []
8997 },
8998 {
8999 "name": "setFocus",
9000 "returns": {
9001 "type": "Promise<void>",
9002 "docs": ""
9003 },
9004 "signature": "setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>",
9005 "parameters": [],
9006 "docs": "Sets focus on the textarea.",
9007 "docsTags": []
9008 },
9009 {
9010 "name": "setRangeText",
9011 "returns": {
9012 "type": "Promise<void>",
9013 "docs": ""
9014 },
9015 "signature": "setRangeText(replacement: string, start: number, end: number, selectMode?: 'select' | 'start' | 'end' | 'preserve') => Promise<void>",
9016 "parameters": [],
9017 "docs": "Replaces a range of text with a new string.",
9018 "docsTags": []
9019 },
9020 {
9021 "name": "setSelectionRange",
9022 "returns": {
9023 "type": "Promise<void>",
9024 "docs": ""
9025 },
9026 "signature": "setSelectionRange(selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'none') => Promise<void>",
9027 "parameters": [],
9028 "docs": "Sets the start and end positions of the text selection (0-based).",
9029 "docsTags": []
9030 }
9031 ],
9032 "events": [
9033 {
9034 "event": "sl-blur",
9035 "detail": "any",
9036 "bubbles": true,
9037 "cancelable": true,
9038 "composed": true,
9039 "docs": "Emitted when the control loses focus.",
9040 "docsTags": []
9041 },
9042 {
9043 "event": "sl-change",
9044 "detail": "any",
9045 "bubbles": true,
9046 "cancelable": true,
9047 "composed": true,
9048 "docs": "Emitted when the control's value changes.",
9049 "docsTags": []
9050 },
9051 {
9052 "event": "sl-focus",
9053 "detail": "any",
9054 "bubbles": true,
9055 "cancelable": true,
9056 "composed": true,
9057 "docs": "Emitted when the control gains focus.",
9058 "docsTags": []
9059 },
9060 {
9061 "event": "sl-input",
9062 "detail": "any",
9063 "bubbles": true,
9064 "cancelable": true,
9065 "composed": true,
9066 "docs": "Emitted when the control receives input.",
9067 "docsTags": []
9068 }
9069 ],
9070 "listeners": [],
9071 "styles": [],
9072 "slots": [
9073 {
9074 "name": "help-text",
9075 "docs": "Help text that describes how to use the input."
9076 },
9077 {
9078 "name": "label",
9079 "docs": "The textarea's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop."
9080 }
9081 ],
9082 "parts": [
9083 {
9084 "name": "base",
9085 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
9086 },
9087 {
9088 "name": "form-control",
9089 "docs": "The form control that wraps the label, textarea, and help text."
9090 },
9091 {
9092 "name": "help-text",
9093 "docs": "The textarea help text."
9094 },
9095 {
9096 "name": "label",
9097 "docs": "The textarea label."
9098 },
9099 {
9100 "name": "textarea",
9101 "docs": "The textarea control."
9102 }
9103 ],
9104 "dependents": [],
9105 "dependencies": [],
9106 "dependencyGraph": {}
9107 },
9108 {
9109 "filePath": "./src/components/theme/theme.tsx",
9110 "encapsulation": "shadow",
9111 "tag": "sl-theme",
9112 "readme": "# sl-theme\n\n\n",
9113 "docs": "",
9114 "docsTags": [
9115 {
9116 "text": "2.0",
9117 "name": "since"
9118 },
9119 {
9120 "text": "experimental",
9121 "name": "status"
9122 }
9123 ],
9124 "usage": {},
9125 "props": [
9126 {
9127 "name": "name",
9128 "type": "string",
9129 "mutable": false,
9130 "attr": "name",
9131 "reflectToAttr": false,
9132 "docs": "The name of the theme to use. The user is responsible for including the associated stylesheet(s). Supportive themes\nmust adhere to theme guidelines by exposing a class that follows the `sl-theme-{name}` convention.",
9133 "docsTags": [],
9134 "default": "''",
9135 "values": [
9136 {
9137 "type": "string"
9138 }
9139 ],
9140 "optional": false,
9141 "required": false
9142 }
9143 ],
9144 "methods": [],
9145 "events": [],
9146 "listeners": [],
9147 "styles": [],
9148 "slots": [],
9149 "parts": [],
9150 "dependents": [],
9151 "dependencies": [],
9152 "dependencyGraph": {}
9153 },
9154 {
