2.58 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="react" />
2import { Subscribable } from 'rxjs';
3import { ConfigurationUpdateParams } from 'sourcegraph/module/protocol';
4import { Controller } from './controller';
5import { QueryResult } from './graphql';
6import * as GQL from './schema/graphqlschema';
7import { ConfigurationCascadeOrError, ConfigurationSubject, ID, Settings } from './settings';
9 * Description of the context in which extensions-client-common is running, and platform-specific hooks.
10 */
11export interface Context<S extends ConfigurationSubject, C extends Settings> {
12 /**
13 * An observable that emits whenever the configuration cascade changes (including when any individual subject's
14 * settings change).
15 */
16 readonly configurationCascade: Subscribable<ConfigurationCascadeOrError<S, C>>;
17 /**
18 * Updates the extension settings for extensionID and for the given subject.
19 */
20 updateExtensionSettings(subject: ID, args: {
21 edit?: ConfigurationUpdateParams;
22 } | {
23 extensionID: string;
24 enabled?: boolean;
25 remove?: boolean;
26 }): Subscribable<void>;
27 /**
28 * Sends a request to the Sourcegraph GraphQL API and returns the response.
29 *
30 * @param request The GraphQL request (query or mutation)
31 * @param variables An object whose properties are GraphQL query name-value variable pairs
32 * @return Observable that emits the result or an error if the HTTP request failed
33 */
34 queryGraphQL(request: string, variables?: {
35 [name: string]: any;
36 }): Subscribable<QueryResult<Pick<GQL.IQuery, 'extensionRegistry'>>>;
37 /**
38 * React components for icons. They are expected to size themselves appropriately with the surrounding DOM flow
39 * content.
40 */
41 readonly icons: Record<'Loader' | 'Warning' | 'Menu' | 'CaretDown', React.ComponentType<{
42 className: 'icon-inline' | string;
43 onClick?: () => void;
44 }>>;
45 /**
46 * Forces the currently displayed tooltip, if any, to update its contents.
47 */
48 forceUpdateTooltip(): void;
49 /**
50 * Experimental capabilities implemented by the client (that are not defined by the Sourcegraph extension API
51 * specification). These capabilities are passed verbatim to extensions in the initialize request's
52 * capabilities.experimental property.
53 */
54 experimentalClientCapabilities?: any;
57 * React partial props for components needing the extensions controller.
58 */
59export interface ExtensionsProps<S extends ConfigurationSubject, C extends Settings> {
60 extensions: Controller<S, C>;