1.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import React from 'react';
2import { WithFeature } from '../store/reducers/embeddedApp/modal';
3import { ComponentProps } from '../types';
4import { FrameProps } from '../Frame';
5interface ExtraProps extends Pick<FrameProps, 'onInit'> {
6 [key: string]: any;
8declare type ComposedProps = WithFeature & ExtraProps;
10 * Renders a Polaris Modal with the Context set to `Modal`
11 * When the `location` is defined, renders Frame component as the modal content
12 * @public
13 * @requires HostContext
14 * */
15export declare function Modal(props: ComposedProps): JSX.Element | null;
16declare const _default: (React.ComponentClass<ComponentProps & ExtraProps, any> & Pick<(React.ComponentClass<ComposedProps, any> & typeof Modal) | (React.FunctionComponent<ComposedProps> & typeof Modal), "defaultProps">) | (React.FunctionComponent<ComponentProps & ExtraProps> & Pick<(React.ComponentClass<ComposedProps, any> & typeof Modal) | (React.FunctionComponent<ComposedProps> & typeof Modal), "defaultProps">);
18 * The Modal feature with its reducer, actions and UI component
19 * @public
20 * */
21export default _default;