3.52 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { AppID, CursorPaginationEnabled, TokenOverridable } from '../common';
2interface RequestID {
3 /** @description The id of the request. */
4 request_id: string;
6type AppOrRequestID = (AppID & {
7 request_id?: never;
8}) | (RequestID & {
9 app_id?: never;
11interface EnterpriseID {
12 /** @description The ID of the enterprise. */
13 enterprise_id: string;
15interface TeamID {
16 /** @description The ID of the workspace. */
17 team_id: string;
19type TeamOrEnterpriseID = (EnterpriseID & {
20 team_id?: never;
21}) | (TeamID & {
22 enterprise_id?: never;
24interface Certified {
25 /**
26 * @description Include certified apps. Defaults to `false`.
27 */
28 certified?: boolean;
30export interface AdminAppsActivitiesListArguments extends Partial<AppID>, Partial<TeamID>, TokenOverridable, CursorPaginationEnabled {
31 /**
32 * @description The component ID of log events to be returned. Will be `FnXXXXXX` for functions,
33 * and `WfXXXXXX` for worflows.
34 */
35 component_id?: string;
36 /** @description The component type of log events to be returned. */
37 component_type?: 'events_api' | 'workflows' | 'functions' | 'tables';
38 /** @description The event type of log events to be returned. */
39 log_event_type?: string;
40 /** @description The latest timestamp of the log to retrieve (epoch microseconds). */
41 max_date_created?: number;
42 /** @description The earliest timestamp of the log to retrieve (epoch microseconds). */
43 min_date_created?: number;
44 /** @description The minimum log level of the log events to be returned. Defaults to `info`. */
45 min_log_level?: 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'fatal';
46 /** @description The direction you want the data sorted by (always by timestamp). */
47 sort_direction?: 'asc' | 'desc';
48 /** @description The source of log events to be returned. */
49 source?: 'slack' | 'developer';
50 /** @description The trace ID of log events to be returned. */
51 trace_id?: string;
53export type AdminAppsApproveArguments = AppOrRequestID & TeamOrEnterpriseID & TokenOverridable;
54export type AdminAppsApprovedListArguments = Partial<TeamOrEnterpriseID> & TokenOverridable & CursorPaginationEnabled & Certified;
55export type AdminAppsClearResolutionArguments = AppID & TeamOrEnterpriseID;
56export interface AdminAppsConfigLookupArguments extends TokenOverridable {
57 /** @description An array of app IDs to get app configs for. */
58 app_ids: string[];
60export interface AdminAppsConfigSetArguments extends AppID, TokenOverridable {
61 /** @description Domain restrictions for the app. */
62 domain_restrictions?: {
63 /** @description Sets allowed URLs for the app. */
64 urls?: string[];
65 /** @description Sets emails for connector authorization. */
66 emails?: string[];
67 };
68 /** @description The workflow auth permission. */
69 workflow_auth_strategy?: 'builder_choice' | 'end_user_only';
71export type AdminAppsRequestsCancelArguments = RequestID & TeamOrEnterpriseID & TokenOverridable;
72export type AdminAppsRequestsListArguments = TeamOrEnterpriseID & Certified & TokenOverridable & CursorPaginationEnabled;
73export type AdminAppsRestrictArguments = AppOrRequestID & TeamOrEnterpriseID & TokenOverridable;
74export type AdminAppsRestrictedListArguments = TeamOrEnterpriseID & Certified & TokenOverridable & CursorPaginationEnabled;
75export type AdminAppsUninstallArguments = AppID & TeamOrEnterpriseID;
76export {};
77//# sourceMappingURL=apps.d.ts.map
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