10.5 kBJSONView Raw
2 "Polaris": {
3 "Avatar": {
4 "label": "Avatar",
5 "labelWithInitials": "Avatar with initials {initials}"
6 },
7 "Autocomplete": {
8 "spinnerAccessibilityLabel": "Loading"
9 },
10 "Badge": {
12 "incomplete": "Incomplete",
13 "partiallyComplete": "Partially complete",
14 "complete": "Complete"
15 },
17 "info": "Info",
18 "success": "Success",
19 "warning": "Warning",
20 "critical": "Critical",
21 "attention": "Attention",
22 "new": "New"
23 }
24 },
25 "Button": {
26 "spinnerAccessibilityLabel": "Loading",
27 "connectedDisclosureAccessibilityLabel": "Related actions"
28 },
29 "Common": {
30 "checkbox": "checkbox",
31 "undo": "Undo",
32 "cancel": "Cancel",
33 "newWindowAccessibilityHint": "(opens a new window)",
34 "clear": "Clear",
35 "close": "Close",
36 "submit": "Submit",
37 "more": "More"
38 },
39 "ContextualSaveBar": {
40 "save": "Save",
41 "discard": "Discard"
42 },
43 "DataTable": {
44 "sortAccessibilityLabel": "sort {direction} by",
45 "navAccessibilityLabel": "Scroll table {direction} one column",
46 "totalsRowHeading": "Totals",
47 "totalRowHeading": "Total"
48 },
49 "DatePicker": {
50 "previousMonth": "Show previous month, {previousMonthName} {showPreviousYear}",
51 "nextMonth": "Show next month, {nextMonth} {nextYear}",
52 "today": "Today ",
53 "months": {
54 "january": "January",
55 "february": "February",
56 "march": "March",
57 "april": "April",
58 "may": "May",
59 "june": "June",
60 "july": "July",
61 "august": "August",
62 "september": "September",
63 "october": "October",
64 "november": "November",
65 "december": "December"
66 },
67 "daysAbbreviated": {
68 "monday": "Mo",
69 "tuesday": "Tu",
70 "wednesday": "We",
71 "thursday": "Th",
72 "friday": "Fr",
73 "saturday": "Sa",
74 "sunday": "Su"
75 }
76 },
77 "DiscardConfirmationModal": {
78 "title": "Discard all unsaved changes",
79 "message": "If you discard changes, you’ll delete any edits you made since you last saved.",
80 "primaryAction": "Discard changes",
81 "secondaryAction": "Continue editing"
82 },
83 "DropZone": {
84 "overlayTextFile": "Drop file to upload",
85 "overlayTextImage": "Drop image to upload",
86 "errorOverlayTextFile": "File type is not valid",
87 "errorOverlayTextImage": "Image type is not valid",
88 "FileUpload": {
89 "actionTitleFile": "Add file",
90 "actionTitleImage": "Add image",
91 "actionHintFile": "or drop files to upload",
92 "actionHintImage": "or drop images to upload",
93 "label": "Upload file"
94 }
95 },
96 "EmptySearchResult": {
97 "altText": "Empty search results"
98 },
99 "Frame": {
100 "skipToContent": "Skip to content",
101 "Navigation": {
102 "closeMobileNavigationLabel": "Close navigation"
103 }
104 },
105 "Icon": {
106 "backdropWarning": "The {color} icon doesn’t accept backdrops. The icon colors that have backdrops are: {colorsWithBackDrops}"
107 },
108 "ActionMenu": {
109 "RollupActions": {
110 "rollupButton": "Actions"
111 }
112 },
113 "Filters": {
114 "moreFilters": "More filters",
115 "moreFiltersWithCount": "More filters ({count})",
116 "filter": "Filter {resourceName}",
117 "noFiltersApplied": "No filters applied",
118 "cancel": "Cancel",
119 "done": "Done",
120 "clearAllFilters": "Clear all filters",
121 "clear": "Clear",
122 "clearLabel": "Clear {filterName}"
123 },
124 "Modal": {
125 "iFrameTitle": "body markup",
126 "modalWarning": "These required properties are missing from Modal: {missingProps}"
127 },
128 "Pagination": {
129 "previous": "Previous",
130 "next": "Next",
131 "pagination": "Pagination"
132 },
133 "ProgressBar": {
134 "negativeWarningMessage": "Values passed to the progress prop shouldn’t be negative. Resetting {progress} to 0.",
135 "exceedWarningMessage": "Values passed to the progress prop shouldn’t exceed 100. Setting {progress} to 100."
136 },
137 "ResourceList": {
138 "sortingLabel": "Sort by",
139 "defaultItemSingular": "item",
140 "defaultItemPlural": "items",
141 "showing": "Showing {itemsCount} {resource}",
142 "showingTotalCount": "Showing {itemsCount} of {totalItemsCount} {resource}",
143 "loading": "Loading {resource}",
144 "selected": "{selectedItemsCount} selected",
145 "allItemsSelected": "All {itemsLength}+ {resourceNamePlural} in your store are selected.",
146 "selectAllItems": "Select all {itemsLength}+ {resourceNamePlural} in your store",
147 "emptySearchResultTitle": "No {resourceNamePlural} found",
148 "emptySearchResultDescription": "Try changing the filters or search term",
149 "selectButtonText": "Select",
150 "a11yCheckboxDeselectAllSingle": "Deselect {resourceNameSingular}",
151 "a11yCheckboxSelectAllSingle": "Select {resourceNameSingular}",
152 "a11yCheckboxDeselectAllMultiple": "Deselect all {itemsLength} {resourceNamePlural}",
153 "a11yCheckboxSelectAllMultiple": "Select all {itemsLength} {resourceNamePlural}",
154 "ariaLiveSingular": "{itemsLength} item",
155 "ariaLivePlural": "{itemsLength} items",
156 "Item": {
157 "actionsDropdownLabel": "Actions for {accessibilityLabel}",
158 "actionsDropdown": "Actions dropdown",
159 "viewItem": "View details for {itemName}"
160 },
161 "BulkActions": {
162 "actionsActivatorLabel": "Actions",
163 "moreActionsActivatorLabel": "More actions",
164 "warningMessage": "To provide a better user experience. There should only be a maximum of {maxPromotedActions} promoted actions."
