9.54 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const _isEqual = require("lodash.isequal");
4const graphlib = require("../graphlib");
5const create_from_json_1 = require("./create-from-json");
6class DepGraphImpl {
7 constructor(_graph, _rootNodeId, _pkgs, _pkgNodes, _pkgManager) {
8 this._graph = _graph;
9 this._rootNodeId = _rootNodeId;
10 this._pkgs = _pkgs;
11 this._pkgNodes = _pkgNodes;
12 this._pkgManager = _pkgManager;
13 this._countNodePathsToRootCache = new Map();
14 this._rootPkgId = _graph.node(_rootNodeId).pkgId;
15 this._pkgList = Object.values(_pkgs);
16 this._depPkgsList = this._pkgList.filter((pkg) => pkg !== this.rootPkg);
17 }
18 static getPkgId(pkg) {
19 return `${pkg.name}@${pkg.version || ''}`;
20 }
21 get pkgManager() {
22 return this._pkgManager;
23 }
24 get rootPkg() {
25 return this._pkgs[this._rootPkgId];
26 }
27 get rootNodeId() {
28 return this._rootNodeId;
29 }
30 /**
31 * Get all unique packages in the graph (including the root package)
32 */
33 getPkgs() {
34 return this._pkgList;
35 }
36 /**
37 * Get all unique packages in the graph (excluding the root package)
38 */
39 getDepPkgs() {
40 return this._depPkgsList;
41 }
42 getPkgNodes(pkg) {
43 const pkgId = DepGraphImpl.getPkgId(pkg);
44 const nodes = [];
45 for (const nodeId of Array.from(this._pkgNodes[pkgId])) {
46 const graphNode = this.getGraphNode(nodeId);
47 nodes.push({
48 info: graphNode.info || {},
49 });
50 }
51 return nodes;
52 }
53 getNode(nodeId) {
54 return this.getGraphNode(nodeId).info || {};
55 }
56 getNodePkg(nodeId) {
57 return this._pkgs[this.getGraphNode(nodeId).pkgId];
58 }
59 getPkgNodeIds(pkg) {
60 const pkgId = DepGraphImpl.getPkgId(pkg);
61 if (!this._pkgs[pkgId]) {
62 throw new Error(`no such pkg: ${pkgId}`);
63 }
64 return Array.from(this._pkgNodes[pkgId]);
65 }
66 getNodeDepsNodeIds(nodeId) {
67 const deps = this._graph.successors(nodeId);
68 if (!deps) {
69 throw new Error(`no such node: ${nodeId}`);
70 }
71 return deps;
72 }
73 getNodeParentsNodeIds(nodeId) {
74 const parents = this._graph.predecessors(nodeId);
75 if (!parents) {
76 throw new Error(`no such node: ${nodeId}`);
77 }
78 return parents;
79 }
80 hasCycles() {
81 // `isAcyclic` is expensive, so memoize
82 if (this._hasCycles === undefined) {
83 this._hasCycles = !graphlib.alg.isAcyclic(this._graph);
84 }
85 return this._hasCycles;
86 }
87 pkgPathsToRoot(pkg) {
88 const pathsToRoot = [];
89 for (const nodeId of this.getPkgNodeIds(pkg)) {
90 const pathsFromNodeToRoot = this.pathsFromNodeToRoot(nodeId);
91 for (const path of pathsFromNodeToRoot) {
92 pathsToRoot.push(path);
93 }
94 }
95 // note: sorting to get shorter paths first -
96 // it's nicer - and better resembles older behaviour
97 return pathsToRoot.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length);
98 }
99 countPathsToRoot(pkg) {
100 let count = 0;
101 for (const nodeId of this.getPkgNodeIds(pkg)) {
102 count += this.countNodePathsToRoot(nodeId);
103 }
104 return count;
105 }
106 equals(other, { compareRoot = true } = {}) {
107 let otherDepGraph;
108 if (other instanceof DepGraphImpl) {
109 otherDepGraph = other;
110 }
111 else {
112 // At runtime theoretically we can have multiple versions of
113 // @snyk/dep-graph. If "other" is not an instance of the same class it is
114 // safer to rebuild it from JSON.
115 otherDepGraph = create_from_json_1.createFromJSON(other.toJSON());
116 }
117 // In theory, for the graphs created by standard means, `_.isEquals(this._data, otherDepGraph._data)`
118 // should suffice, since node IDs will be generated in a predictable way.
119 // However, there might be different versions of graph and inconsistencies
120 // in the ordering of the arrays, so we perform a deep comparison.
