1 | ![Snyk logo](https://snyk.io/style/asset/logo/snyk-print.svg)
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3 | ***
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5 | [![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/npm/@snyk/dep-graph/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/test/npm/@snyk/dep-graph)
6 |
7 | Snyk helps you find, fix and monitor for known vulnerabilities in your dependencies, both on an ad hoc basis and as part of your CI (Build) system.
8 |
9 | # Snyk dep-graph
10 |
11 | This library provides a time and space efficient representation of a resolved package dependency graph, which can be used to construct, query and de/serialize dep-graphs.
12 |
13 | ## The Graph
14 |
15 | A directed graph, where a node represents a package instance and an edge from node `foo` to node `bar` means `bar` is a dependency of `foo`.
16 |
17 | A package (`name@version`) can have several different nodes (i.e. instances) in the graph. This flexibility is useful for some ecosystems, for example:
18 |
19 | * in `npm` due to conflict-resolutions by duplication. e.g. try to `npm i tap@5.7` and then run `npm ls` and look for `strip-ansi@3.0.1`. You'll see that in some instances it depends on `ansi-regex@2.0.0` while in others on `ansi-regex@2.1.1`.
20 | * in `maven` due to "exclusion" rules. A dependency `foo` can be declared in the `pom.xml` such that some of it's sub-dependencies are excluded via the `<exclusions>` tag. If the same dependency is required elsewhere without (or with different) exclusions then `foo` can appear in the tree with different sub-trees.
21 |
22 | This can also be used to break cycles in the graph, e.g.:
23 |
24 | instead of:
25 | ```
26 | A -> B -> C -> A
27 | ```
28 | can have:
29 | ```
30 | A -> B -> C -> A'
31 | ```
32 |
33 | ## API Reference
34 |
35 | ### `DepGraph`
36 |
37 | #### Interface
38 |
39 | A dep-graph instance can be queried using the following interface:
40 |
41 | ```typescript
42 | export interface DepGraph {
43 | readonly pkgManager: {
44 | name: string;
45 | version?: string;
46 | repositories?: Array<{
47 | alias: string;
48 | }>;
49 | };
50 | readonly rootPkg: {
51 | name: string;
52 | version?: string;
53 | };
54 | // all unique packages in the graph (including root package)
55 | getPkgs(): Array<{
56 | name: string;
57 | version?: string;
58 | }>;
59 | // all unique packages in the graph, except the root package
60 | getDepPkgs(): Array<{
61 | name: string;
62 | version?: string;
63 | }>;
64 | pkgPathsToRoot(pkg: Pkg): Array<Array<{
65 | name: string;
66 | version?: string;
67 | }>>;
68 | directDepsLeadingTo(pkg: Pkg): Array<{
69 | name: string;
70 | version?: string;
71 | }>;
72 | countPathsToRoot(pkg: Pkg): number;
73 | toJSON(): DepGraphData;
74 | equals(other: DepGraph, options?: { compareRoot?: boolean }): boolean;
75 | }
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ### `DepGraphData`
79 |
80 | A dep-graph can be serialised into the following format:
81 |
82 | ```typescript
83 | export interface DepGraphData {
84 | schemaVersion: string;
85 | pkgManager: {
86 | name: string;
87 | version?: string;
88 | repositories?: Array<{
89 | alias: string;
90 | }>;
91 | };
92 | pkgs: Array<{
93 | id: string;
94 | info: {
95 | name: string;
96 | version?: string;
97 | };
98 | }>;
99 | graph: {
100 | rootNodeId: string;
101 | nodes: Array<{
102 | nodeId: string;
103 | pkgId: string;
104 | info?: {
105 | versionProvenance?: {
106 | type: string;
107 | location: string;
108 | property?: {
109 | name: string;
110 | };
111 | },
112 | labels?: {
113 | [key: string]: string | undefined;
114 | };
115 | };
116 | deps: Array<{
117 | nodeId: string;
118 | }>;
119 | }>;
120 | };
121 | }
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ### `createFromJSON`
125 |
126 | `DepGraphData` can be used to construct a `DepGraph` instance using `createFromJSON`
127 |
128 | ### `DepGraphBuilder`
129 | `DepGraphBuilder` is used to create new `DepGraph` instances by adding packages and their connections.
130 |
131 | ```typescript
132 | /**
133 | * Instantiates build for given package manager
134 | *
135 | * @param pkgManager - package manager for which dependcy graph is created
136 | * @param rootPkg - root package information
137 | *
138 | */
139 | public constructor(pkgManager: types.PkgManager, rootPkg?: types.PkgInfo)
140 |
141 | /**
142 | * Adds node to the graph. Every node represents logical instance of the package in the dependency graph.
143 | *
144 | * @param pkgInfo - name and version of the package
145 | * @param nodeId - identifier for node in the graph, e.g. `package@version`.
146 | * Must uniquely identify this "instance" of the package in the graph,
147 | * so may need to be more than `package@version` for many ecosystems.
148 | * If in doubt - ask a contributor!
149 | * @param nodeInfo - additional node info, e.g. for version provenance
150 | *
151 | */
152 | public addPkgNode(pkgInfo: types.PkgInfo, nodeId: string, nodeInfo?: types.NodeInfo)
153 |
154 | /**
155 | * Makes a connection between parent and its dependency.
156 | *
157 | * @param parentNodeId - id of the parent node
158 | * @param depNodeId - id of the dependency node
159 | *
160 | */
161 | public connectDep(parentNodeId: string, depNodeId: string)
162 |
163 | /**
164 | * Creates an instance of DepGraph
165 | *
166 | * @return DepGraph instance built from provided packages and their connections
167 | *
168 | */
169 | public build(): types.DepGraph
170 |
171 | ```
172 | ### The `legacy` module
173 |
174 | A `DepTree` is a legacy structure used by the Snyk CLI to represent dependency trees. Conversion functions in the `legacy` module ease the gradual migration of code that relies on the legacy format.
175 |
176 | #### Legacy `DepTree`
177 |
178 | A `DepTree` is a recursive structure that is quite similar to the output of `npm list --json`, and (omitting some details) looks like:
179 |
180 | ```typescript
181 | interface DepTree {
182 | name: string;
183 | version: string;
184 | dependencies?: {
185 | [depName: string]: DepTree
186 | };
187 | }
188 | ```
189 |
190 | The `legacy` conversion functions aim to maintain extra data that might be attached to the dep-tree and is dependant upon in code that wasn't yet updated to use solely dep-graphs:
191 | * `targetOS` which exists on tree roots for Docker scans
192 | * `versionProvenance` which might exist on the nodes of maven trees, storing information about the source manifest that caused the specfic version to be resolved