9155 "filePath": "./src/components/tooltip/tooltip.tsx",
9156 "encapsulation": "shadow",
9157 "tag": "sl-tooltip",
9158 "readme": "# sl-tooltip\n\n\n",
9159 "docs": "",
9160 "docsTags": [
9161 {
9162 "text": "2.0",
9163 "name": "since"
9164 },
9165 {
9166 "text": "stable",
9167 "name": "status"
9168 },
9169 {
9170 "text": "- The tooltip's target element. Only the first element will be used as the target.",
9171 "name": "slot"
9172 },
9173 {
9174 "text": "content - The tooltip's content. Alternatively, you can use the content prop.",
9175 "name": "slot"
9176 },
9177 {
9178 "text": "base - The component's base wrapper.",
9179 "name": "part"
9180 }
9181 ],
9182 "usage": {},
9183 "props": [
9184 {
9185 "name": "content",
9186 "type": "string",
9187 "mutable": false,
9188 "attr": "content",
9189 "reflectToAttr": false,
9190 "docs": "The tooltip's content. Alternatively, you can use the content slot.",
9191 "docsTags": [],
9192 "default": "''",
9193 "values": [
9194 {
9195 "type": "string"
9196 }
9197 ],
9198 "optional": false,
9199 "required": false
9200 },
9201 {
9202 "name": "disabled",
9203 "type": "boolean",
9204 "mutable": false,
9205 "attr": "disabled",
9206 "reflectToAttr": false,
9207 "docs": "Set to true to disable the tooltip so it won't show when triggered.",
9208 "docsTags": [],
9209 "default": "false",
9210 "values": [
9211 {
9212 "type": "boolean"
9213 }
9214 ],
9215 "optional": false,
9216 "required": false
9217 },
9218 {
9219 "name": "distance",
9220 "type": "number",
9221 "mutable": false,
9222 "attr": "distance",
9223 "reflectToAttr": false,
9224 "docs": "The distance in pixels from which to offset the tooltip away from its target.",
9225 "docsTags": [],
9226 "default": "10",
9227 "values": [
9228 {
9229 "type": "number"
9230 }
9231 ],
9232 "optional": false,
9233 "required": false
9234 },
9235 {
9236 "name": "open",
9237 "type": "boolean",
9238 "mutable": true,
9239 "attr": "open",
9240 "reflectToAttr": true,
9241 "docs": "Indicates whether or not the tooltip is open. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.",
9242 "docsTags": [],
9243 "default": "false",
9244 "values": [
9245 {
9246 "type": "boolean"
9247 }
9248 ],
9249 "optional": false,
9250 "required": false
9251 },
9252 {
9253 "name": "placement",
9254 "type": "\"bottom\" | \"bottom-end\" | \"bottom-start\" | \"left\" | \"left-end\" | \"left-start\" | \"right\" | \"right-end\" | \"right-start\" | \"top\" | \"top-end\" | \"top-start\"",
9255 "mutable": false,
9256 "attr": "placement",
9257 "reflectToAttr": false,
9258 "docs": "The preferred placement of the tooltip. Note that the actual placement may vary as needed to keep the tooltip\ninside of the viewport.",
9259 "docsTags": [],
9260 "default": "'top'",
9261 "values": [
9262 {
9263 "value": "bottom",
9264 "type": "string"
9265 },
9266 {
9267 "value": "bottom-end",
9268 "type": "string"
9269 },
9270 {
9271 "value": "bottom-start",
9272 "type": "string"
9273 },
9274 {
9275 "value": "left",
9276 "type": "string"
9277 },
9278 {
9279 "value": "left-end",
9280 "type": "string"
9281 },
9282 {
9283 "value": "left-start",
9284 "type": "string"
9285 },
9286 {
9287 "value": "right",
9288 "type": "string"
9289 },
9290 {
9291 "value": "right-end",
9292 "type": "string"
9293 },
9294 {
9295 "value": "right-start",
9296 "type": "string"
9297 },
9298 {
9299 "value": "top",
9300 "type": "string"
9301 },
9302 {
9303 "value": "top-end",
9304 "type": "string"
9305 },
9306 {
9307 "value": "top-start",
9308 "type": "string"
9309 }
9310 ],
9311 "optional": false,
9312 "required": false
9313 },
9314 {
9315 "name": "skidding",
9316 "type": "number",
9317 "mutable": false,
9318 "attr": "skidding",
9319 "reflectToAttr": false,
9320 "docs": "The distance in pixels from which to offset the tooltip along its target.",
9321 "docsTags": [],
9322 "default": "0",
