1 | ---
2 | title: Alert
3 | storybookPath: feedback-overlays-alert--info
4 | isExperimentalPackage: true
5 | ---
6 |
7 | Alert displays a short and concise message to draw a users' attention without
8 | interrupting their current task.
9 |
10 | ## Examples
11 |
12 | ### Tones
13 |
14 | The component offers several levels of tonal severity.
15 |
16 | ```jsx live
17 | <Stack gap="large">
18 | <Alert tone="caution" heading="This is a caution alert">
19 | Caution message
20 | </Alert>
21 | <Alert tone="positive" heading="This is a positive alert">
22 | Positive message
23 | </Alert>
24 | <Alert tone="info" heading="This is an info alert">
25 | Info message
26 | </Alert>
27 | <Alert tone="critical" heading="This is a critical alert">
28 | Critical message
29 | </Alert>
30 | </Stack>
31 | ```
32 |
33 | ### Closing
34 |
35 | You can also set an `onClose` prop callback function which will render a close
36 | icon button on the alert. The callback function will be called upon the button
37 | being pressed.
38 |
39 | ```jsx live
40 | const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(true);
41 |
42 | React.useEffect(() => {
43 | const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
44 | if (!isOpen) {
45 | setIsOpen(true);
46 | }
47 | }, 2000);
48 |
49 | return () => clearTimeout(timeout);
50 | }, [isOpen]);
51 |
52 | if (!isOpen) {
53 | return null;
54 | }
55 |
56 | return (
57 | <Alert
58 | tone="caution"
59 | heading="This is a caution alert"
60 | onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}
61 | >
62 | Click the button on the right to dismiss this notification
63 | </Alert>
64 | );
65 | ```
66 |
67 | ### Custom icons
68 |
69 | In rare cases, you may need to provide a custom icon. To do so, we expose an
70 | `icon` prop. You can pass it any icon from the [Icon package](/package/icon).
71 |
72 | ```jsx live
73 | <Alert heading="This an info alert" icon={LightBulbIcon}>
74 | Did you know that Alert components can have custom icons?
75 | </Alert>
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ## Props
79 |
80 | <PropsTable displayName="Alert" />
81 |
82 | [data-attribute-map]:
83 | https://github.com/brighte-labs/spark-web/blob/e7f6f4285b4cfd876312cc89fbdd094039aa239a/packages/utils/src/internal/buildDataAttributes.ts#L1