165 },
166 "FilterCreator": {
167 "filterButtonLabel": "Filter",
168 "selectFilterKeyPlaceholder": "Select a filter\u2026",
169 "addFilterButtonLabel": "Add filter",
170 "showAllWhere": "Show all {resourceNamePlural} where:"
171 },
172 "FilterControl": {
173 "textFieldLabel": "Search {resourceNamePlural}"
174 },
175 "FilterValueSelector": {
176 "selectFilterValuePlaceholder": "Select a filter\u2026"
177 },
178 "DateSelector": {
179 "dateFilterLabel": "Select a value",
180 "dateValueLabel": "Date",
181 "dateValueError": "Match YYYY-MM-DD format",
182 "dateValuePlaceholder": "YYYY-MM-DD",
183 "SelectOptions": {
184 "PastWeek": "in the last week",
185 "PastMonth": "in the last month",
186 "PastQuarter": "in the last 3 months",
187 "PastYear": "in the last year",
188 "ComingWeek": "next week",
189 "ComingMonth": "next month",
190 "ComingQuarter": "in the next 3 months",
191 "ComingYear": "in the next year",
192 "OnOrBefore": "on or before",
193 "OnOrAfter": "on or after"
194 },
195 "FilterLabelForValue": {
196 "past_week": "in the last week",
197 "past_month": "in the last month",
198 "past_quarter": "in the last 3 months",
199 "past_year": "in the last year",
200 "coming_week": "next week",
201 "coming_month": "next month",
202 "coming_quarter": "in the next 3 months",
203 "coming_year": "in the next year",
204 "on_or_before": "before {date}",
205 "on_or_after": "after {date}"
206 }
207 }
208 },
209 "SkeletonPage": {
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211 },
212 "Spinner": {
213 "warningMessage": "The color {color} is not meant to be used on {size} spinners. The colors available on large spinners are: {colors}"
214 },
215 "Tabs": {
216 "toggleTabsLabel": "More tabs"
217 },
218 "Tag": {
219 "ariaLabel": "Remove {children}"
220 },
221 "TextField": {
222 "characterCount": "{count} characters",
223 "characterCountWithMaxLength": "{count} of {limit} characters used"
224 },
225 "TopBar": {
226 "toggleMenuLabel": "Toggle menu",
227 "SearchField": {
228 "clearButtonLabel": "Clear",
229 "search": "Search"
230 }
231 },
232 "MediaCard": {
233 "popoverButton": "Actions"
234 },
235 "VideoThumbnail": {
236 "playButtonA11yLabel": {
237 "default": "Play video",
238 "defaultWithDuration": "Play video of length {duration}",
239 "duration": {
240 "hours": {
241 "other": {
242 "only": "{hourCount} hours",
243 "andMinutes": "{hourCount} hours and {minuteCount} minutes",
244 "andMinute": "{hourCount} hours and {minuteCount} minute",
245 "minutesAndSeconds": "{hourCount} hours, {minuteCount} minutes, and {secondCount} seconds",
246 "minutesAndSecond": "{hourCount} hours, {minuteCount} minutes, and {secondCount} second",
247 "minuteAndSeconds": "{hourCount} hours, {minuteCount} minute, and {secondCount} seconds",
248 "minuteAndSecond": "{hourCount} hours, {minuteCount} minute, and {secondCount} second",
249 "andSeconds": "{hourCount} hours and {secondCount} seconds",
250 "andSecond": "{hourCount} hours and {secondCount} second"
251 },
252 "one": {
253 "only": "{hourCount} hour",
254 "andMinutes": "{hourCount} hour and {minuteCount} minutes",
255 "andMinute": "{hourCount} hour and {minuteCount} minute",
256 "minutesAndSeconds": "{hourCount} hour, {minuteCount} minutes, and {secondCount} seconds",
257 "minutesAndSecond": "{hourCount} hour, {minuteCount} minutes, and {secondCount} second",
258 "minuteAndSeconds": "{hourCount} hour, {minuteCount} minute, and {secondCount} seconds",
259 "minuteAndSecond": "{hourCount} hour, {minuteCount} minute, and {secondCount} second",
260 "andSeconds": "{hourCount} hour and {secondCount} seconds",
261 "andSecond": "{hourCount} hour and {secondCount} second"
262 }
263 },
264 "minutes": {
265 "other": {
266 "only": "{minuteCount} minutes",
267 "andSeconds": "{minuteCount} minutes and {secondCount} seconds",
268 "andSecond": "{minuteCount} minutes and {secondCount} second"
269 },
270 "one": {
271 "only": "{minuteCount} minute",
272 "andSeconds": "{minuteCount} minute and {secondCount} seconds",
273 "andSecond": "{minuteCount} minute and {secondCount} second"
274 }
275 },
276 "seconds": {
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278 "one": "{secondCount} second"
279 }
280 }
281 }
282 }
283 }