121 return this.nodeEquals(this, this.rootNodeId, otherDepGraph, otherDepGraph.rootNodeId, compareRoot);
122 }
123 directDepsLeadingTo(pkg) {
124 const pkgNodes = this.getPkgNodeIds(pkg);
125 const directDeps = this.getNodeDepsNodeIds(this.rootNodeId);
126 const nodes = directDeps.filter((directDep) => {
127 const reachableNodes = graphlib.alg.postorder(this._graph, [directDep]);
128 return reachableNodes.filter((node) => pkgNodes.includes(node)).length;
129 });
130 return nodes.map((node) => this.getNodePkg(node));
131 }
132 /**
133 * Create a JSON representation of a dep graph. This is typically used to
134 * send the dep graph over the wire
135 */
136 toJSON() {
137 const nodeIds = this._graph.nodes();
138 const nodes = nodeIds.reduce((acc, nodeId) => {
139 const deps = (this._graph.successors(nodeId) || []).map((depNodeId) => ({
140 nodeId: depNodeId,
141 }));
142 const node = this._graph.node(nodeId);
143 const elem = {
144 nodeId,
145 pkgId: node.pkgId,
146 deps,
147 };
148 if (node.info && Object.keys(node.info).length > 0) {
149 elem.info = node.info;
150 }
151 acc.push(elem);
152 return acc;
153 }, []);
154 const pkgs = Object.keys(this._pkgs).map((pkgId) => ({
155 id: pkgId,
156 info: this._pkgs[pkgId],
157 }));
158 return {
159 schemaVersion: DepGraphImpl.SCHEMA_VERSION,
160 pkgManager: this._pkgManager,
161 pkgs,
162 graph: {
163 rootNodeId: this._rootNodeId,
164 nodes,
165 },
166 };
167 }
168 nodeEquals(graphA, nodeIdA, graphB, nodeIdB, compareRoot, traversedPairs = new Set()) {
169 // Skip root nodes comparision if needed.
170 if (compareRoot ||
171 (nodeIdA !== graphA.rootNodeId && nodeIdB !== graphB.rootNodeId)) {
172 const pkgA = graphA.getNodePkg(nodeIdA);
173 const pkgB = graphB.getNodePkg(nodeIdB);
174 // Compare PkgInfo (name and version).
175 if (!_isEqual(pkgA, pkgB)) {
176 return false;
177 }
178 const infoA = graphA.getNode(nodeIdA);
179 const infoB = graphB.getNode(nodeIdB);
180 // Compare NodeInfo (VersionProvenance and labels).
181 if (!_isEqual(infoA, infoB)) {
182 return false;
183 }
184 }
185 let depsA = graphA.getNodeDepsNodeIds(nodeIdA);
186 let depsB = graphB.getNodeDepsNodeIds(nodeIdB);
187 // Number of dependencies should be the same.
188 if (depsA.length !== depsB.length) {
189 return false;
190 }
191 // Sort dependencies by name@version string.
192 const sortFn = (graph) => (idA, idB) => {
193 const pkgA = graph.getNodePkg(idA);
194 const pkgB = graph.getNodePkg(idB);
195 return DepGraphImpl.getPkgId(pkgA).localeCompare(DepGraphImpl.getPkgId(pkgB));
196 };
197 depsA = depsA.sort(sortFn(graphA));
198 depsB = depsB.sort(sortFn(graphB));
199 // Compare Each dependency recursively.
200 for (let i = 0; i < depsA.length; i++) {
201 const pairKey = `${depsA[i]}_${depsB[i]}`;
202 // Prevent cycles.
203 if (traversedPairs.has(pairKey)) {
204 continue;
205 }
206 traversedPairs.add(pairKey);
207 if (!this.nodeEquals(graphA, depsA[i], graphB, depsB[i], compareRoot, traversedPairs)) {
208 return false;
209 }
210 }
211 return true;
212 }
213 getGraphNode(nodeId) {
214 const node = this._graph.node(nodeId);
215 if (!node) {
216 throw new Error(`no such node: ${nodeId}`);
217 }
218 return node;
219 }
220 pathsFromNodeToRoot(nodeId, ancestors = []) {
221 const parentNodesIds = this.getNodeParentsNodeIds(nodeId);
222 const pkgInfo = this.getNodePkg(nodeId);
223 if (parentNodesIds.length === 0) {
224 return [[pkgInfo]];
225 }
226 const allPaths = [];
227 ancestors = ancestors.concat(nodeId);
228 for (const id of parentNodesIds) {
229 if (ancestors.includes(id))
230 continue;
231 const pathToRoot = this.pathsFromNodeToRoot(id, ancestors).map((path) => [pkgInfo].concat(path));
232 for (const path of pathToRoot) {
233 allPaths.push(path);
234 }
235 }
236 return allPaths;
237 }
238 countNodePathsToRoot(nodeId, ancestors = []) {
239 if (ancestors.includes(nodeId)) {
240 return 0;
241 }
242 if (this._countNodePathsToRootCache.has(nodeId)) {
243 return this._countNodePathsToRootCache.get(nodeId) || 0;
244 }
245 const parentNodesIds = this.getNodeParentsNodeIds(nodeId);
246 if (parentNodesIds.length === 0) {
247 this._countNodePathsToRootCache.set(nodeId, 1);
248 return 1;
249 }
250 ancestors = ancestors.concat(nodeId);
251 const count = parentNodesIds.reduce((acc, parentNodeId) => {
252 return acc + this.countNodePathsToRoot(parentNodeId, ancestors);
253 }, 0);
254 this._countNodePathsToRootCache.set(nodeId, count);
255 return count;
256 }
258exports.DepGraphImpl = DepGraphImpl;
259DepGraphImpl.SCHEMA_VERSION = '1.2.0';
260//# sourceMappingURL=dep-graph.js.map
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