5.21 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3var __awaiter = this && this.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
4 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
5 function fulfilled(value) {
6 try {
7 step(generator.next(value));
8 } catch (e) {
9 reject(e);
10 }
11 }
12 function rejected(value) {
13 try {
14 step(generator["throw"](value));
15 } catch (e) {
16 reject(e);
17 }
18 }
19 function step(result) {
20 result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) {
21 resolve(result.value);
22 }).then(fulfilled, rejected);
23 }
24 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
25 });
27Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
28const path_1 = require("path");
29const fs_extra_1 = require("fs-extra");
30const allPlugins = require("../plugins");
31const utilities_1 = require("../utilities");
32const nodeObjectHash = require('node-object-hash');
33const TYPESCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'sewing-kit.config.ts';
34const JAVASCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'sewing-kit.config.js';
35class Config {
36 constructor(name, plugins = [], library = false) {
37 this.name = name;
38 this.plugins = plugins;
39 this.library = library;
40 }
41 for(plugin) {
42 const foundPlugin = this.plugins.find(({ plugin: aPlugin }) => aPlugin === plugin);
43 if (!foundPlugin && plugin === 'experiments') {
44 const experiments = allPlugins.experiments({});
45 this.plugins.push(experiments);
46 return experiments;
47 }
48 return foundPlugin;
49 }
50 get hash() {
51 return nodeObjectHash({
52 sort: false,
53 coerce: false,
54 alg: 'md5',
55 enc: 'hex'
56 }).hash(this);
57 }
59exports.Config = Config;
60function loadConfig(configPath, env, project, runner) {
61 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
62 const finalConfigPath = configPath && path_1.resolve(configPath) || (yield getDefaultConfigPath(project));
63 let config;
64 if (finalConfigPath) {
65 try {
66 const configCallback = finalConfigPath.endsWith('.ts') ? yield readTypeScriptConfig(finalConfigPath, project) : require(finalConfigPath);
67 config = configCallback(allPlugins, env);
68 } catch (err) {
69 runner.logger.error(err);
70 runner.end();
71 throw err;
72 }
73 }
74 const { name, plugins, library } = config || {
75 name: undefined,
76 plugins: [],
77 library: false
78 };
79 const finalName = name || finalConfigPath && path_1.basename(path_1.dirname(finalConfigPath)) || 'project';
80 return new Config(finalName, plugins, library);
81 });
83exports.default = loadConfig;
84function getDefaultConfigPath({ isRails }) {
85 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
86 const cwd = process.cwd();
87 const configLocations = utilities_1.flatten([utilities_1.ifElse(isRails, path_1.join(cwd, 'config', TYPESCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)), utilities_1.ifElse(isRails, path_1.join(cwd, 'config', JAVASCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)), path_1.join(cwd, TYPESCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME), path_1.join(cwd, JAVASCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)]);
88 for (const configLocation of configLocations) {
89 if (yield fs_extra_1.pathExists(configLocation)) {
90 return configLocation;
91 }
92 }
93 return false;
94 });
96function readTypeScriptConfig(configPath, { usesTypeScript }) {
97 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
98 if (!usesTypeScript) {
99 const relativeConfigPath = path_1.relative(process.cwd(), configPath);
100 const { default: chalk } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => require('chalk'));
101 throw new Error(`😿 To read ${chalk.bold(relativeConfigPath)}, sewing-kit needs a TypeScript compiler\n\nTypeScript can be installed using ${chalk.bold('yarn add typescript')}`);
102 }
103 const [fs, sourceMapSupport, ts] = yield Promise.all([Promise.resolve().then(() => require('fs-extra')), Promise.resolve().then(() => require('source-map-support')), Promise.resolve().then(() => require('typescript'))]);
104 sourceMapSupport.install({
105 // Scans for inline source-maps.
106 hookRequire: true
107 });
108 const jsSrc = ts.transpileModule((yield fs.readFile(configPath, 'utf8')), {
109 fileName: configPath,
110 compilerOptions: {
111 inlineSourceMap: true,
112 isolatedModules: true,
113 module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
114 noEmit: true,
115 skipLibCheck: true,
116 target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5
117 }
118 });
119 const jsPath = path_1.join(path_1.dirname(configPath), '.sewing-kit.config.transpiled.tmp.js');
120 fs.writeFileSync(jsPath, jsSrc.outputText);
121 const configCallback = require(jsPath);
122 fs.removeSync(jsPath);
123 return configCallback.default || configCallback;
124 });
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