1.22 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { CursorPaginationEnabled, SortDir, TokenOverridable, UserIDs } from '../common';
2interface EntityIDs {
3 /**
4 * @description List of the entity IDs for which roles will be assigned/listed/removed.
5 * These can be Org IDs (E12345), Team IDs (T12345) or Channel IDs (C12345).
6 */
7 entity_ids: [string, ...string[]];
9interface RoleID {
10 /**
11 * @description ID of the role to which users will be assigned/removed.
12 * @see {@link https://api.slack.com/methods/admin.roles.addAssignments#markdown Admin Roles under Usage info}.
13 */
14 role_id: string;
16export interface AdminRolesAddAssignmentsArguments extends EntityIDs, RoleID, UserIDs, TokenOverridable {
18export interface AdminRolesListAssignmentsArguments extends Partial<EntityIDs>, TokenOverridable, CursorPaginationEnabled, SortDir {
19 /**
20 * @description Collection of role ids to scope results by.
21 * @see {@link https://api.slack.com/methods/admin.roles.addAssignments#markdown Admin Roles under Usage info}.
22 */
23 role_ids?: string[];
25export interface AdminRolesRemoveAssignmentsArguments extends EntityIDs, RoleID, UserIDs, TokenOverridable {
27export {};
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