3.46 kBMarkdownView Raw
1## v1.3.0
2* Add promise support for steps
3* Added option `--inspect` to `backend start` to allow for inspection/debugging of extensions (props @Menes1337)
4* Creation of (theme)/config/components.json on `frontend start` and extension-config.json change
5* Extension pipelines folder can now be empty or missing
6* Returning an non error as error in step will show a useful error message
7* Fix startup/close bug of frontend/backend process
8* Fix path bug of components.json creation
9* Fix process termination bug on Windows (not MINGW though)
10* Now passing attached extensions to webpack dev server
11* Updated to use `@shopgate/cloud-sdk-webpack@^1.10.2`.
13## v1.2.4
14* Updated to use `@shopgate/cloud-sdk-webpack@^1.10.0`.
16## v1.2.3
17* Updated to use `@shopgate/cloud-sdk-webpack@^1.9.0`.
19## v1.2.2
20* Fix issue of starting the frontend processes twice when using the option '-t' on 'frontend start' command
21* Updated to use `@shopgate/cloud-sdk-webpack@^1.8.0`.
23## v1.2.1
24* Only pipeline files with the ending: `.json` will be uploaded on `backend start`
25* Fix storage issue that local storage can only be used if `backend start` is executed in project root
26* Fix error handing for `frontend` action. The error message are show up now and has the correct format
27* Fix problems that configs does not get generated correctly when it has a subpath
28* Fix crashing of the SDK on reconnect
29* Fix step file watcher will also react on changes in sub directories of "{project}/extensions/{extensionDir}/extension"
30* Fix bug that allowed two backend processes to run in the same project
31* Rename SDK from `@shopgate/cloud-sdk` to `@shopgate/platform-sdk`
33## v1.2.0
34* Set minimum node version to 8.4.0
35* Improved log, so that step-logs are prefixed with the corresponding step
36* The SDK will now ask the user for permission to overwrite the local application-config if a new init is executed in an existing app-folder
37* The SDK does not allow two processes of the same kind (frontend/backend) in the same project anymore
38* Added support for `react@^16.2.0`
39* Improve error handling if user is not logged in
40* Hide error stack traces on log level debug
41* Add check to validate that pipeline id is equal to the file name
42* Logging time values are in local time now
43* Update log when pipeline file is invalid; JSON parse error will be displayed
44* Better error log, when something's wrong in a step file
45* Improve logger output of extension logger
46* Project dependend console commands are usable in all subdirectories of a project
47* Add extension create command
48* Update extension workflow; pipelines don't need to be copied to the global pipeline folder anymore (see documentation)
49* From now on the SDK has the command `sgconnect`. `sgcloud` is deprecated from now on
51## v1.1.1
52* Update `cloud-sdk-webpack` module to v1.5.6.
54## v1.1.0
55* Pipeline synchronization will now only occur every 500ms to avoid needless uploading of (unfinished) pipelines
56* Errors on pipeline upload will now be more verbose
57* The command `sgcloud init` will now exit with an error if the application does not exist as development application within the shopgate cloud system
58* Better error log if a local step fails
59* Fixed unhandled error exception when using unknown command options on init or login command
60* Fixed hanging unit tests
61* Added update check for the SDK; if outdated, any sgcloud command will show the update message
62* Trusted pipelines are now supported
64## v1.0.0 - Initial Release