7.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || Object.assign || function(t) {
3 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
4 s = arguments[i];
5 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
6 t[p] = s[p];
7 }
8 return t;
10var path_1 = require("path");
11var webpack = require("webpack");
12var AssetsPlugin = require("assets-webpack-plugin");
13var WebpackMd5Hash = require("webpack-md5-hash");
14var utilities_1 = require("./utilities");
15function deepMergeObject(objectOne, objectTwo) {
16 if (objectOne === void 0) { objectOne = {}; }
17 if (objectTwo === void 0) { objectTwo = {}; }
18 var newObject = objectOne;
19 Object.keys(objectTwo).forEach(function (key) {
20 if (typeof objectTwo[key] === 'function') {
21 var mergeFunction = objectTwo[key];
22 newObject[key] = mergeFunction(objectOne[key]);
23 }
24 else if (typeof objectTwo[key] !== 'object') {
25 newObject[key] = objectOne[key] || objectTwo[key];
26 }
27 else if (Array.isArray(objectTwo[key])) {
28 newObject[key] = (objectOne[key] || []).concat(objectTwo[key]);
29 }
30 else {
31 newObject[key] = deepMergeObject(objectOne[key], objectTwo[key]);
32 }
33 });
34 return newObject;
36function smartMergeUserConfig(object, merger) {
37 var finalConfig = __assign({}, object);
38 return deepMergeObject(object, merger);
40function removeEmptyPlugins(plugins) {
41 var filteredPlugins = [];
42 for (var _i = 0, plugins_1 = plugins; _i < plugins_1.length; _i++) {
43 var plugin = plugins_1[_i];
44 if (plugin) {
45 filteredPlugins.push(plugin);
46 }
47 }
48 return filteredPlugins;
50module.exports = function createShopifyWebpackConfigFactory(options) {
51 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
52 var env = new utilities_1.Env(options);
53 var paths = new utilities_1.Paths();
54 var project = new utilities_1.Project(paths);
55 var cdn = options.cdn, appRoot = options.appRoot, assetDevServerPort = options.assetDevServerPort, assetDevServerHost = options.assetDevServerHost, assetDevServerPath = options.assetDevServerPath, outputDirectory = options.outputDirectory;
56 var uiRoot = appRoot || path_1.resolve(paths.app.root, project.ifRails('./app/ui', './app'));
57 return function createShopifyWebpackConfig(additionalConfig) {
58 if (additionalConfig === void 0) { additionalConfig = {}; }
59 var config = additionalConfig;
60 return smartMergeUserConfig(config, {
61 target: env.ifServer('node', 'web'),
62 // We have to set this to be able to use these items when executing a
63 // server bundle. Otherwise strangeness happens, like __dirname resolving
64 // to '/'. There is no effect on our client bundle.
65 node: {
66 __dirname: true,
67 __filename: true,
68 },
69 devtool: env.ifServer('source-map', env.ifDevelopment('source-map', 'hidden-source-map')),
70 entry: function (currentEntry) {
71 return currentEntry || uiRoot;
72 },
73 output: {
74 filename: env.ifProduction('[name]-[chunkhash].js', '[name].js'),
75 path: outputDirectory || project.ifRails(path_1.join(paths.app.root, 'public/bundles'), path_1.join(paths.app.root, 'build')),
76 publicPath: env.ifProduction(cdn, project.ifRails('/webpack/assets/', "http://" + (assetDevServerHost || 'localhost') + ":" + assetDevServerPort + "/" + (assetDevServerPath || ''))) || '/assets/',
77 chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js',
78 libraryTarget: env.ifServer('commonjs2', 'var'),
79 },
80 resolve: {
81 modules: function (currentModules) {
82 var modules = new Set([uiRoot].concat((currentModules || ['node_modules'])));
83 return Array.from(modules);
84 },
85 extensions: function (currentExtensions) {
86 if (currentExtensions === void 0) { currentExtensions = []; }
87 var extensions = new Set(currentExtensions);
88 extensions.add('.js');
89 extensions.add('.json');
90 if (project.isTypeScript) {
91 extensions.add('.ts');
92 extensions.add('.tsx');
93 }
94 return Array.from(extensions);
95 },
96 },
97 resolveLoader: {
98 modules: function (currentModules) {
99 var modules = new Set([paths.own.nodeModules].concat((currentModules || ['node_modules'])));
100 return Array.from(modules);
101 },
102 },
103 module: {
104 rules: function (currentRules) {
105 var rules = currentRules || [];
106 var jsRuleMatcher = utilities_1.createPartialObjectMatcher({ test: /\.js$/ });
107 if (!rules.some(jsRuleMatcher)) {
108 rules.push({
109 test: /\.js$/,
110 exclude: /node_modules/,
111 loader: 'babel-loader',
112 options: {
113 presets: [
114 [require.resolve('babel-preset-shopify/web'), { modules: false }],
115 require.resolve('babel-preset-shopify/react'),
116 ],
117 },
118 });
119 }
120 if (project.isTypeScript) {
121 var tsRuleMatcher = utilities_1.createPartialObjectMatcher({ test: /\.tsx?$/ });
122 if (!rules.some(tsRuleMatcher)) {
123 rules.push({
124 test: /\.tsx?$/,
125 loader: 'ts-loader',
126 exclude: /node_modules/,
127 options: {
128 silent: true,
129 compiler: path_1.resolve(paths.app.nodeModules, 'typescript'),
130 },
131 });
132 }
133 }
134 if (project.hasDependency('@shopify/quilt')) {
135 rules.push({
136 test: /\.scss$/,
137 loader: 'scss-loader',
138 include: [path_1.resolve(paths.app.nodeModules, '@shopify/quilt')],
139 });
140 }
141 return rules;
142 },
143 },
144 plugins: removeEmptyPlugins([
145 project.ifRails(new AssetsPlugin({
146 filename: 'webpack-manifest.json',
147 path: path_1.resolve(paths.app.root, 'tmp'),
148 })),
149 env.ifDevelopmentClient(new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin()),
150 env.ifProductionClient(new WebpackMd5Hash()),
151 // env.ifProductionClient(
152 // new ExtractTextPlugin({filename: '[name]-[chunkhash].css', allChunks: true}),
153 // ),
154 env.ifProductionClient(new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
155 sourceMap: true,
156 comments: false,
157 compress: {
158 screw_ie8: true,
159 warnings: false,
160 },
161 mangle: {
162 screw_ie8: true,
163 },
164 })),
165 ]),
166 });
167 };