9323 "values": [
9324 {
9325 "type": "number"
9326 }
9327 ],
9328 "optional": false,
9329 "required": false
9330 },
9331 {
9332 "name": "trigger",
9333 "type": "string",
9334 "mutable": false,
9335 "attr": "trigger",
9336 "reflectToAttr": false,
9337 "docs": "Controls how the tooltip is activated. Possible options include `click`, `hover`, `focus`, and `manual`. Multiple\noptions can be passed by separating them with a space. When manual is used, the tooltip must be activated\nprogrammatically.",
9338 "docsTags": [],
9339 "default": "'hover focus'",
9340 "values": [
9341 {
9342 "type": "string"
9343 }
9344 ],
9345 "optional": false,
9346 "required": false
9347 }
9348 ],
9349 "methods": [
9350 {
9351 "name": "hide",
9352 "returns": {
9353 "type": "Promise<void>",
9354 "docs": ""
9355 },
9356 "signature": "hide() => Promise<void>",
9357 "parameters": [],
9358 "docs": "Shows the tooltip.",
9359 "docsTags": []
9360 },
9361 {
9362 "name": "show",
9363 "returns": {
9364 "type": "Promise<void>",
9365 "docs": ""
9366 },
9367 "signature": "show() => Promise<void>",
9368 "parameters": [],
9369 "docs": "Shows the tooltip.",
9370 "docsTags": []
9371 }
9372 ],
9373 "events": [
9374 {
9375 "event": "sl-after-hide",
9376 "detail": "any",
9377 "bubbles": true,
9378 "cancelable": true,
9379 "composed": true,
9380 "docs": "Emitted after the tooltip has hidden and all transitions are complete.",
9381 "docsTags": []
9382 },
9383 {
9384 "event": "sl-aftershow",
9385 "detail": "any",
9386 "bubbles": true,
9387 "cancelable": true,
9388 "composed": true,
9389 "docs": "Emitted after the tooltip has shown and all transitions are complete.",
9390 "docsTags": []
9391 },
9392 {
9393 "event": "sl-hide",
9394 "detail": "any",
9395 "bubbles": true,
9396 "cancelable": true,
9397 "composed": true,
9398 "docs": "Emitted when the tooltip begins to hide. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being hidden.",
9399 "docsTags": []
9400 },
9401 {
9402 "event": "sl-show",
9403 "detail": "any",
9404 "bubbles": true,
9405 "cancelable": true,
9406 "composed": true,
9407 "docs": "Emitted when the tooltip begins to show. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent it from being shown.",
9408 "docsTags": []
9409 }
9410 ],
9411 "listeners": [],
9412 "styles": [
9413 {
9414 "name": "--hide-delay",
9415 "annotation": "prop",
9416 "docs": "The amount of time to wait before hiding the tooltip."
9417 },
9418 {
9419 "name": "--hide-duration",
9420 "annotation": "prop",
9421 "docs": "The amount of time the hide transition takes to complete."
9422 },
9423 {
9424 "name": "--hide-timing-function",
9425 "annotation": "prop",
9426 "docs": "The timing function (easing) to use for the hide transition."
9427 },
9428 {
9429 "name": "--max-width",
9430 "annotation": "prop",
9431 "docs": "The maximum width of the tooltip."
9432 },
9433 {
9434 "name": "--show-delay",
9435 "annotation": "prop",
9436 "docs": "The amount of time to wait before showing the tooltip."
9437 },
9438 {
9439 "name": "--show-duration",
9440 "annotation": "prop",
9441 "docs": "The amount of time the show transition takes to complete."
9442 },
9443 {
9444 "name": "--show-timing-function",
9445 "annotation": "prop",
9446 "docs": "The timing function (easing) to use for the show transition."
9447 }
9448 ],
9449 "slots": [
9450 {
9451 "name": "",
9452 "docs": "The tooltip's target element. Only the first element will be used as the target."
9453 },
9454 {
9455 "name": "content",
9456 "docs": "The tooltip's content. Alternatively, you can use the content prop."
9457 }
9458 ],
9459 "parts": [
9460 {
9461 "name": "base",
9462 "docs": "The component's base wrapper."
9463 }
9464 ],
9465 "dependents": [],
9466 "dependencies": [],
9467 "dependencyGraph": {}
9468 }
9469 ],
9470 "version": "2.0.0-beta.27"
\No newline at end of file