619 BJavaScriptView Raw
1import pkg from "./package.json";
2import typescript from "rollup-plugin-typescript2";
4export default {
5 input: "./src/index.ts",
6 output: [
7 {
8 file: pkg.main,
9 format: "cjs",
10 },
11 {
12 file: pkg.module,
13 format: "esm",
14 },
15 {
16 dir: "umd",
17 format: "umd",
18 name: "LitSolidCore",
19 },
20 ],
21 plugins: [
22 typescript({
23 // Use our own version of TypeScript, rather than the one bundled with the plugin:
24 typescript: require("typescript"),
25 tsconfigOverride: {
26 compilerOptions: {
27 module: "esnext",
28 },
29 },
30 }),
31 ],