2.22 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var path = require("path");
4var commander = require("commander");
5var compile_1 = require("./webpack/compile");
6var devServer_1 = require("./webpack/devServer");
7function cli(args) {
8 var program = new commander.Command();
9 program.description('See help for specific commands using [command] --help');
10 program
11 .command('compile')
12 .description('Compile webpack assets')
13 .option('-c, --config-file [config]', 'Path to webpack.config.js', 'webpack.config.js')
14 .option('-s, --super-speed', 'Faster compilation using transpiled sourcemaps (eval)')
15 .option('-v, --verbose', 'Verbose output')
16 .action(function (_a) {
17 var configFile = _a.configFile, superSpeed = _a.superSpeed, verbose = _a.verbose;
18 var config = readConfig(configFile, superSpeed);
19 return compile_1.default(config, { verbose: verbose });
20 });
21 program
22 .command('dev')
23 .description('Run the webpack dev server')
24 .option('-c, --config-file [config]', 'Path to webpack.config.js', 'webpack.config.js')
25 .option('-h, --hot', 'Hot module reload')
26 .option('-l, --lazy', 'Lazy bundle compilation')
27 .option('-s, --super-speed', 'Faster compilation using transpiled sourcemaps (eval)')
28 .option('-v, --verbose', 'Verbose output')
29 .option('--hot-host [host]', 'Set a custom HMR host')
30 .action(function (_a) {
31 var configFile = _a.configFile, hot = _a.hot, hotHost = _a.hotHost, lazy = _a.lazy, superSpeed = _a.superSpeed, verbose = _a.verbose;
32 var webpackConfig = readConfig(configFile, superSpeed);
33 return devServer_1.default(webpackConfig, { hot: hot, hotHost: hotHost, lazy: lazy, verbose: verbose });
34 });
35 if (!args.slice(2).length) {
36 program.outputHelp();
37 }
38 else {
39 program.parse(args);
40 }
42exports.default = cli;
43function readConfig(configPath, superSpeed) {
44 // tslint:disable-next-line no-require-imports
45 var config = require(path.resolve(process.cwd(), configPath));
46 if (superSpeed && config.devtool) {
47 config.devtool = 'eval';
48 }
49 return config;